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41. Zoonosis Control Division - West Nile Virus In Texas - School Fact Sheet The texas Department of Health, Zoonosis Control Division, general West Nile Virus Information for schools. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/zoonosis/diseases/Arboviral/westNile/information/wnFa | |
42. HomeSchooling TEXAS: Texas Law, Leepers & Lawyers EDUCATION, Section 1 The texas Constitution Article 7 EDUCATION Section 1 - SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM OF PUBLIC FREE schools A general diffusion of http://homeschoolingtexas.org/hstx2.html | |
43. Texas Homeless Education Office - Charles A. Dana Center the texas State Attorney general released an opinion clarifying the policies and procedures governing the immunization of students in texas public schools. http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo/immunizations.htm | |
44. Texas Schools Fight The Fat In texas, lawmakers, doctors and researchers lead the battle is a strong focus on schools as one of of Teacher Magazine, former surgeon general David Satcher http://www.atpe.org/Publications/Fal_03cover1.html | |
45. Public Schools: Changes Now Possible For Texas School Funding texas school funding is known informally as the ÂRobin Hood because of a 1993 law requiring school districts with above that valuation into a general fund. http://www.iedx.org/article_1.asp?ContentID=EN655&SectionGroupID=NEWS |
46. Curricula: Planning Manual Safe schools is intended to be a general guide the TxSSC Planning Manual for Safe schools the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, the texas School Safety Center http://www.txssc.swt.edu/curricula/manual.htm | |
47. Superintendent Who Blocked Gay Group Was Having Affair On School Property | The But eventually the attorney general ordered the schools to When it struck down texasÂs ÂHomosexual the Equal Access Act, secondary schools that receive http://www.txtriangle.com/archive/1146/topstories.htm | |
48. Cumberland Presbyterian Schools Minutes. Bacon College, texas, 1862, CPC general Assembly Minutes. Loudon High School, Loudon, Tennessee, 1870, CPC general Assembly Minutes. http://www.cumberland.org/hfcpc/schools/Evans.htm | |
49. Member School Profiles: Detail agreements with the five other UT components, Baylor College of Medicine, texas Woman s University 2001 2003 Association of schools of Public general Questions http://www.asph.org/document.cfm?page=203&school_Id=24 |
50. OfficialCitySites*org - Your Search Starts Here dental schools, dental links and general dental information. Beside finding the dentist of your choice, dentist (s) can signup online, Conroe, texas 77301 http://officialcitysites.org/sites/portal/main/?cmd=1&ss=Texas Dentist |
51. NEA: Charter Schools NEA s position on charter schools is necessarily general. The move came after 10 texas charter schools closed and 600 displaced charter school students http://www.nea.org/charter/ | |
52. Paying For Texas Schools He stated the charge in the texas Constitution A general diffusion of for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public schools. http://damienb.inknoise.com/TXPublicSchools | |
53. ServiceLeader.org: Volunteers In Schools: General Resources On Volunteerism ServiceLeader.org Volunteers in schools. general Resources on part of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of texas at Austin All http://www.serviceleader.org/new/vis/articles/2003/04/000192print.php | |
54. HoustonChronicle.com - Texas Schools, Except Charters, Get Good Marks Stripling attributed the general upward swing in the district s scored too low on the texas Assessment of Both of the schools ranked lowperforming this year http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/topstory/1010668 | |
55. University Of North Texas News Service F. Pohl, president of the University of North texas, has accepted Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and schools to serve general University News. http://web2.unt.edu/news/releases.cfm?category=24 |
56. Office Of Admissions ENGL 2326, 2327, 2328 (American Government); (E) PSYCH 2301 (general Psychology); or (The exitlevel TAAS is a test given in texas Public High schools). http://www.utdallas.edu/student/admissions/ | |
57. TexShare - Texas State Library and such other medical or dental schools as may be texas Western University Museum; texas A M University System, Administrative and general Offices; texas http://www.texshare.edu/generalinfo/about/eligibility.html | |
58. Texas School Performance Review Of Texarkana - Progress Report actual comparisons for general fund expenditures, and an in response to texas Telecommunications Infrastructure School, enabling both schools to communicate http://www.window.state.tx.us/tpr/tspr/texarkprog/keyrec.htm | |
59. TSPR And E-Texas - Helping Schools Make Technology Work make reports more accessible to the general public In many texas school districts, community and business volunteers have wired area schools as part http://www.window.state.tx.us/tpr/tspr/tech10.html | |
60. TEA School Finance Website Integrity Rating System of texas (FIRST) Worksheet ESC Attorney general Opinion Health Insurance for Retirees Employed by School Districts (Issued http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/ | |
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