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61. EndocrineSearch Written by endocrine surgeons for patients and healthcare providers. Listing of endocrine specialists, information on thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pancreatic problems with an emphasis on new minimally invasive treatments. http://endocrinesearch.com/ | |
62. OFA: Thyroid thyroid. OFA thyroid procedures Examination and classification of the dogwho may have hypothyroidism, lab procedures, and approved labs. http://www.offa.org/thyinfo.html | |
63. Dog Owner's Guide: Canine Thyroid Disease Canine thyroid disease can be tough to diagnose. The symptoms canbe legion and sometimes contradictory. functions. thyroid gland. http://www.canismajor.com/dog/thyroid.html | |
64. Drug Tests, Pregnancy And Ovulation Tests, Hair Drug Testing And HIV Home Test K Kits for drug, HIV, carpal tunnel, sleep disorder, hypothyroid, alcohol, stress and thyroid disease. http://www.testcountry.com/ | |
65. ETA | Home Page The European thyroid Association s aims are to promote knowledge in the thyroid field(fundamental and clinical) and improve knowledge of the thyroid gland and http://www.eurothyroid.com/ | |
66. Fluoride Hidden Danger In Your Drinking Water And Toothpaste - Thyroid Disease The High Cholesterol/thyroid Connection, and How Undiagnosed thyroid Disease May Be the Reason for Your High Cholesterol, from your About.com Guide http://thyroid.about.com/health/thyroid/library/weekly/aa020700b.htm |
67. Thyroid Discussion Group - Hyper, Hypo, Hashimotos, Wilsons, Graves, Cancer thyroid discussion group join or leave the group, search the thyroidArchives, or ask for help. No Frames. thyroid Discussion Group. http://www.emissary.net/thyroid/ | |
68. Hypertyreos Information om sjukdomen p¥ thyroid.nu. http://thyroid.nu/content.asp?ArtID=6&CatID=3 |
69. Thyroid Disorders thyroid Disorders. Created and maintained by David W. Gardner MD URL http//www.hsc.missouri.edu/~daveg/thyroid/thy_dis.htmlLast update 01/06/02. http://www.muhealth.org/~daveg/thyroid/thy_dis.html | |
70. Menopause: Ask The Experts. Power Surge Experts: Questions On Menopause, Hormone Articles on sexual desire in menopause, taking natural progesterone, thyroid and menopause, monthly advice, list of menopause doctors. http://www.menopause-consultant.com | |
71. Thyroid Disorders Diagnosing thyroid Disorders by David W. Gardner MD. Main Menu thyroid Pathologythyroid Disorders thyroid Function Tests thyroid Quiz thyroid Links http://www.muhealth.org/~daveg/thyroid/thyindex.html | |
72. Netstart EBusiness Inc. - Home Offers Potassium Iodide pills for protection of the thyroid from radiation. http://canadapeace.com | |
73. Your Thyroid Gland Your thyroid gland makes hormones to regulate physiological functionsin your body. Your thyroid Gland. What is Your thyroid Gland? http://www.entnet.org/healthinfo/thyroid/thyroid_gland.cfm | |
74. RxMed: Pharmaceutical Information - ELTROXIN Product information for Glaxo Wellcome's brand of levothyroxine sodium, a synthetic hormone used in thyroid replacement therapy. http://www.rxmed.com/b.main/b2.pharmaceutical/b2.1.monographs/CPS- Monographs/CP | |
75. CNN.com - U.S. FDA Clears Treatment For Underactive Thyroid - August 23, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/08/23/thyroid.drug.reut/index.html | |
76. Thyroid Cancer - Cancer: Health And Medical Information About Cancer Detection A Cancer Home. thyroid Cancer Index. May 20, 2004 Find out about new cancer treatmentsTopics Related to thyroid Cancer. Doctors Views. thyroid Nodules Management. http://www.medicinenet.com/Art.asp?li=MNI&ag=Y&ArticleKey=495 |
77. Your Thyroid Gland Public service brochure from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery http://www.netdoor.com:80/com/entinfo/thyraao.html |
78. Thyroid Answers-Articles And Webcasts On Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism And Syn A resource for hyperthyroid and hyperthyroidism information. Find the latest news on synthroid, and other treatments for symptoms. http://www.thyroidanswers.org/ | |
79. A Clinical Evaluation Of The Thyroid In Health And Disease A Clinical Evaluation of the thyroid in Health and Disease. DonaldL. Gordon, MD, FACE. Technical help by Baltazar R. Espiritu, MD. http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/medicine/endo/thyroid.htm | |
80. Diabetes Thyroid Hormone Endocrinology Treatment Delhi Doctor Diabetes Thyroid H Dr. B.K. Roy's clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of hormone disorders. Includes a map and a brief informational page of services. http://www.diabetesthyroidhormone.com/ |
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