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Texas School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
81. WHL Wells Elementary, Plano, TexasLibrary Media Center Home Page Welcome to the Wells Elementary school Library home page. These pages have been created especially for the students at Wells Elementary school. http://k-12.pisd.edu/schools/wells/Lmc/LMC2003.html |
82. WHL Wells Elementary, Plano, Texas--Library Media Center: Big6 The Big6. The Big6 is the information problemsolving model we use at Wells and all Plano schools. Big6 Stage, Buying a present, Completing a school project. http://k-12.pisd.edu/schools/wells/Lmc/big6.html | |
83. Tennessee Independent Media Center: Home The two discussed the school of the Americas (renamed Firebrand isnÂt just a community center, it will be a home for regional independent media, a kitchen http://www.tnimc.org/ | |
84. Tennessee Independent Media Center: Feature/1954 at your colleague on the Board of Visitors and say Âthis school youÂre TheyÂre not getting any media attention. When this journalist asked Rials about http://www.tnimc.org/feature/display/1954/index.php | |
85. TCAnet: ArtsTEXAS: Spring 2001 Fine Arts and Rice University media Center in Houston instrumental in the establishment of media literacy as of the TEKS curriculum mandated for texas schools. http://www.arts.state.tx.us/artstexas/01spring/swamp.asp | |
86. Texas Children's Hospital - January 2003 - 01/01/2003 manager of community relations for texas ChildrenÂs an integral bridge between schools, volunteers and Contact media relations for more information about this http://www.texaschildrenshospital.org/AllAbout/NewsCenter/ArticleDisplay.aspx?ai |
87. Baker Botts LLP | News & Events | Media Center | Bill Kroger Accepts Outstanding his BBA in accounting from The University of texas. two nonprofit organizations Communities in Schools Houston, the at the University of Houston Law Center. http://www.bakerbotts.com/news/press/presspage.asp?newsid=1734546272000 |
88. Baker Botts LLP | News & Events | Media Center | Bill Kroger Named Outstanding Y his BBA in accounting from The University of texas. two nonprofit organizations Communities in Schools Houston, the at the University of Houston Law Center. http://www.bakerbotts.com/news/press/presspage.asp?newsid=105415312000 |
89. Short On Books, Texas School Uses Laptops (TechNews.com) Short on Books, texas school Uses Laptops, _ Technology Headlines _. Â Updated Technology Headlines. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52546-2004Apr29.html |
90. Texas House Passes School Finance Bill (washingtonpost.com) texas House Passes school Finance Bill By APRIL CASTRO The Associated Press Wednesday, May 5, 2004; 721 PM. AUSTIN, texas The http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A5249-2004May5.html | |
91. CFA In The Media Clearly, the time has come for texas to think outside as fed up with their public schools as many 1980s, both left and right-of-center governments downsized http://www.childrenfirstamerica.org/newsroom/oped17.htm | |
92. League Of American Bicyclists: Media Center The texas SuperCyclist Project is bringing bicycle safety education to Health and Physical Education professionals in elementary schools across texas. http://www.bikeleague.org/mediacenter/medprs061702b.htm | |
93. Michael & Susan Dell Foundation school District. ⢠Dallas ChildrenâÂÂs Medical Center*. ⢠El Paso YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region. ⢠Galveston University of texas Medical http://www.msdf.org/mediacenter/Release.aspx?ID=22 |
94. The Daily Texan connection with the murder of UT music school professor Danielle at the University visited the health center on campus hack at a pitch during a texas home game http://www.dailytexanonline.com/ | |
95. Public Health News-Johns Hopkins according to a study by the University of texas. Freya Sonenstein, director of the Center for Adolescent Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public http://www.jhsph.edu/Press_Room/ | |
96. Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center: Home as teen sexuality, radical christianity and public school budget planning Contreras Baspineiro, translation by Irlandesa, Chiapas Independent media Center, 05/11 http://www.ucimc.org/ | |
97. Media Research Center CyberAlert -- 10/25/2000 -- "Texas Miracle" Just A "Mirage Bush has traveled to 115 schools during the campaign An impossible task, claims the texas Governor who media Research Center 325 S. Patrick Street Alexandria http://www.mediaresearch.org/cyberalerts/2000/cyb20001025.asp | |
98. People For The American Way | Media Center PFAW.org s media Center contains press releases from both People For the http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=161 |
99. The University Of Texas Medical Branch Home Page Here for the health of texas. http://www.utmb.edu/ | |
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