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Texas Parochial Schools: more detail | ||||
61. Epidemiologic Notes And Reports Measles -- El Paso, Texas, 1981 records were screened in public, private, and parochial schools. 14 of the county s 23 high schools, and, at In addition, the texas Department of Health issued http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000241.htm | |
62. Texas Cooperative Extension, The Gillespie County Office Gillespie county contains two independent school districts, two private schools, one parochial school, Austin Community College and texas Tech University http://gillespie-tx.tamu.edu/ | |
63. Texas Freedom Network But vouchers also threaten the autonomy of private and parochial schools by imposing government regulations on these institutions. The texas Freedom Network http://www.tfn.org/issues/vouchers/ | |
64. Poll Finds Texans Support School Choice Chris Patterson, texas Public Policy a childÂs education at any public, private or parochial school?Â. said they believe the public schools Âspend money http://www.iedx.org/article_1.asp?ContentID=EN675&SectionGroupID=POLL |
65. Education World® - K12 Schools : Primary : Parochial : North America : USA : Ge Lutheran High School, Dallas, TX Provides information about academics, athletics, activities, and school events at this Lutheran high school in Dallas, texas. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4487 |
66. Brentwood Christian School: School History Spring 1998, The texas Association of Private and parochial schools named Band and History teacher, Mel Witcher, Fine Arts Teacher of the Year . http://www.brentwoodchristian.org/about/history.asp | |
67. Finding Funders - Texas - Web Sites Of Community Foundations communities in the northernmost 26 counties of the texas Panhandle. does not fund religious or political causes; private of parochial schools; national, state http://fdncenter.org/funders/grantmaker/gws_comm/comm_tx.html | |
68. TSPR Falls City Independent School District - Chapter 1 agreement was reached with the parochial schools that the became the Falls City Independent School District (FCISD In 1976, the texas Education Agency found the http://www.window.state.tx.us/tspr/fallscity/ch01.htm | |
69. Vouchers, Local Control Will Be Hot Topics Under The Capitol Dome - Texas Lonest texas ranked first in the nation among states that have written academic standards tax dollars to help pay the cost of tuition at private or parochial schools. http://www.tasb.org/texas_lonestar/1998/dec/top.shtml | |
70. HoustonChronicle.com - Wary Of Slicing The School Pie For Profit his attempt to cash in on a growing effort in the texas Legislature to Private and parochial schools have a place in our educational structure, but not in the http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/editorial/robison/1951547 | |
71. CyberSports For BasketBall Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation Prince Edward Island School Athletic Association texas Association of Private and parochial schools Amateur Athletic http://www.cybersportsusa.com/organization.asp?sport_id=1&lev_id=1 |
72. Freedomforum.org: Backers Of School Prayer Praise High Court's Decision To Hear in Mitchell v. Helms, a Louisiana case that will examine a federal program that loans computers and other equipment to parochial schools. The texas case will http://www.freedomforum.org/templates/document.asp?documentID=8480 |
73. The Heartland Institute - Texas: Parents As Partners Scholarship Program - By Travis, texas school district has proposed to give districtfunded scholarships to parents who wish to send their children to private or parochial schools. http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=6196 |
74. Vouchers. Story By Jackson Allers. She questions the methods texas legislators are using to arrive at the voucher that shows that students with a voucher going to parochial schools or private http://www.kpft.org/news/030503story1.html | |
75. El Paso Texas Real Estate El Paso, texas. El Paso also has over 25 parochial schools and 50 private schools, many of which are renowned for their academic excellence. http://www.relocate-america.com/states/TX/cities/el_paso.htm | |
76. Public Schools Attacking Christian Schools In Texas : Idaho Indymedia texas Public schools are attacking Private and Church schools. all students by Mrs. garcia that church schools and parochial, private schools are not http://idaho.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/7574.php | |
77. Http://www.walksports.com -- Walk Sports Services, Houston, Texas coverage for texas private and parochial high school athletics since 1994 and a historian of all texas high school texas Private and parochial HS '02'03 All Sports State http://www.walksports.com/ | |
78. Parochial School Directory *****. parochial schools of Oregon. . with the parochial School World Directory. . http://www.parochial.com/oregon/list.html | |
79. Texas State Education Laws The texas legislature has not defined private or parochial school in the Education Code . Additionally, the legislature has given http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/lawregs/texas.html | |
80. Chapter 25 Subchapter C - Texas Education Code 1) attends a private or parochial school that includes instruction to prepare for the high school equivalency examination 7) is enrolled in the texas Academy of http://www.tea.state.tx.us/home.school/hometec.html | |
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