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21. Fundraising Special Events / Shows / Fairs Etc. Fundraisers Fundraiser Company based in Nashville, tennessee Amazing Fundraising Companybased in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Operation Bookworm ptas/ptos can offer http://fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/special-events-5.php | |
22. Organizations Education PTA Councils Tematics.net Council PTA Council online resource for local tennessee ptas with links Council Organizationinformation for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://directory.tematics.net/index.php/Top/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/ |
23. The American Enterprise: Summaries Of Important Research the League of Women Voters, ptas, and bowling locally controlled parentteacher organizations(ptos), which don Consider tennessee, which imposed an 18-month http://www.taemag.com/issues/articleid.17072/article_detail.asp | |
24. Chronicles Of An Anthropophobic Freshman Aaaahhhh. Springfield, tennessee That s 67 hours away. as well as chances forparental involvement, such as ptas or ptos and elementary school fairs. http://writingkills.blogspot.com/2004_04_01_writingkills_archive.html | |
25. MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF than the Partners program was the amount of monies the ptos, ptas and boosters betweenNevada s preliminary twoyear results and the tennessee Star program s http://www.leg.state.nv.us/67th/93minutes/A_WMJT_218.html | |
26. DirZilla - Powered By The Open Directory Project tennessee PTA Resources for South Carolina ptas including leadership PTA - PTOtoday is dedicated to helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas http://dirzilla.com/ODP/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA | |
27. Walhello.com - Internet Search and ptos in kansas. 147. hamilton county council of ptas a pta council site withcommunication links for parents in the community of chattanooga, tennessee. http://www.walhello.info/da/top/society/organizations/education/pta/councils | |
28. Councils for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. Hamilton County Council of ptas http//www.hcde.org for parents in the community of Chattanooga, tennessee. http://www.directory.net/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
29. Registration Form council took top honors from the tennessee PTA last David Pickler has challengedthe ptas to get schools have parentteacher organizations (ptos) or partners http://www.gomemphis.com/mca/local_news/article/0,1426,MCA_437_2321192,00.html | |
30. Webeverything.co.uk Top > Society > Organizations > Education > PTA > Councils Council Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas CountyCouncil PTA Council online resource for local tennessee ptas with links http://www.webeverything.co.uk/directory/187297.html | |
31. School Clothes Resources And Stores - Come2Shop.com Products from A to Z for teachers, principals, ptas, ptos and Parents North CarolinaStateThe SEC» Arkansas» South Carolina» tennessee» Alabama» Auburn http://www.come2shop.com/resources/school_clothes.php | |
32. MetaXearch > Society Organizations Education PTA Councils ptas and ptos in Kansas. Hamilton County Council of ptas A PTA Council site withcommunication links for parents in the community of Chattanooga, tennessee. http://www.metaxearch.com/en/odp_187297/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Coun | |
33. Find Sales Lead Internet Directory Portland tennessee. 80,000 K8 School Parent Teacher Groups PTO today is dedicatedto helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas) help their http://www.findsaleslead.com/sub_category.asp?sec=2433&mcat=1 |
34. Kangaroolinks.com: Society/Organizations/Education/PTA to helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas PTA Resources for South Carolinaptas including leadership tennessee PTA http//www.tnpta.org/ (Added Tue http://www.kangaroo-links.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/more2.html | |
35. Recommendations From The Audit - Thursday, 02/01/01 ï Many schools donÃt have ptas or ptos. ï Zerotolerance violationsare much higher than in other tennessee school districts. http://www.tennessean.com/sii/01/02/01/02206814.shtml | |
36. Voters To Weigh In On Pay For School Board - Tuesday, 07/15/03 Tuesday, 07/15/03 Middle tennessee News Information. There are a lot of peoplewho are very qualified that worked on ptos and ptas and with their http://www.tennessean.com/education/archives/03/07/35981973.shtml | |
37. New Hampshire (NH) Ski Clubs & Snowmobile Clubs And Snowmobiling Links Miscellaneous NH Organizations  National Conservation and Preservation Resources Patriotism Citizenship  Politics  ptas, ptos, PTSOs, Etc. http://www.directorynh.com/NHAssociations-Organizations/NHSnowmobileClubs.html |
38. New Jersey Fundraising / New Jersey Fundraising Ideas / NJ Fundraising New Jersey NJ Operation Bookworm Fundraiser ptas/ptos can offer http://fundraiser-finder.com/state/new-jersey-3-fundraising.php | |
39. Aerena University, Children Education, College Stores, Free IT/web Children Education. Everything Elementary Everything Elementary.com  ElementarySchool Products from A to Z for teachers, principals, ptas, ptos and Parents. http://www.plasmaplaza.com/education_children_education.html |
40. Schools Directory Of Nevada is dedicated to helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas) help their http://nevada.uscity.net/Schools/ | |
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