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1. Tennessee Public Library Internet Directory Searchable database of tennessee libraries to Lisa.Tinch@state.tn.us. Tennessee's 95 counties are served by over 300 public libraries directory includes entries of public libraries in Tennessee. The directory is edited http://www.state.tn.us/sos/statelib/publib | |
2. University Of Tennessee Libraries The University of tennessee libraries will provide the highest quality service toall patrons, and will offer instruction and equitable access to information http://www.lib.utk.edu/ | |
3. Tennessee Library Association Organization information, lists of tennessee libraries and library organizations, job listings, and other resources for librarians. http://www.lib.utk.edu/~tla/ | |
4. Friends Of Tennessee Libraries Mission, membership, calendar. http://www.friendstnlib.org | |
5. The University Of Tennessee: Libraries The University of Tennessee, Knoxville was founded in 1794 and was designated the state landgrant institution in 1879. The University now has nearly 26 000 students and 400 academic programs. among the top U.S. libraries libraries' rare book collection includes 40 000 items dating from 1481. UT's Joel A. Katz Law Library is the largest public law library in Tennessee http://www.utk.edu/libraries | |
6. Subject Guides—A To Z Copyright ©2003 The University of tennessee libraries. John C. Hodges Library · 1015 Volunteer Boulevard · Knoxville Tennessee 379961000 http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs | |
7. Tennessee Electronic Library Concept Document (4) Training Training of librarians and library staff in tennessee librarieswill be necessary to get maximum value from database search capabilities. http://www.tenn-share.org/telconcept.html | |
8. Nashville Public Library - Nashville & Tennessee Libraries Courts Law Libraries; Tennessee Library Association Includes lists of Tennesseelibraries and organizations, job listings, and other resources for librarians; http://www.library.nashville.org/Links/Nashville/nlib.html | |
9. Nashville Public Library - Nashville & Tennessee History Links Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture; Tennessee Heritage OnlineDigital Collections From tennessee libraries, Archives, and Museums. http://www.library.nashville.org/Links/Nashville/nhistory.html | |
10. University Of Tennessee Libraries Search University of tennessee libraries. www.lib.memphis.edu, Reviewed bynetlibrarian, A, C, D, E, G, M, S, V, University of tennessee libraries, http://www.joeant.com/DIR/search.php?keywords=University of Tennessee Libraries |
11. Tennessee Library Association Conference March 26 Find out where tennessee libraries need to improve as well as where they are alreadybeating the Buckeyes in library service. The presentation will include http://www.haplr-index.com/tennessee_library_association.html | |
12. OFF CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES slips. Students and faculty may use University of tennessee librariesby Tennessee Academic Library Collaborative (TALC) cards. TALC http://www.tnstate.edu/library/offcampus.htm | |
13. Tennessee Heritage Online Tennessee Heritage Online Digital Collections from tennessee libraries, Archives,and Museums. Tennessee Wesleyan College Digital Library of Appalachia. http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/tn/tn-dig.html | |
14. The University Of Tennessee Reaching Out The University of tennessee libraries. Outreach Programs Projects Contact Home. he University of tennessee libraries are a service organization. http://reachingout.tennessee.edu/level2/libraries.htm | |
15. The University Of Tennessee Libraries The University of tennessee libraries. This bibliography is a part of the ComputerScience Bibliography Collection. The University of tennessee libraries. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Misc/diglib.lib.utk.edu.html | |
16. OAI Registry At UIUC (details.asp) The University of tennessee libraries. Base URL http//diglib.lib.utk.edu/cgi/b/broker20/broker20 Query Repository Identify, ListMetadataFormats http://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/details.asp?id=89 |
17. Virtual Gumshoe-Investigative Resources Available On The Web This page was last updated on 12/03/03 tennessee libraries. Sullivan CountyPublic Library; Tennessee State Library Nashville reference@state.tn.us; http://www.virtualgumshoe.com/gator255.htm | |
18. Colleges & Libraries - CSCC Library tennessee libraries. Tennessee State Library Archives. Tennessee LibraryAssociation. Selected Tennessee College University Libraries. http://www.clevelandstatecc.edu/library/colleges.htm | |
19. Columbia, Tennessee Libraries, Libraries In Columbia, Tennessee Columbia, tennessee libraries. Blue Grass Regional Library 104 E 6th St Columbia,TN 384013329 Phone 931-388-9282 Fax 931-388-1762 Toll-free 800-331-8487 http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/tncountycolumbialib.htm | |
20. Jellico, Tennessee Libraries, Libraries In Jellico, Tennessee Jellico, tennessee libraries. Jellico Public Library 400 S Main StJellico, TN 377622004 Phone 423-784-7488. To learn how to submit http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/tncountyjellicolib.htm | |
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