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21. About The Elections Division chief election officer for the State of texas. includes hosting seminars and elections schools, providing calendars provide assistance to the general public on http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/index.shtml | |
22. NCPA - Study #144 - Report Card On Texas Schools In general, the more time minority students spend in school, the worse they do relative to Another area in which the texas public schools are especially http://www.ncpa.org/studies/s144/s144.html | |
23. 1998 Texas School Survey Of Substance Use Among Students: Grades 4-6 rates of peer use were in general much higher on prevention principles for communities, schools, and families. 2; The texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse http://www.tcada.state.tx.us/research/survey/grades4-6/1998/ | |
24. Dallas Texas Schools And Colleges And Universities - Including Dallas Area Publi Dentistry In Dallas; postgraduate professional school; part of University of North texas In Denton; four year public Guide to Dallas for a general tour guide. http://gotexas.about.com/library/bldallas_guide_colleges.htm | |
25. Houston Texas Schools And Colleges And Universities - Including Houston Area Pub Science Center In Houston; postgraduate medical school. texas Southern University In Houston; four year public Guide to Houston for a general tour guide to http://gotexas.about.com/library/blhouston_guide_colleges.htm | |
26. Texas School Of Business Inc texas SCHOOL OF BUSINESS INC 711 AIRTEX DR HOUSTON, TX 77073, general information Financial aid office Admissions office, (281) 4438900 (281) 443-8900 (281) 443 http://www.universities.com/Schools/T/Texas_School_Of_Business_Inc.asp | |
27. Texas School Of Business-Southwest Inc texas SCHOOL OF BUSINESSSOUTHWEST INC 6363 RICHMOND STE 300 HOUSTON, TX 77057, general information Financial aid office Admissions office, (713) 975-7527 (713 http://www.universities.com/Schools/T/Texas_School_Of_Business_Southwest_Inc.asp | |
28. Career Schools And Colleges -- Rules In addition, the texas Secretary of State has texas Administrative Code, including Proprietary schools and general Hearings rules. http://www.twc.state.tx.us/svcs/propschools/proprule.html | |
29. Texas Schools Renew Call For Affirmative Action - The Washington Times: Nation/P patterns giving rise to extremely segregated high schools, said Sheldon Steinbach, general counsel for the American Council on Education. texas dropped the http://washingtontimes.com/national/20030628-122432-6658r.htm | |
30. Diocese Of Galveston-Houston / General School Information Catholic schools in the diocese are affiliated with the NCEA and with other Catholic schools in texas through the TCC Education Department. http://diogh.org/schoolinformation.htm | |
31. TCER: Technology Use In Texas Schools On The Rise - Texas Lonestar - May 2003 In general, survey findings suggest a need for additional research on student technology use and impact differences in texas schools. http://www.tasb.org/texas_lonestar/2003/may/tcr_great_strides.shtml | |
32. Texas Tech University Division Of Outreach & Extended Studies seeking college credit can take courses individually or pursue a Bachelor of general Studies degree Partnering with schools; texas Tech University http://www.dce.ttu.edu/ | |
33. Department Of Chemistry And Physics - General Information The Department of Chemistry and Physics at texas WomanÂs can be obtained to teach general science and physical science in the secondary schools. http://www.twu.edu/as/chemphy/ | |
34. Texas Chiropractic College - NaturalHealers.com Factsheet Location We are located in Pasadena, texas (pop Academic Year The school works on a trimester Two semesters each, with labs Biology, general Chemistry, Organic http://schools.naturalhealers.com/txchiro/ |
35. Texas Schools Manipulating School Dropout Rate Reports - The Daily Texan - State more. She left a system that doesn t consider her a dropout since she is working toward a general Equivalency Diploma. Some say texas schools are nudging out http://www.dailytexanonline.com/news/2003/09/05/StateLocal/Texas.Schools.Manipul | |
36. The Texas State Senate: State Agency Contact Info general Information, (512) 4587490. texas Education Agency, www.tea.state.tx.us, texas Reading Initiatives, (800) 819-5713. Charter schools, (512) 463-9575. http://www.carona.senate.state.tx.us/TXAgencies.htm | |
37. The University Of Texas System - Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Serv texas Residency Info. How to Apply. Offers of Admission. Frequently Asked Questions. Test Info MCAT/DAT/GRE. Contact schools. Contact TMDSAS. general INSTRUCTIONS. http://www.utsystem.edu/tmdsas/General.htm | |
38. The University Of Texas System - Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Serv texas Medical Dental schools Application Service, texas MEDICAL DENTAL schools APPLICATION SERVICE Skip to main content. general Steps for Completing the http://www.utsystem.edu/tmdsas/General Steps.htm | |
39. StarNet: General Info - Program Areas general Information About USDLC/StarNet. in multiple rounds of the Star schools Project, USDLC is to the needs of small, rural texas school districts seeking http://www.starnet.org/gen_info/ | |
40. Land Office Shortchanges Texas Schools overarching question about the performance of Dewhurst and the general Land Office that fund, in turn, supports elementary and secondary schools in texas. http://www.texascivilrightsproject.org/Op-Ed/2001/Land_Office_shortchanges_T.htm | |
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