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Theoretical Physics: more books (100) |
141. Advanced Physics Forums - Intended primarily for physics majors, graduate students, postdocs and faculty. Get meeting information, theoretical and research information and exchange of ideas. Meant for the physics community throughout the world. http://www.advancedphysics.org/ | |
142. Chemical Physics Preprint Database A fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for the international theoretical chemistry community. http://www.chem.brown.edu/chem-ph.html | |
143. Theoretical Dialectical Journal: Physics-Mathematics-Logic-Philosophy To review the basic axioms of physics and review them from the standpoint of Dialectics. http://tedial.narod.ru/ | |
144. UoS - Centre For Nuclear And Radiation Physics - CNRP Home theoretical and Experimental Nuclear physics http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/npg/index.html | |
145. Index.html Doing theoretical plasma physics in Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. http://plasma4.sr.unh.edu/ng/ | |
146. Journal Of Plasma Physics Journal of Plasma physics publishes primary research articles in plasma physics, both theoretical and experimental, and its applications. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ& |
147. Cookies Required A weekly journal featuring concise, upto-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics. The emphasize is on new experimental and theoretical papers bearing on applications of physics phenomena to all branches of science, engineering, and modern technology. http://ojps.aip.org/aplo/ | |
148. The High Energy Physics Division At Argonne Conducts research in areas of both theoretical and experimental particle physics. The laboratory also works on the ATLAS, CDF, MINOS, Soudan 2 and ZEUS experiments. http://www.hep.anl.gov/ | |
149. Materials Theory Institute Aims to attract leading talents in the field of condensed matter physics for collaborative work closely related to Argonne's experimental and theoretical projects. http://mti.msd.anl.gov | |
150. The Subject Of The Conferece The Conference is a cross disciplinary meeting for all scientists interested in theoretical and experimental aspects of the applied nonlinear dynamics, covering the whole spectrum from semiconductors to information technologies. http://skiathos.physics.auth.gr/nld/ | |
151. Center For Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Colorado/University_of_Colorado/Boulder/Research http://condon.colorado.edu/~leland/CTAMOP/ | |
152. INFIP - Instituto De FÃsica Del Plasma Experimental and theoretical Research on Plasma and Fluids Plasma Focus and electrical gas discharges and their applications, space plasmas, physics of fluids and numerical simulations. http://www.lfp.uba.ar/ | |
153. Physics Essays Quarterly, international, interdisciplinary, physics journal dedicated to theoretical and experimental aspects of fundamental problems in physics http://www.physicsessays.com | |
154. North Dakota State University - Fargo, N.D. <2004> physics At North Dakota State University. theoretical Gravitation and Torsion, High Energy Particle Theory, Ionospheric physics, Nonlinear Studies, Computational physics. http://www.phys.ndsu.nodak.edu | |
155. [physics/0009023] Experimental Evidence Of Near-field Superluminally Propagating By William D. Walker. Electromagnetic fields emitted by an electric dipole have been experimentally observed to propagate faster than the speed of light in the nearfield of the dipole source, confirming standard theoretical expectations. http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0009023 | |
156. Surface Science deals exclusively with fundamental theoretical and experimental studies in the physics and chemistry of surfaces. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/susc/ | |
157. Astroparticle And High Energy Physics Group At IFIC The research of the Astroparticle and High Energy physics Group covers theoretical, phenomenological and observational aspects of Astroparticle and High Energy physics. http://ific.uv.es/~ahep/ | |
158. Institut Für Theoretische Physik offered in theoretical highenergy physics Publications from the condensed matter physics group Diploma theses offered in theoretical condensed matter physics http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/ | |
159. CUC3 Home Page Features theoretical research and modelling on a range of topics in theoretical and quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics, surface science and statistical mechanics. http://www-theor.ch.cam.ac.uk/ | |
160. Homepage Of Igor Beloborodov My research interests ( theoretical condensed matter physics with an emphasis on electronic properties of mesoscopic and disordered systems. ) resume http://mti.msd.anl.gov/IgorBeloborodov/index.htm | |
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