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1. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Notable asian americans ». Japanese; MalayoPolynesian (Malay); Mandarin;Sino-Tibetan (Chinese, thai); Southeast asian (Cambodian, Vietnamese); http://www.infoplease.com/spot/asianhistory1.html | |
2. Nation S Restaurant News DIVERSITY AT WORK ASIAN-AMERICANS. Annie Wong, described in a magazine story as the mother of thai food in when itcomes to the feeling of community that is so important to asianamericans. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m3190/21_33/54766441/print.jhtml |
3. Asian American Community A website of online asian American resources community, culture, concerns, and contributions. asian Legal Defense and Education Fund. asian americans for Equality. asian americans United College. Midwest asian American Student Union (MAASU) thai Student Association (University http://www.janet.org/~ebihara/aacyber_community.html |
4. Asian Americans In The Santa Clara Valley asian americans. Santa Clara Valley Japanese. Korean. Mongolian. Vietnamese. Pacific Islanders. thai. Sister Cities http://www.scu.edu/SCU/Programs/Diversity/scvasian.html | |
5. Asian And Pacific Islander Populations asian Indian Korean Vietnamese Cambodian Hmong Laotian thai Other asian, PacificIslander We the americans Series asians PDF; Pacific Islander PDF. http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/race/api.html | |
6. We The Americans Asians This report. focuses on asian americans. Chinese, Filipinos, Koreans, asian 65 percent of all americans, were. in the labor force. Filipino, asian Indian, thai, and Chinese had http://www.census.gov/apsd/wepeople/we-3.pdf |
7. ICC - Asian Americans & Cancer Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malayan, Mien, Nepalese, Pakistani, Sikh, Sri Lankan, thai and Vietnamese 2) Most asian americans who have arrived since 1965 still live http://www.iccnetwork.org/cancerfacts/cfs3.htm | |
8. Just For You: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, And Other Pacific Islanders - H just for you asian americans, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders well as Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Laotian, Samoan, thai, Tongan, Vietnamese, and other languages http://www.healthfinder.gov/justforyou/justforyou.asp?KeyWordID=217&branch=1 |
9. UCSB Asian American Studies :: Asian American Studies Courses 139. The New Second Generation asian americans (4) thai Not open forcredit to students who have completed asian American Studies 171BB. http://www.asamst.ucsb.edu/courses/upperdiv.php | |
10. Asian American Studies Research Guide asian Indians, Cambodians, Chinese americans, Filipinos, Hmong, Indonesians, Japanaseamericans, Korean americans, Laotians, Nepali americans, Pakistani, thai, http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/asianam.htm | |
11. Asian Americans By the mid1990s we were approximately one-third of all asian americans this large proportion of deaths were attributed to thai sea pirates, violent storms, and shortages of food http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/maxpages/classes/soc248/Asianas Post WWII 4-24-00 .ht | |
12. Asian American Books Bibliography: Short Stories experience, fostering cultural awareness, and to educate asian americans about their Indonesian,Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Samoan, thai, and Vietnamese. http://www.cynthialeitichsmith.com/AsianAmbiog.htm | |
13. Asian Perspectives On Asian Americans Most panelists suggested that Asians have an overall favorable impression of AsianAmericans. Nitya Pibulsonggram said that the thai, for the most part, look http://www.asiasociety.org/bridges/bridges11.html | |
14. Strangers From A Different Shore : A History Of Asian Americans Au Of... the neglection of the thai americans, this book is fun and stimulating to read.Ronald Takaki can really protray the experiences of the asian Amreicans and http://www.viloria.com/cgi-bin/amazon2.cgi?input_item=0316831301&input_search_ty |
15. Market Potential For Domestic Rice Varieties Among Asian Americans: Summary Repo sample for validation purposes. The household results were definitivein indicating asianamericans preference for thai Jasmine. http://agrinet.tamu.edu/centers/tamrc/pubs/cpm192s.htm | |
16. Asian American - Encyclopedia Article About Asian American. Free Access, No Regi The following is a list of asian americans from smaller ethnic Lea Salonga, FilipinoAmerican singer; Tiger Woods, professional golf athelete, halfthai. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Asian American | |
17. Penn College Library: Events: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in asian Week Vietnamese americans forge ahead 25 years after the fall of Saigon.Timeline Timeline of Vietnamese peoples in the Boston area. thai americans. http://www.pct.edu/library/events/apahm.htm | |
18. Celebrating Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Online Consumer Publ Tagalog (for Filipinos) (NDEP52TA), thai (NDEP-52TH), Tongan (NDEP-52TO). Vietnamese(NDEP-52VI), November 2002. Fact Sheet asian americans and Pacific Islanders http://www.omhrc.gov/omhrc/conferences/newaapi/aapiocr.htm | |
19. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Asian: Asian-American: Thai American http//www.taypa.org/. thai Oregon Serves as a resource for thai americans in Oregon.Has several links to restaurants, businesses, and travel information. http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Asian/Asian-American/Thai_American/ | |
20. AArisings: Asian American Links: Organizations Association for asian Studies; Association of Chinese americans UCLA; The Association of thai Professionals in America and Canada; http://www.aarising.com/aalink/orgs.php | |
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