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81. Texas Commission For The Blind - Blind Children's Vocational Discovery And Devel This program supports your efforts to help your child get the as independent as possible, and helps your family get all and 10 years who live in texas and have http://www.tcb.state.tx.us/child_prg.asp | |
82. San Antonio Texas Travel And Vacation Discount Packages For Hotels, Theme Parks family Adventure Six Flags Fiesta texas, Seaworld, San Antonio Zoo, Natural Bridge Caverns, IMAX, Riverboat, Dinner and more (2 day minimum); http://texastourism.com/ | |
83. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES EDUCATION TEACHER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS Download a flier that contains more information about the program. (Adobe Acrobat format). texas State University Department of family and Consumer http://www.tea.state.tx.us/Cate/fcs/fcscert.html | |
84. Www.wtamu.edu - Agriculture, Nursing, & Natural Sciences the Board of Nurse Examiners for the state of texas. in nursing with a specialty in family nursing. The graduate program educates nurses to provide specialized http://www.wtamu.edu/academic/anns/ | |
85. Interactive Genealogy - FortuneCity Index texas Time and Weather Click for Dallas, texas Forecast at Dallas texas weather by cities texas ski conditions. family Tree Program. http://victorian.fortunecity.com/literary/463/igen/tx.html | |
86. "Bootstrap" Loan Program Helps Low-Income Texas Families Build Their Own Homes It draws upon the traditional texas values of selfreliance, independence and hard work. The first families to go through self-help programs have been http://www.texashousing.org/txlihis/bhs/bhsarticles/3B0MIB.html | |
87. Welcome To The Family Place Of Dallas, Texas In 2000 Planned Parenthood of Dallas Northeast texas honored the family PlaceÂs Incest Recovery Program with ÂThe Katherine Ripley Award for Education http://www.familyplace.org/aboutus.html | |
88. Patient & Family Support - Texas Children's Hospital educational and meaningful artistic opportunities for patients and their families. texas ChildrenÂs Cancer Center s Arts in Medicine program provides a wide http://www.texaschildrenshospital.org/carecenters/cancer/patient_family_support. | |
89. Texas Responds: War Relief Package The texas Friends of Freedom program will have three interconnected and coordinated parts Adopta-Military Unit, Adopt-a-family and Adopt-a-Grandparent. http://www.window.state.tx.us/wrp/per01.html | |
90. Academic Departments Department of Education, Nutrition, Restaurant/Hotel Management (ENRHM) This department supervises the following degree programs family AND CONSUMER SCIENCES http://www.hs.ttu.edu/academics.htm | |
91. Alzheimer's Association-North Central Texas Chapter: Family CARE The AlzheimerÂs Association offers the family Care Program to meet families needs at home. The family Care Program has caseworkers http://www.alz.org/northcentraltexas/familycare.htm | |
92. Alzheimer's Association-North Central Texas Chapter: Programs And Services Care Program This case management program is designed to to elected officials and keeping families and supporters The North Central texas chapter devotes a http://www.alz.org/northcentraltexas/programsandservices.htm | |
93. Family And Consumer Sciences - Texas State family and Child Development. Dr. Betsy Blunk,Program Coordinator. texas State UniversitySan Marcos. 601 University Drive. San Marcos http://www.fcs.txstate.edu/fcd.htm | |
94. Texas Fragile Families Bootstrap Evaluation (Printer-Friendly Format) 04/07/04, texas Fragile Families Bootstrap Evaluation Factors Affecting Participation in programs for Young LowIncome Fathers Findings from the texas http://www.researchforum.org/project_printable_443.html | |
95. Denton County, Texas - Family Law Division The family Violence Unit actively pursues the use of the University of North texas and texas Woman s University High and Denton High in this program, and has http://dentoncounty.com/dept/main.asp?Dept=23&Link=265 |
96. North Texas Singers - Home - Musical Programs For The Entire Family North texas Singers, Last Updated March 3, 2003. North texas Singers nts@ntxsingers.org PO Box 101493, Fort Worth, texas, 761851493, US phone 817.740.5742. http://www.fortworthcivicchorus.bigstep.com/ | |
97. Texas Program For Science And Health Research Program Houston, texas has one of the highest Approximately 20 families with children who have asthma expected to participate in the program over a http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~txinsh/programs/new_beginnings.html | |
98. HHS Interagency Resource Center: Available Programs Serving Children In Texas HHS Interagency Resource Center, Available programs Serving Children in texas http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/si/SB36/search/ProgramSearch.asp | |
99. News Service - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Release 01239 its foster group home campus in Waxahachie, texas, which utilizes the nationally recognized Teachingfamily model of care, a specialized program for teaching http://www.pcusa.org/pcnews/oldnews/2001/01239.htm | |
100. Texas - Early Hearing Detection And Intervention (EHDI) Universal Newborn Hearin texas Early Hearing Detection Intervention Audiology, Early Intervention, family Support, Medical Home, Data Management, Program Evaluation Tools http://www.infanthearing.org/states/texas/ | |
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