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61. Index Of Embassy Resources For Occupied Tibet The human rights situation in tibet remained a major source of concern. At the endof 1997 Chinese government officials made clear that a campaign against the http://www.embassyworld.com/embassy/Tibet.html | |
62. Tibet 33 (1987) (statement of Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy, Deputy Assistant Secretaryof State) ( The United States government considers tibet to be a part of http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/tibet.htm | |
63. Tibetan Sustainable Living Project, Tibet In Exile The Tibetan government in Exile has embarked on a journey which aims to transformagricultural lands in Tibetan Refugee Settlements in India to organic http://www.permacultureinternational.org/articles/sustainability in tibet.htm | |
64. Nations Online :: Tibet - Xizang in Exile tibetan government The tibetan government in Exile s Official Web Siteby The Office of tibet, the official agency of HH the Dalai Lama, London. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/tibet.htm | |
65. Tibetan Politics The Panchen Lama; tibetan Buddhism; tibetan Medicine and Astrology; Structure ofthe tibetan governmentin-Exile; Guidelines for Future tibet s Polity; tibet http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/TibPages/tib-politics.html | |
66. Chapter VI neither has the guts to say how Dagzha and the Gaxag government listened to HughRichardson s suggestions, for fear that their behavior would show tibet was a http://www.tibet-china.org/historical_status/english/e0611.html | |
67. Free Content Registration TeacherVision.com ce6/world/A0861546.html), the Background section from the Campaign for tibet site(http//www.savetibet.org/), or the tibetan government in Exile site (http http://www.teachervision.fen.com/lesson-plans/lesson-3374.html | |
68. The US Government And Tibet An Uncertain Ally The US government and tibet. By John Kenneth Knaus.John Kenneth Knaus is the author of the recently published http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~asiactr/haq/200003/0003a004.htm | |
69. Hear Tibet! - Why Tibet There are a number of different means of implementing selfdetermination in tibet.A truly democratic, representative government with meaningful powers of http://www.heartibet.org/whytibet.html | |
70. Hear Tibet! International Campaign For Self-Determination For Tibet In the past the conflict has been a dialog between the Chinese governmentin Beijing and the Tibetan governmentin-exile in Dharamsala, India. http://www.heartibet.org/ | |
71. Dharma Host Dharma Resources: Tibet government of tibet in Exile. Official web site of the tibetan government in exile.(Added Sun Feb 09 2003 Hits 50 Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Review It. http://dharmahost.com/links/Tibet/index.shtml | |
72. EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE UNITED KINGDOM OF THE GREAT BRI NPC CPPCC. Cross Taiwan Straits. Party Conference 2002. Falun Gong Cult. Factson tibet. Develop the west of China. White Papers of the government. Email, http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/zt/zgxz/default.htm | |
73. His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama Of Tibet - His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama Of Ti The seat of the tibetan government in exile. In 1963, His Holiness promulgated adraft constitution of tibet which assures a democratic form of government. http://www.friends-of-tibet.org.nz/dlama.html | |
74. Tibetan News Update The lawmakers said they wanted the Italian government to recognize the Dalai Lama sexiled government as the legitimate government of tibet if Beijing does not http://www.friends-of-tibet.org.nz/news/october_2002_update_18.htm | |
75. Tibet for the defence and foreign policy, but the Dalai Lama wants tibet to be a nonnuclearand environmentally friendly nation. The exiled government has great http://www.rnw.nl/development/html/tibet001012.html | |
76. Tibetan Glossary Although the ROC government has ruled only Taiwan since 1949, it still claimsto be the legitimate government of all China, including tibet. http://www.churchward.com/tl/g1.html | |
77. Boston.com Destination Guides - Asia - Nepal and by May 1951 tibet was forced to sign a treaty accepting Chinese rule, on theunderstanding that China would not interfere with tibetan government or culture http://dg.ian.com/index.jsp?cid=54608&action=viewLocation&formId=49493 |
78. Tibetan Links Dadon, which tells the urgent, contemporary story of an aspiring tibetan pop singerwho wins favor with the Chinese government of occupied tibet, but faces a http://tibet.dharmakara.net/TibetLinks.html | |
79. WHEN WAS TIBET NOT TIBET? (A Historical Perspective) Despite this loss of influence, the imperial government in Peking continued to claimsome authority over tibet, particularly with respect to its international http://www.afn.org/~afn20372/pol/tvc.html | |
80. Free Tibet ! the Dalai Lama in London s web site contains the tibetan governmentin-Exile s lateststatements and documents as well as resolutions on tibet and testimonies http://www.caccp.org/tibet/ | |
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