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41. Educational Resources Links texas parent Teacher Association (PTA). education Periodicals. THE (Technological Horizons in education) Journal. education resources. http://www.tcer.org/tcer/links/ | |
42. Work Friendly - Winter 2001 Newsletter texas Roper offers parent educator training, newsletters, resources, networking opportunities and information to assist them in providing parent education. http://www.workfriendly.org/2001w_roper.htm | |
43. Parent Cedar Hill ISD. parent resources. Acrobat Reader (Download Site). OCR Dept. of education. PTA. texas PTA. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 504. http://www.chisd.com/sped/parent.htm | |
44. COPAA State Special Ed Resource Page texas Special education Resource Center parent site Your Rights ~ The Law ~ IEPs and ARDs ~ Modifications ~ Inclusion parent POWER! http://www.copaa.net/resources/statespedlaw.html | |
45. Kent State University Parent Resources Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. texas Department of education http//www.tea.state.tx.us/. UTAH http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm | |
46. Kids Help Online - Internet Resources For The Family - Parent Education (General Mental Health Association in texas The home pages The education Coffeehouse The education Coffeehouse is committed to providing teachers, parents and students http://www.kidshelp.org/pedgen.htm | |
47. Student Assessment Division resources for Student parents program includes the texas Assessment of Knowledge texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS). Raw Score Conversion Tables. parent Brochures http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment | |
48. TxCARE - Texas Coalition For Adoption Resources And Education texas Coalition for Adoption resources and education (TxCARE) is a grassroots organization of people concerned about adoption issues. TxCARE Home. texas Adoption Search. Registry have access http://www.txcare.org/ | |
49. Assessment Resources For Parents performance standard, academic recognition, texas learning index Report A Guide for Parents Every child who Higher education Readiness Component The college http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/parents.html | |
50. EduHelpNow - Supporting Parents In The Pursuit Of Effective Instruction Supporting parents in the pursuit of effective instruction. Our resources include advisors from the field of education, ranging from professional academic testing specialists to texas certified teachers in a variety of areas. http://www.eduhelpnow.org/ | |
51. NEUHAUS EDUCATION CENTER - ADDITIONAL RESOURCES texas State Library provides talking books on tape of educational resources available for parents and students. NICHD), the US Department of education and the http://www.neuhaus.org/additional_resources.htm | |
52. Texas PTA - Educational Resources For Texas Parent Teacher Associations, PTO, PT Welcome to the texas educational resource page. The goal of this page is to provide a central informational source for parents, educators and school officials http://www.ptacentral.org/texas.htm | |
53. Texas Attorney General as well as the skills and education necessary for 9001 IH35 North, Suite 103B Austin, texas 78753 http a wide range of resources for parents throughout central http://www.oag.state.tx.us/child/resources.shtml | |
54. Family Involvement In Children's Education; Tapping External Supports For Partne District and staterun parent resource centers, described earlier, are one example of Schools Initiative, is a partnership among the texas education Agency (TEA http://www.ed.gov/pubs/FamInvolve/local6.html | |
55. A School Zone's General Education Page. Resources That Students, Educators And P The texas education Network * some nice links. education Index good links. Resource Has links for medical, college, teacher, kids teens, parents, travel, etc. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6097/ge.html | |
56. North East Independent School District - Parent Resource Page FORMS FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS These forms are in Email usa_learn@ed.gov. education Publications Center 1877 texas State University (San Marcos), (512) 245-2111 http://www.neisd.net/webmaster/resources.htm | |
57. Texas - Jon's Homeschool Resources listing of homeschool groups, local resources, and more. said Wednesday that the texas education Agency could test, even though homeschool parents are not http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/Texas.html | |
58. National Community Education Association (NCEA): Reading Room: Resources: Web Re two operating subdivisions The parent Institute and The Center for Community education site highlights the faculty, curriculum, texas events and http://www.ncea.com/reading_room/parent.htm | |
59. K-12 Resources For Music Educators Music commentary, history education; Pay the Piper For children parents taking up Includes weekly cartoons; texas Bandmasters Association - educational http://www.isd77.k12.mn.us/resources/staffpages/shirk/k12.music.html | |
60. Parent Education: The Georgetown Project: Programs Serving Georgetown Texas Chil Find out more about local parent education resources here . Your Involvement Weaves the Fabric of Connections! Think back to some http://www.georgetownproject.com/p_parenteducation.htm | |
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