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Texas Parochial Schools: more detail | ||||
21. Catholic Schools parochial Catholic schools. St. Mary s School (PK8) 405 Hollybrook Longview, texas 75605-2464 Voice (903) 753-1657 Fax (903) 758-7347. http://www.dioceseoftyler.org/schools.htm | |
22. Handbook Of Texas Online: SISTERS OF THE INCARNATE WORD AND BLESSED SACRAMENT Besides academies and parochial schools, these sisters operated Burns Hospital in Cuero and to evangelize and educate youth in rural parishes of texas at the http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/SS/ixs6.html | |
23. TEXAS (HSLDA | Texas) In 1989, The texas legislature exempted private and parochial schools from new requirements for schools, and in the process, confirmed that the term Âprivate http://www.hslda.org/docs/nche/000002/00000204.asp | |
24. Our Schools by the US Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and has earned the texas Association of Private and parochial schools State of texas http://www.ci.muenster.tx.us/Our_Community/schools.html | |
25. Schools - Sacred Heart Catholic Community Sacred Heart High School has earned the texas Association of Private and parochial schools State or texas Class A Overall State Championship Trophy for three http://www.nortexinfo.net/SacredHeart/schools.html | |
26. ACLU Of Texas Position On School Vouchers The average per public expenditure for public schools in texas is less than effective a voucher scheme would have to allow payments to go to parochial schools. http://www.aclutx.org/pubed/positionpapers/vouchers.htm | |
27. Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools, Dallas,Fort Worth, Texas, TX, Superpag Related Categories. Education. Private schools. parochial Elementary Secondary schools. http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Parochial Elementary & Secondary S | |
28. Private And Parochial Schools Private/parochial schools (Lubbock Surrounding Area). SCOTTISH RITE LEARNING CENTER OF WEST texas Doris Haney, Dir. SOUTHWEST PRIVATE schools Celia Pruitt, Dir http://www.depts.ttu.edu/careercenter/php/students/Texas Schools/Private and Par | |
29. Milam County, Texas Milam County, texas. HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN MILAM COUNTY. parochial schools in Milam County. PHOTO Cameron Catholic School. PHOTO - Burlington Catholic School. http://www.geocities.com/milamco/milam-858i.htm | |
30. New Hepatitis A School Rule Code, Title 2, Chapter 25, §25.002 and the texas Administrative Code (TAC to childcare facilities, public schools, private schools, or parochial schools. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/immunize/uparch/q402prov.htm | |
31. Texas Public Policy Foundation - Press Releases Total annual public education operating expenditures in texas approach $7,000 per student the average annual tuition of all private and parochial schools in the http://www.texaspolicy.com/press_releases_single.php?report_id=483 |
32. Texas High School Coaches Association active coaches employed by colleges, junior colleges, universities and any outof-state coach, and those coaching in private or parochial schools in texas. http://thsca.com/THSCA.asp?nav=THSCA&menu=02 |
33. Homeschool Public school attendance was not mandatory in texas until 1916. Because there were few private and parochial schools, many children were taught at home. http://www.carwrecks.com/homeschool.html | |
34. All Kinds Of Minds > Schools Attuned > Training Sites Representing public, private, parochial schools, and occasionally university professors, these educators 2001 the Regional Training Site in texas has trained http://www.allkindsofminds.org/sa/schoolsAttuned_Site_Learning.aspx | |
35. Denton Independent School District - Denton, Texas Home School Students Policy FDA (LOCAL) states that Students entering the District from non-accredited public, private, or parochial schools, including home http://www.dentonisd.org/admin/gpa.htm | |
36. HomeSchool Headquarters Home Page In 1989, The texas legislature exempted private and parochial schools from new requirements for schools, and in the process, confirmed that the term private http://www.homeschoolheadquarters.com/statelawshshq.asp?stateid=11 |
37. Texas - Education Top Links texas Association of Private and parochial schools (TAPPS) Recent news, by-laws and board members, calendar, contact information, constitution, members list http://www.texas-onlink.com/Education.html | |
38. SCHOOL VOUCHER EFFORTS PROMOTED IN KEY STATES the private voucher movement in texas orchestrated by that the city s Roman Catholic parochial school system was Local public schools stand to lose millions http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/vouch1.htm | |
39. Technical Report 97.2 Attitudes Toward Information Technology at Two parochial schools in North texas Technical Report 97.2. texas Center for Educational http://www.tcet.unt.edu/research/techrept/tr97-2.htm | |
40. Austin Area Homeschoolers texas , as our state constitution (Article 7 Sec 2) only authorizes the legislature to establish and maintain public schools, not private or parochial schools. http://www.main.org/aah/legal.html | |
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