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Tennessee K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
41. Education In Tennessee Resource Guide -- Peabody Library, Peabody College Of Van http//www.nashvilleschools.davidson.k12.tn.us The Nashville tennessee State Department of Education. http//www.k-12.state.tn.us/sde/ Includes active public http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/peabody/books/guides/tenned.html | |
42. The University Of Tennessee Reaching Out - College Of Education and access information. Over 300 k12 schools in tennessee maintain a presence at VolWeb. Â School Performance Assistance Teams http://reachingout.tennessee.edu/level2/education.htm | |
43. The University Of Tennessee Reaching Out - The College Of Arts & Sciences Outreach Teaching  Outreach to k12 Teachers/Students is a the Young Writer s Institute, the tennessee Math Contest and The Scholars-in-the- schools Program. http://reachingout.tennessee.edu/level2/arts.htm | |
44. Hamilton County Schools -- Administration - Employment Opportunities VicePrincipalship (k-12). Must Be Eligible For Certification In tennessee Or Possess A Valid TN NCLB Legislation Requires That HCDE Title I schools Hire Only http://www.hcde.org/admin/jobs.htm | |
45. Johnson County Tennessee Schools Writing Initiative student writing and increasing k12 discussion about view the Writing Benchmarks for Johnson County schools. here to visit the tennessee s Writing Assessment http://www.jocoed.k12tn.net/Additional/Writing.htm | |
46. Johnson County, Tennessee Schools Curriculum And Instruction Technology Integration Connect tennessee Students Internet Program Currently implemented k12 Writing Benchmarks of Colleges and schools (SACS) SACS http://www.jocoed.k12tn.net/Additional/curriculum.htm | |
47. Comptroller Of The Treasury - Audits And Reports k12 Education Audits Reports. January 2004, Teaching to empty desks the effects of truancy in tennessee schools, Office of Education Accountability. http://www.comptroller.state.tn.us/k12rpt.htm | |
48. 2003 Tennessee No Child Left Behind State Report 2003 tennessee No Child Left Behind. Refer to your system/school for listed Target schools or schools that missed a federal benchmark in at least one area for http://tennessee.gov/k-12/ayp03.asp | |
49. K-12 Schools With LD Programs, USA The Churchill School (Grades k12) 301 East 29th Street New York, NY 10016 212-722 0429 215-862-5261 215-862-3366 (fax) adm@solebury.pvt.k12.pa.us http tennessee. http://www.ldresources.com/resources/k-12.html | |
50. K-12 Education Homepage Dell offers k12 schools a wide variety of tools, resources and solutions to tennessee State Flag, Welcome to the tennessee Educational Store. The pricing on http://www1.us.dell.com/content/default.aspx?c=us&cs=RC957124&l=en&s=k12 |
51. Virginia, Tennessee Middle Schools Receive $5,000 Grant For Student Help Desk Tr at the studentrun help desk at Greeneville Middle School in tennessee. Everyday our K12 customers are support, said Scott Campbell, director of k-12 for Dell http://www1.us.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/pressoffice/en/2004/2004 |
52. Schools K-12 In Knoxville tennessee School for the Deaf A k-12 school serving deaf and hard of hearing students in the state of tennessee. Middle schools Carter Middle School Cedar http://www.knoxvilletennessee.com/edu-schools.html | |
53. State Regulation Of Private Schools - Tennessee Schooling There are two sets of procedures for home schooling in tennessee. register with churchrelated schools to conduct home schools in grades k-12. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/RegPrivSchl/tennesse.html | |
54. Tennessee State Profile: State Education Indicators With A Focus On Title I, 199 tennessee http//www.state.tn.us/education/. Migratory students (OME, k12). All schools by percent of students eligible to participate in the Free Lunch Program http://www.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/disadv/2002indicators/tennessee/edlite-tennessee | |
55. Education Education k12 (Spanish-language version available; includes awesome clipart f0r kids). Private Secondary schools (College prep, special needs). tennessee Public http://www.jmcl.tn.org/education.htm | |
56. HOT LIST Of Schools Online - Gleason Sackmann Copyright 1994 HOTLIST OF k12 SCHOOL SITES © 1994 Gleason Donelson Christian Academy - Nashville, tennessee. http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Schools/schools.asp?state=Tennessee |
57. 2004 Grantees : 2004 BFA Grantees In Tennessee Wisconsin. 2004 tennessee Grantees. In 2004, the Beaumont Foundation of America awarded technology equipment grants to eight schools in tennessee. k12 schools. http://www.bmtfoundation.com/bfa/us/public/en/yearbook/2004grantees/tennessee.ht | |
58. Media Advisory to obtain adequate state funding for tennessee s k12 public schools tennessee Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP Roach, roachg@ten-nash.ten-k12.us. http://www.tsba.net/abouttsba/Coalition/coalition_media.html | |
59. NEED State And Local Programs - S Through W is designed to promote energy education in grades k12. services are provided to tennessee teachers and Education Training Conferences for schools to introduce http://www.need.org/programs/s_w.htm | |
60. Chamber Of Commerce - Rutherford County, Tennessee County schools Grades k12. Rutherford County Board of Education 2240 South Park Boulevard Murfreesboro, tennessee 37128 (615) 893-5812 www.rcs.k12.tn.us. http://www.rutherfordchamber.org/chamber.cfm?cat=20&chamber_info=1&sub_cat=16 |
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