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61. Quicksilver Theatre - Teacher Evaluation did you see? Type of venue School Hall Was the play well suited tothe age group of the audience? http://www.quicksilvertheatre.org/eval_teacher.asp | |
62. Simon Ryan Theatre - Tipperary's Premier Theatre Venue A modern 360 seat theatre located in the famous 'Tipperary Town'. Provides a venue for touring professional productions and local amateur drama/musical societies. Information on the venue and booking. http://www.tipperary-excel.com/general.htm | |
63. Support Michigan Opera Theatre - General Director's Circle Join Michigan Opera theatreÂs Exclusive Group of Opera Lovers Thegeneral DirectorÂs Circle Become a member of the general http://www.motopera.org/support_mot/directors.htm | |
64. UWL Dept. Of Theatre Arts Home Page This department offers a theatre Arts major, with concentrations in Performance, Design and Production, Management, general, and Music theatre. View their facilities, current events, program requirements, and scholarship opportunities. http://www.uwlax.edu/theatre | |
65. WEST END THEATRE - General Listing LONDON WEST END theatre All prices include service charge, VAT and handlingfee. We handle all London and StratfordUpon-Avon theatre events. http://www.americanatickets.com/london/ | |
66. The Rondo Theatre Details of productions at the theatre over forthcoming months, box office and general information for patrons and performers. http://www.rondotheatre.co.uk/ | |
67. Singapore Drama & Theatre : General Criticism ~ Singapore Drama theatre general Criticism ~. Alfian Sa at. The shiftingsensibility. Esplanade the Arts Magazine 6466, Sept./Oct. 1999. http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/bib/singlit/drama-crit.html | |
68. Welcome To Black Repertory Theatre On The Web... North Carolina State University's urban theatre company, schedule of events, general information. Not updated for 200 http://www.ncsu.edu/brt/ | |
69. Source Theatre - General Info LOCATION Source theatre Company, 1835 14th Street, NW Between S and T Streets,NW, in Washington, DC 20009 BUS 14th Street, stops in front of theatre. http://www.sourcetheatre.com/info.htm | |
70. Gallery 7 Theatre Co. A general forum on the performing arts within the amateur dramatics/acting scene. http://www.gallery7theatre.com/discussion/default.asp | |
71. General Subject Listing: WWW-VL-Theatre And Drama The World Wide Web Virtual Library. theatre and Drama. general subjectlisting. Alberta Playwrights Network; Aisle Say Stage reviews http://www.brookes.ac.uk/VL/theatre/general.htm | |
72. Freakshow London based progressive touring theatre company. Information about past shows and education projects as well as general information. http://www.freakshowtheatre.freeserve.co.uk/freakshow start.htm | |
73. Books On Theatre - General CVs, interviews, the audition itself and callbacks are all discussed with detailedcommentary from many theatre professionals including Harold Prince, Richard http://www.nodanw.com/books/theatre/general.htm | |
74. Blue-box Entertainment Ltd. London, Englandbased general managers in commercial theatre. Projects include Jerry Springer the Opera. http://www.blue-box.dsl.pipex.com/ | |
75. Arts And Entertainment At Musical Theatre West Resident theatre company at the Richard and Karen Carpenter Center for the Performing Arts in Long Beach, California. One of Southern California's oldest professional musical theatre companies. Tickets, auditions and general information. http://www.musical.org/ | |
76. Silent Movie Theatre / General Information http://www.silentmovietheatre.com/info/info.f.htm |
77. City Of Houston Theater District Outdoor Venues Provides general information on the three area attractions in the theatre District. http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/departme/civic/outdoors/ | |
78. American Mime Theatre - General Information Send a picture and resume, and you will be notified The American MimeTheatre 61 Fourth Avenue, 2nd floor New York, New York 10003. http://www.americanmime.org/general.html | |
79. Bristol Old Vic Theatre School - Welcome Providing general and course information, applications, costs and auditions, performances and site tour. http://www.oldvic.ac.uk/ |
80. Bonham Theatre - General Information general INFORMATION. people (1020 hours per week, mainly nights and weekends) tohelp with virtually all the activities of a thriving movie theatre/video store http://www.bonhamsp.com/info.htm | |
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