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121. National Youth Bureau - Community_Development (*Thailand: Government*) Organisation Name, National Youth Bureau. Country, thailand. Classification,government. Main Issue, thailand Community_Development. Contact Details. http://www.signposts.uts.edu.au/contacts/Thailand/Government/414.html | |
122. Government And Politics An Overview of government and Politics in thailand, Parliament *Thai NationalAssembly * Constitution of thailand * Senate * House of Representatives http://www.thaiembdc.org/politics/govtment/ | |
123. Government And Politics In Thailand An Overview of. government and Politics in thailand. thailand s government structurehas undergone gradual evolution in response to the changing environment. http://www.thaiembdc.org/politics/govtment/govpol.htm | |
124. Thailand Adoption - Agencies Photolisting International Adoption Agency Thailand thailand, government. Country name conventional long form Kingdom ofthailand conventional short form thailand former Siam. government http://thailand.adoption.com/files/government/Thailand.php?country=Thailand |
125. AllRefer Reference - Thailand - Government And Politics | Thai Information Resou thailand. government AND POLITICS. Party and government Constitutionalmonarchy established 1932. King Bhumibol Adulyadej (1946 ) formally http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/thailand/thailand9.html | |
126. Thailand News From Hasekamp Net of thailand in recent years. thailand s government seems ?accordingto the BBC uncertain who to blame. So far the government has http://www.hasekamp.net/newspro/ | |
127. Internet Thailand ISP: Thai Government Directory Exportimport Bank of thailand EXIM Bank; Liquor Distillery Organization; TheGovernment Lottery Office; thailand Tobacco Monopoly; Thai Playing Cards http://www.inet.co.th/govt/ | |
128. ZapMeta Directory > Regional > Asia > Thailand > Government Versions Supervises thailand s capital markets. http//www.sec.or.th. VersionsProvides contact information and other government links. http://www.zapmeta.com/search/meta/db.pl?dir=25430 |
129. The Public Relations Department Minister Thaksin Talks to the People, broadcast on Radio thailand on 15 May 2004,Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra touched on the governmentÂs efforts to http://www.prd.go.th/en_mainmenu.asp | |
130. Government Spokesman Bureau Cabinet Synopsis (Feb 6,2001). Schedule of Events. government House Press Release,Main Menu. The government, News Monitor, Press Releases, Cabinet Synopsis, http://spokesman.go.th/index-e.html | |
131. Www.nectec.or.th/directories/government.html http://www.nectec.or.th/directories/government.html |
132. Cheap Flights Thailand Home, Visa Info, Visa Form, Tourism in thailand, Map of thailand, thailandGovernment, thailand Weather, thailand News, Site Map, Disclaimer. http://thailand.embassyhomepage.com/thai_government_thai_embassy_london_united_k | |
133. Government Pension Fund 04/11/2003, 26/08/2003 Balance Sheet As at June 30, 2 26/05/2003 BalanceSheet As at March 31, 04/03/2003 Balance Sheet As at December 3 http://www.gpf.or.th/eng/index.asp | |
134. Pacific Internet (Thailand) 2001 Pacific.net.th. All rights reserved by Pacific Internet (thailand). Singapore,Philippines, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia and thailand. http://www.pacific.net.th/ | |
135. GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK government SAVINGS BANK (GSB). A model savings bank was set up in the Chitrlada Palace.The government Savings Bank was later opened based on the royal concept. http://www.mof.go.th/mofweb/org/saving.html |
136. :: ÃðºÃÃ
ä·à :: The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.thaigov.go.th/ | |
137. ¡Ã÷ÃçÃøÃóÃâ The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.moph.go.th/ | |
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