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61. Southeast DBTAC Accessible IT Tennessee across tennessee and currently supports AT Service centers at the University of Memphis, East tennessee State University, Trenton Secondary school District (SSD http://www.sedbtac.org/ed/se_region/se_regionTemplate.cfm?st=TN |
62. NETS For Teachers his student teaching assignment be at the tennessee school for the Deaf in Knoxville, tennessee. was installed on a computer in the media center at the http://cnets.iste.org/teachers/t_scen-stu.html | |
63. Public Relations As A Catalyst -- The Center For Health And Health Care In Schoo Bumpers, brought their immunization campaign to tennessee and made stop at one of Memphis schoolbased health as both print and broadcast media converged for http://www.healthinschools.org/pr.asp | |
64. Women's History Month :: Danbury, CT Independent Media Center :: Women and the Women s Center of Greater Danbury (and all CT Women s centers). of a Women s History Week within their own organizations, school districts, and http://www.madhattersimc.org/print.php?sid=2878 |
65. Tennessee Independent Media Center: Feature/1954 tennessee IMC, colleague on the Board of Visitors and say Âthis school youÂre TheyÂre not getting any media attention. When this journalist asked Rials http://www.tnimc.org/feature/display/1954/index.php | |
66. Tennessee Education News - Media Monitoring Service By EIN News unlike some Republicans, opposes school vouchers because his business was incorporated in tennessee. http://www.einnews.com/tennessee/newsfeed-TennesseeEducation | |
67. Little Fine Arts Library Media Center, University Of Kentucky Libraries The media Center is also the only place where the recorded UK Office of Public Information; public school educators in Kentucky and tennessee; The Lexington http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/lfalc.html | |
68. KCS Media Advisory: 02-009 of the Year Award from the tennessee Art Educators E. Approval for Bearden High school to purchase in the ByingtonSolway Technology Center carpentry program. http://www.kcs.k12tn.net/news/02/advisories/02-009.htm | |
69. Emporia State University - School Of Library And Information Management Consultant school Library media Programs in Nashville, tennessee, New York City, NY, Independence, Missouri, Salt Lake City, Utah, Patterson, New http://slim.emporia.edu/facstaff/facwebpage.cfm?lastname=Herrin&firstname=Barbar |
70. Regional, North America, United States, Tennessee, Education: School Libraries TN; McCallie school Library media Center Chattanooga, TN; St. Agnes - St. Dominic schools Library - At independent school in Memphis. tennessee Association of http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/United_States/Tennessee/Education/ | |
71. ARL 222: University Of Tennessee's Collaborative Digital Media Spaces in place at the University of tennessee Libraries. to convert a variety of formats into digital media. includes representatives from the school of Information http://www.arl.org/newsltr/222/collabtenn.html | |
72. SFC Media Center : Database Weeks tennessee Law Review University of tennessee College of Law. Yale Law school Working Papers Yale Law school. 2003.2.28. ©Keio University SFC media Center HOME http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/mchtml/lib/guide/law2.htm | |
73. Covering Kids & Families: Back-to-School 2003 Events for the Wilson County Backto-school Health Fair will be on hand to assist with TennCare (tennesseeÂs SCHIP The media has been notified and invited to attend http://coveringkidsandfamilies.org/communications/bts/events/index.php?StateID=T |
74. Focus On: Windows XP Media Center Edition Justin Harrison is a high school student, software designer He is a Windows XP media Center Edition MVP. Andy Vanosdale of East Ridge, tennessee is a Windows XP http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone/focuson/mediacenteredition.asp | |
75. ETS Technologies, Inc. Delivers Web-based Student Essay Evaluations To Knox Coun has announced an agreement with the Knox County, tennessee school system to More information about the Knox County school System is available at media Center. http://www.ets.org/news/02010201.html | |
76. Tennessee School For The Deaf - Deaf Resources About American Deaf Culture An essay from this publisher of deafrelated media. If you are part of or know of a school for the deaf that is not listed, let us http://tsdeaf.org/deaf/deaf.html | |
77. CO -Tennessee Panel On Littleton Shootings Warns Against Creating Scapegoats tennessee panel on Littleton shootings warns against creating echo those concerning previous school shooting incidents Freedom Forum report on media coverage in http://www.massmic.com/cofreefor429.html |
78. Michigan IMC Home of federal legislation that would give undocumented high school students the Photos by media Mouse from A genie must have been at the Breslin Center that day http://www.michiganimc.org/ |
79. Rochester IMC: Home Of Dismantling Racial Segregation Within The US Public school System Chasing Rochester Indymedia Launches Monthly Video Screenings. media Rochester Indymedia http://rochester.indymedia.org/ | |
80. Philadelphia Independent Media Center: All Sections Welcome to the Independent media Center of Philadelphia. A democractic alternative to the mainstream media empire. and Deep Ecology Training in tennessee 200405 http://www.phillyimc.org/ | |
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