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81. Asian Dixie 3/8 | Asian American Tea | GoldSea Their efforts have built a second Chinatown and new Korean, Vietnamese and thai districts.And asian American professionals by the thousands have relocated to http://goldsea.com/Features/Dixie/dixie3.html | |
82. Rutgers University Press thai Women in the Global Labor Force, thai Women in the Global Labor asian AmericanStudies, asian American Studies Subtitle A Reader Editors Jean YuWen Shen http://rutgerspress.rutgers.edu/acatalog/__Asian_and_Asian_American_Studies_10.h | |
83. Asian-Nation : Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues :: Population Stat asian Ethnic Group. Growth Rate 19801990. Growth Rate 1990-2000. % of asian AmericanPopul. asian Indian. 125.6%. 113.4%. 16.4. n/a. 80.5%. 1.2. thai. n/a. 21.5%. 1.1. http://www.asian-nation.org/population.shtml | |
84. Asian-Nation : Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues :: Asian American Network of Indian Professionals; Society of KoreanAmerican Scholars; South AsianJournalists Association; thai Physicians Association of America; The IndUS http://www.asian-nation.org/links4.shtml | |
85. Healthy Asian American Project Newsletter_2002[1] BCCCP team as the Hmong Community Coordinator and Ngan My thai joins us who havedevoted themselves to helping promote the Healthy asian American ProjectÂs http://www.umich.edu/~asianame/HAAPNewsletter[Nov.01].html | |
86. AASC Announcement 1. asian Pacific American Demographics in 2000 Past, Present and 8. Pacific Islanders9. Southeast asians (including Hmong, Cambodians, Laotians, thai) 10 http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/aasc/change/newface.html | |
87. Bright Lights Film Journal | 2001 San Francisco International Asian-American Fil China, and Hong Kong, and the asian diaspora scattered her children to America withan American man. ThongkonthunÂs The Iron Ladies, a thai comedy described http://www.brightlightsfilm.com/33/asianfest.html | |
88. 2003.05.13: HHS EXPANDS ONLINE HEALTH INFORMATION FOR ASIAN AMERICANS, site will include a new section devoted to asian American, Native Hawaiian informationin Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Korean, Laotian, Samoan, thai, Tongan and http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2003pres/20030513.html | |
89. Asian American Federation - Press Release May 15, 2001 The Japanese American community is the only major Other Asians , which includes otherAsian subgroups, such Hmong, Laotian, Pakistani, and thai, increased by http://www.aafny.org/proom/pr/pr20010515.asp | |
90. Www.delawareonline.com : The News Journal The bill is pending. Uthairat Nunthaponpisut, an asian American, and her husband,Joel Wilson, opened My thai last year in Wilmington s Trolley Square. http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/business/2001/05/23asian.html | |
91. Society > Ethnicity > Asian > Asian-American 3 asian American Resources Resources for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino,thai, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodian, and Indian groups in Chicago. http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Society/Ethnicity/Asian/Asian-America | |
92. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society of Thailand and its culture in the UK, including information and resources for theThai community living in the UK. The asian American Writers Workshop The http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_03.cfm?TID=21,24 |
93. We Suggest...books, Movies, Music, And More! Larson, Wanwadee. CONFESSIONS OF A MAIL ORDER BRIDE AMERICAN LIFE THROUGHTHAI EYES. TILTING THE CONTINENT SOUTHEAST asian AMERICAN WRITING. http://www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/booklists/asianamerican.html | |
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