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101. Axial Theatre Current year's productions, history, company information. Artistic Director, Howard Meyer. http://www.axialtheatre.org | |
102. Buy Tickets For John Epperson In Rep (Lypsinka) June 4 To June 21 At The Studio Specializes in contemporary theater, performed on both its main stage and Second Stage theater. Online ticketing, description of current season, and information about the theater, past productions, and its Acting Conservatory. http://www.studiotheatre.org/ | |
103. The Gladstone Theatre Run by the Gladstone theatre Trust and presenting both professional and amateur shows. Includes information about current and coming productions, ticket sales, resident groups, theatre hire, and the trust. Port Sunlight. http://www.gladstone.uk.com |
104. Acme Theater Productions - Home Of The Misfits - Maynard's Own Community Theater appear as the United States entry to the Liverpool International theatre Festival ofwww.acmetheater.com is the property of Acme Theater productions of Maynard http://www.acmetheater.com/ | |
105. Welcome To The Chambers Theatre Company Melbourne. A professional theatrical touring company formed in the Yarra Ranges performing plays by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw and Thomas. Information about current productions, artists, administration, and contact details. http://www.chamberstheatre.com.au |
106. Hillbarn Theatre Foster City. Offers both mainstage and chambertheater productions. Information about the group, tickets, current season, and auditions. http://www.hillbarntheatre.org/ | |
107. Crabgrass Puppet Theatre Offers information on history, current productions, booking, puppetry resources, and a photo gallery. Based in Wappingers Falls, NY. http://www.crabgrasspuppets.com/ | |
108. The Tobacco Factory - Theatre Based in Bedminster, South Bristol's only theatre space, presenting a regular programme of professional theatre. Contact information and forthcoming productions. http://www.tobaccofactory.com/theatre.htm | |
109. San Francisco Theater: A Traveling Jewish Theatre Home Page ATJT is an artistled ensemble creating original theatre from the farthest reaches of the Jewish imagination since 1978. The site contains the company's history and mission, information on current programs, archives of past productions, background on all productions including bibliographies, links to other sites relating to Jewish culture and to theatre. http://www.atjt.com | |
110. The Children's Theatre Of Maine A professional, nonprofit theatre providing educational opportunities for children. Location, contacts and details of programmes and productions. http://www.childrenstheatre.biz | |
111. Page Title Community based little theatre company based in South Etobicoke, Ontario. Upcoming productions, photo album and history of company. http://ladykel.com/stage/ |
112. Kansas City's Starlight Theatre Offering Broadway productions and musical concerts. Information on performance calendar, season ticket holder information and contacts. Kansas City, Missouri. http://www.kcstarlight.com/ | |
113. Welcome To WNEP Theater Offers productions and classes to the area; site includes performance schedule, patrons and supporters, and artistic musings. http://www.wneptheater.org/ |
114. Welcome To Tomee Theatre Established in 1982. Experimental theatre, theatre education, drama research. History, education, productions. http://www.tomeetheatre.com |
115. MIT Musical Theatre Guild The oldest and largest theatre organization at MIT, it is studentrun, but open to all. Contains information about the group, current and past productions, their schedule, and ways to contact. http://www.mit.edu/~mtg/ | |
116. Richmond Community Theatre, 111 East Washington Street, Rockingham NC 28379 Produces three main stage productions along with its Summer Children's theatre presentations. Includes information about the theatre, tickets, present and past season schedules. http://www.micropublishing.com/rct/index.html | |
117. Readers Theatre Resources For Teachers And Students appeal to a large crosssection of educators, professors, and theatre professionals. andchildren; very short one-act plays to full-length productions; one-man http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/langrt.htm | |
118. Florida Shakespeare Theatre Founded in 1979, the FST has toured in more than half of Florida's 67 counties, presented 28 Shakespearean productions, and won critical acclaim for its artistic excellence. http://www.afn.org/~theatre/ | |
119. Crazy Dog Audio Theatre This innovative theatrical source gives background and contact details, reviews, news and links, and notes, sounds and a photos for past productions. http://www.crazydogaudiotheatre.com/ | |
120. Welcome To Dover Little Theatre's 71st Season! Founded in 1933, this intimate,108 seat, community theatre presents 4 productions a year from September through June. http://www.doverlittletheatre.org | |
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