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41. ASIS '96: Weinberg, B. Uchitelle predicted that thesauri, not classification schemes, would be the growth industry of the 90s. Building enduser thesauri from full text. http://www.asis.org/annual-96/ElectronicProceedings/weinberg.html | |
42. Ready Reference: Dictionaries/Thesauri/Quotes both terms); catalog or internet (either term); catalog internet (exact phrase). Ready Reference Dictionaries/thesauri/Quotations. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/dict.htm | |
43. Math On The Web: References Dictionaries and thesauri. thesauri NASA Thesaurus Roget s Thesaurus (ARTFL Project) Thesaurus with spelling checking (Memphis State U); http://www.ams.org/mathweb/mi-reference.html | |
44. Gnomon Online: Thesaurusanzeige Translate this page Anzeige der alphabetisch oder hierarchisch geordneten thesauri. Wählen Sie den Thesaurus aus, den Sie sich anzeigen lassen wollen (Beschreibung der thesauri). http://www.gnomon.ku-eichstaett.de/Gnomon/tha.html | |
45. Migrating Thesauri To The Semantic Web Migrating thesauri to the Semantic Web. Brian Matthews. bm.matthews@rl.ac.uk. Migrating thesauri to the Semantic Web, Brian Matthews. http://www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/pastevents/matthews/semantictour/title.html | |
46. Reengineering Thesauri For New Applications: Soregel Et Al.: JoDI Printable version available. Reengineering thesauri for New Applications the AGROVOC Example. 1 From thesauri to rich ontologies. 1.1 The problem. http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v04/i04/Soergel/ | |
47. REFERENCE SHELF: Dictionaries And Thesauri http//www.spanishdict.com/. 8. Dictionary.com Includes many links to dictionaries and thesauri.......REFERENCE SHELF. Dictionaries and thesauri. Full http://libraries.ucsd.edu/refshelf/refshelf-dictionaries.html | |
48. :: Ez2Find :: Thesauri Guide thesauri, Guides, thesauri. ez2Find Home Directory Reference thesauri (35) Authority Control (8), By Subject (14), Thesaurus Construction (4). http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Thesauri/ | |
49. Report On The Workshop On Electronic Thesauri, November 4-5, 1999 - National Inf Report on the Workshop on Electronic thesauri, November 45, 1999. Jim Anderson*s Keynote. * Nouns have been preferred to date for traditional thesauri. http://www.niso.org/news/events_workshops/thes99rprt.html | |
50. Glossaries / Thesauri / All Full text. Glossaries/thesauri. UNESDOC/UNESBIB online catalogue. Glossaries / thesauri. All, Education. Natural Sciences. Social Sciences. Culture. Communication. http://www.unesco.org/unesdi/index.php/eng/thesaurus/tous.html | |
51. Thesauri Online Great for poets, writers, and reading students! http://www.alarice.com/thesaurionline.htm | |
52. NZGLS Thesauri - Home Page Home page for the NZGLS thesauri. The National Library NZGLS thesauri (FONZ and SONZ). What are the NZGLS thesauri? The Function and http://www.e-government.govt.nz/nzgls/thesauri/index.asp | |
53. NZGLS Metadata And Thesauri NZGLS metadata and thesauri. View the Cabinet paper. Documents about NZGLS metadata and thesauri. All documents. News about NZGLS metadata and thesauri. http://www.e-government.govt.nz/nzgls/ | |
54. AcqWeb's Reference Resources : English Dictionaries And Thesauri Reference Resources English Dictionaries and thesauri. http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/acqweb/ref_dict.html | |
55. SOSIG: Thesauri Multites 20th Anniversary Celebrationthesauri and Taxonomies an international conference and workshop. 1150, Concept Extraction and thesauri, Denise Bedford, (US), World Bank. 1230, Lunch, http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/thesaurus.pl | |
56. Use Of Thesaurus Internet/Intranet and thesauri. Branka Kosovac. 1. Introduction. 2.2. thesauri. One of the legacy tools for search enhancement are thesauri. http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/thesaurus/roofing/report_b.html | |
57. High Context Posted by David at 0813 AM. September 18, 2002. DB Table Structure for thesauri Posted by David at 0805 AM. May 28, 2002. thesauri and Web Logs http://www.highcontext.com/blarchive/cat_thesauri.html | |
58. Skaffe.com Directory | Thesauri Suggest URL, Powered by Skaffe.com. thesauri Number of Matches 1, Sybrina s Phrase Thesaurus An electronic tool for creative writers http://lite.skaffe.com/viewCat/10106 | |
59. Dictionaries & Thesauri On The Web (Queen's Libraries, Kingston, Canada) Dictionaries thesauri. English Dictionaries, Other Language Dictionaries. thesauri. Roget s Thesaurus, supplemented 1991 (ARTFL Project, Univ. http://library.queensu.ca/reference/diction.htm | |
60. Dictionaries And Thesauri, Useful Web Sites, Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Lo Dictionaries and thesauri. Print resources are available in Pius Library. To search the MERLIN Library Catalog by subject for English http://www.slu.edu/libraries/pius/qrefsour/qrefdict.html | |
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