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1. Independent Insurance Agents Of Texas Provides education, resources, and governmental advocacy to independent insurance agents and agencies. http://www.iiat.org/ | |
2. Texas Gov't last update 04/09/01. State Home Page. texas State Government. Statewide Offices. Governor. Attorney General. Comptroller of Public Accounts. Comptroller of Public Accounts Window on State Government org. Dallas org. Korea(link) Foreign Sites(link) texas Animal Health Commission. texas education agencies. texas education Network. texas General Land Office. texas Health http://www.koreanchamber.org/e-TXgov.htm |
3. Legal Resources - Federal And Texas Statutes, Cases, Agencies, Forms, And Other Legal resources National Institute for Consumer education. Internal Revenue Code com. net. org. Get www.yourdomainofchoice.com for your http://www.maxpages.com/law/Page_4 | |
4. Texas Citizens For Science texas State Board of education and other state government agencies to preserve list serve to keep you informed about science education issues in texas. http://www.txscience.org/ | |
5. TEXAS STATE AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR ADA COMPLIANCE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTAN texas State agencies and organizations for ADA Compliance and support access efforts through education of constituents on ADA Email info@CCAD.org. Internet http//www.c-cad.org/ http://nadc.ucla.edu/tx.htm | |
6. Org Chart texas education Agency texas education Agency (TEA). She will conduct mock audits of special education folders. Also, she is responsible for all special education placements in agencies http://dist.houstonisd.org/southeast/Main/orgchart.htm | |
7. DIR - State Reporting Requirements - Reduce The State Reporting Burden On Texas office, texas education Agency and Department of Public Safety, DIR recommends the following agencies should refine at http//www.etexas.org/recommend/ch03/ gp04 http://www.dir.state.tx.us/state_reporting/reduceburden.htm | |
8. SHEEO Homepage Job Opportunities at SHEEO agencies  West Virginia NEW*  National Postsecondary education Cooperative (NPEC)  texas Higher education http://www.sheeo.org/ | |
9. Importantlinks.html and Cost Analysis), texas education Agency Division of Special education March 1999 AskTED.tea.state.tx.us80/orgbin/ State of texas- List of agencies, Commissions, and Universities http://www.amaisd.net/speced/importantlinks.html |
10. SHEEO Agencies 1200 East Anderson Lane (78752) Austin, texas 787112788 Compacts New England Board of Higher education David Bartley 357-9620 Fax 617-338-1577 Agency E-mail http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
11. CADRE reviewed available national data and conducted site visits to state and local education agencies in four statesCalifornia, Massachusetts, Ohio, and texas. http://www.directionservice.org/cadre/index.cfm | |
12. Texas Community College Teachers Association Home Page information and testimony to committees of the texas Legislature and to agencies of state government, including the texas Higher education Coordinating Board http://www.tccta.org/ | |
13. Caddo Lake Institute, Inc. local wetland science and conservation education, as well with federal and state conservation agencies, created the acres (3,300 hectares) of texasowned land http://www.caddolakeinstitute.org/ | |
14. Texas PK-16 Public Education Information Resource Participating agencies. texas education Agency. The texas education Agency (TEA), in conjunction with the State Board for Educator http://www.texaseducationinfo.org/agencies.asp | |
15. Career And Technology Education Nicole NoonanOwen by e-mail at nowen@comptia.org or by Join the Career and Technology education Directors Listserve The texas education Agency is pleased to http://www.tea.state.tx.us/Cate/ | |
16. Council Of Chief State School Officers and professional organizations, federal agencies, Congress, and Science and Mathematics education; Increased Demand http://www.ccsso.org/ | |
17. Texas State Resources Agency Rural Representative Gene Lenz, Senior Director texas education Agency Division of Special education 1701 N 4232 (V/TTY) Email dlrp@ilru.org Web www http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/tx.htm | |
18. Tech Prep In Texas Development and maintenance of this site are funded with grants from the texas Higher education Coordinating Board and the texas education Agency to the Region http://www.techpreptexas.org/ | |
19. Texas Homeless Education Office - Charles A. Dana Center a Local Educational Agency (LEA) in texas, please make sure to register your contact information on our Liaison Information Form. http//www.utdanacenter.org/ http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo/ | |
20. Texas Education Agency texas education Agency. Austin, texas http www.cppp.org More like this More info; texas education AGENCY CoDist-Campus No.File typePDF - Download http://www.babieca.com/cgi-bin/engine/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=Texas Education A |
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