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121. Andrew Costa Cancer Fund Young boy at war with a rare form of thyroid cancer that resists treatment. Requests financial help. http://www.andrewcostafund.com/ | |
122. Cancer Research UK: Thyroid Cancer Offers news and information about the prevention, treatment and cure of thyroid cancer. A UK charity site, it also provides details on volunteering and fundraising. http://www.imperialcancer.co.uk/aboutcancer/specificcancers/thyroid_cancer | |
123. Cape Cod Ear Nose Throat Specialists Specializes in the surgical treatment of ear, nose/sinus, throat/larynx, neck diseases, thyroid/parathyroid surgery, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, and the treatment of allergies. Find patient education, meet the staff and information about the procedures. Located in Sandwich, Massachusetts. http://www.capecodent.com | |
124. Thyroid thyroid. Volume 14, Number 3. Featured in this Issue Are Bioequivalence Studiesof Levothyroxine Sodium Formulations Is Chest Xray or High-Resolution http://www.medscape.com/viewpublication/906_index | |
125. EMedicine - Thyroid Lymphoma : Article By Fernando Cabanillas, MD thyroid Lymphoma Primary thyroid lymphoma can be defined as a lymphomathat arises from the thyroid gland. This definition excludes http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2271.htm | |
126. Oral Cancer; Head And Neck Cancer Overview summaries from the American thyroid Clinic of Austin, Texas. http://www.thyroidcancer.com/oral_and_head_and_neck_cancer.htm | |
127. EMedicine - Thyroid Nodule : Article By Steven K Dankle, MD thyroid Nodule Nodular disease of the thyroid gland is quite commonin the United States. The lifetime risk for development of http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3224.htm | |
128. Canine Hypothyroidism And The Connection To Seizures In Dogs. thyroid AND SEIZURES. INFORMATION FORM TO SUBMIT WITH BLOOD SAMPLE ForDr. Dodds thyroid, Bromide, Phenobarbital and other blood tests. http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/Thyroid.htm | |
129. Breast Cancer Surgery & Thyroid Surgery: Board Certified Surgeon. - Home Page Breast cancer surgery and thyroid surgery by board certified surgeon. http://www.eddonahuemd.com | |
130. Endocrine Histology Review Endocrine Tissues thyroid Gland. The thyroid gland is located anteriorto the trachea in the throat. It produces thyroid hormones http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio202/thyro/thyroid.htm |
131. Thyroid Information Monthly conventional/alternative patientoriented thyroid disease news report featuring articles, information, and support related to thyroid conditions. http://members.tripod.com/thyroidinfo/ | |
132. Archives Of THYROID@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU Archives of thyroid@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU. thyroid Discussion Group. Manage the list(for list owners only) Browse the thyroid Archives Click on a week below. http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/thyroid.html | |
133. Physican Section - Case 2 - Richmond Eye Associates Differential diagnosis and discussion of two patients presenting with vertical diplopia; cranial nerve palsies can simulate thyroid related orbitopathy. For medical professionals. http://www.richmondeye.com/case2.htm | |
134. CancerBACUP : Thyroid Search. thyroid cancer information centre. Order publications; Ways to donate.You are in HOME CANCER TYPE thyroid. ABOUT US; SITEMAP; SEARCH. http://www.cancerbacup.org.uk/Cancertype/Thyroid | |
135. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 2, Ch. 8, Thyroid Disorders Including euthyroid goiter and thyroid cancers from The Merck Manual. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section2/chapter8/8a.htm | |
136. Thyroid UK This is the Homepage of thyroid UK, a nonprofit organisation campaigning for, andproviding information and support to those with thyroid or related disease. http://www.thyroiduk.org/ | |
137. Addison's Disease And Type I Diabetes Information about Schmidt's syndrome a polyglandular autoimmune syndrome involving adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease) plus autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulindependent diabetes mellitus. http://addisons-diabetes.gkznet.com/ | |
138. Thyroid Health: A Key To Weight Loss 11/8/03 thyroid Health A Key to Weight Loss. By Cherie Calbom, MS. The Truth AboutFats and Oils. Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. http://www.mercola.com/2003/nov/8/thyroid_health.htm | |
139. Home Examining the role of thyroid hormone in neurodevelopment. http://euthyroid.org | |
140. Soy Formulas And The Effects Of Isoflavones On The Thyroid 2/13/2000 Soy Formulas and the Effects of Isoflavones on the thyroid. Environmentalscientist and longtime campaigner against soy-based infant http://www.mercola.com/2000/feb/13/soy_thyroid_disease.htm | |
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