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61. Churches Heart O' Texas, TX Yellow Pages In Texas Heart O texas churches is what you are looking for. Find More Heart O texas churches Yellow Page Listings in the Complete Heart O Texas Yellow Pages HERE, http://heart-o-texas.area-wide-yellow-pages.com/headings/churches.html | |
62. Texas Freedom Network Christian Coalition Voter Guides Threaten the Integrity of texas churches OpEd by Reverend Kyle Childress, Austin Heights Baptist Church, Nacogdoches; http://www.tfn.org/faithnetwork/ | |
63. Abernathy, Texas List of churches, grouped by denomination, with their contact information. http://churchangel.com/WEBTX/abernath.htm | |
64. Texas Freedom Network R E T U R N. Why Charitable Choice is Bad Policy for texas churches and Synagogues. Cuts in Services. Bush proposes that $8 billion http://www.tfn.org/issues/charitablechoice/church.htm | |
65. Haskell, Texas Community church directory. http://churchangel.com/WEBTX/haskell.htm | |
66. Churches In Sabine County Texas Churches Learn about the communities in Sabine County Texas and the rich history under six different flags. Churches of Sabine County, Texas. http://www.toledo-bend.com/sabineco/community/index.asp?request=sabcntychurches |
67. Elsa, Texas Church listing, including address and contact information. http://churchangel.com/WEBTX/elsa.htm | |
68. Ballinger, Texas Directory of churches in the community. http://www.churchangel.com/WEBTX/balling.htm | |
69. Abiline, Texas List of churches, sorted by denomination, with their phone numbers and addresses. http://churchangel.com/WEBTX/abiline.htm | |
70. Texas Links Masonic Links Texas Sites Cyberrodeo Texas Zone Weather Forecasts Texas A M University Texas Church Locater texas churches - CrossSearch Texas Church http://members.tripod.com/~BradBanner/texas.html | |
71. Brookshire, Texas List of churches with addresses and phone numbers. http://www.churchangel.com/WEBTX/brookshire.htm | |
72. Benbrook Churches A listing of Benbrook, texas churches; with address and contact information. http://www.fni.com/dfw/benbrook.html |
73. Texas Directory Of The Churches Of Christ texas Map Search All texas Congregations Ad Exchange OnLine Seminar Bible Study If your congregation is not listed in our directory of the churches of Christ http://www.theseeker.org/texas/director.htm | |
74. BGCT - Texas Baptist Church Search texas Baptist Church Locator. City Look up churches by. City, Zip AND/ http://www.bgct.org/search/churchsearch.htm | |
75. Texas Conference Of Churches Homepage texas Conference of churches. Jesus Christ calls us to unity all be one (John 172023), those churches in texas whose members proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior http://www.txconfchurches.org/ | |
76. North Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church 1 500 other likeminded people to fight for a cause that isnt very popular in texas. North texas Annual Conference 2004. Addresses. Clergy. Laity. churches. Find a Church http://www.ntcumc.org/ | |
77. Index Odessa, texas (Apostolic, Holiness). Information on Victorious Ministries International and member churches, events, newsletters, beliefs, pastor's biography, and information on ministries. http://www.geocities.com/victoriouschurch/ | |
78. Untitled Document The International churches of Christ congregation in Austin, texas. http://www.aicoc.org |
79. American Indian Baptist Fellowship Of Texas - Native American Christian Ministri An association of American Indian Southern Baptist churches in texas who are working together to establish churches and organize Indian youth and family events in texas. http://www.aibfoftexas.org/ | |
80. Good News Texas The online community of the Baptist Standard. Offers website tools and hosting, chat rooms and message boards for texas Baptist churches, association, schools and organizations. http://www.goodnewstx.com |
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