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1. RogetÂs Thesauri. Bartleby.com Reference RogetÂs thesauri. Roget. The Editors English thesauri. RogetÂs thesauri. Search RogetÂs II The New Thesaurus, Third Edition. http://www.bartleby.com/thesauri/ | |
2. American Society Of Indexers: Thesauri Online Annotated directory. http://www.asindexing.org/site/thesonet.shtml | |
3. Thesauri: Use A Thesaurus Online To Find Synonyms - LibrarySpot.com Look up synonyms at these online thesauri on LibrarySpot.com. http://www.libraryspot.com/thesauri.htm | |
4. YourDictionary.com  Multilingual Dictionaries, Glossaries, Abbreviations, Syno Candid Reviews of Atlanta Hotels at www.TripAdvisor.com, thesauri and Other Vocabulary Aids. Need something besides the definition of a word? thesauri. http://www.yourdictionary.com/diction1.html | |
5. Login To Lexico Links to multiple LOC thesauri, including GLIN, the Global Legal Information Network. http://www.loc.gov/lexico/servlet/lexico | |
6. Reference: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Thesauri, Usage, Quotations, And More. Bart notes and wordroot appendixes. RogetÂs thesauri RogetÂs II The New Thesaurus, 3rd ed. 1995. Containing 35,000 synonyms in http://www.bartleby.com/reference/ | |
7. Ready Reference: Thesauri An information resource site for librarians and library support staff Ready Reference thesauri. TITLE ARTFL Project ROGET'S Thesaurus Search Form http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/dict_ths.htm | |
8. Thesauri - Thesaurus, Directory Of Telephone Numbers ·. thesauri ·. Translation. EMPLOYMENT Jobs by Career ·. Resumes. thesauri. Bartleby.com Reference http://www.campusprogram.com/research/thesauri.html | |
9. SWAD-Europe Thesaurus Activity Open source systems and guidelines for using thesauri in a semantic web environment. http://www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/SWAD/thesaurus.html | |
10. ITools Search dictionaries, thesauri, the Bible, and many other tools. http://www.iTools.com/ | |
11. Online Tools To Help You Write Page of links quotations, grammar guides, encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, and references. Other areas of the site have links to free books for readers. http://freereads.topcities.com/usefullinksforauthors.html | |
12. NATIVE INSTRUMENTS: Home A place where poets and poetry readers can go to both read my poetry and get poetic resources such as rhyming dictionaries, thesauri, online dictionaries, publishing information, and contests. http://www.geocities.com/krysalistic |
13. Search And Knowledge Management Consulting -- Knowledgengineer.com Offers knowledge engineering consulting, including content optimization for search engines, business rules for categorization, specialized thesauri and vocabularies, and search engine implementation. http://knowledgengineer.com | |
14. Redirect To Usd116.org The Urbana School District's site, with links to all of the schools in the district, a district calendar, and a virtual reference desk with links to dictionaries, thesauri, and other reference materials. http://www.cmi.k12.il.us/Urbana/ | |
15. Taxonomy Warehouse - A Comprehensive Web-Directory Of Taxonomies Directory of taxonomies, thesauri, classification schemes, and other authority files, plus information on how to license the taxonomies. Features search, browse and alert service. http://www.taxonomywarehouse.com | |
16. Software For Building And Editing Thesauri Review of software packages for the development, editing and management of information retrieval thesauri. Software for building and editing thesauri. http://www.willpower.demon.co.uk/thessoft.htm | |
17. Controlled Vocabularies, Thesauri And Classification Systems Available In The WW Controlled vocabularies, thesauri and classification systems available in the WWW. DC Subject. Compiled by Traugott Koch. 3 Subject http://www.lub.lu.se/metadata/subject-help.html | |
18. ONLINE DICTIONARIES, THESAURI, ENCYCLOPEDIAS ONLINE DICTIONARIES, thesauri, ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Principles of Composition Select from . . . Bartlett s Familiar Quotations, 1901 version, with hyperlinks. thesauri. http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/dictionaries.htm | |
19. WEB WORLD OF AUTHORITY CONTROL Bibliography listing that includes tools, thesauri, Library of Congress sites, articles, workshops, journals, ALA committees, listservs, libraries, and vendors that deal with authority control or may be helpful in establishing authorities. This list is an attempt to help Authority Control Librarians and other librarians to do authority work easier and faster. Created and maintained by subject authorities librarians at Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University. http://www.lib.byu.edu/dept/catalog/authority/ | |
20. General Information DICTIONARIES AND thesauri MerriamWebster OnLine Dictionary/Thesaurus; Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus; WordNet 1.5 Search; http://webster.commnet.edu/libroot/dictionaries.htm | |
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