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Tennessee Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. Tennesse See tennessee Web Resource. STATE DEPARTMENT OF education Special education Services, STATE VOCATIONAL parentTO-parent Program, DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH for http://www.autism-pdd.net/LINKS/tennesse.html | |
62. Health And Education News, Events, And Resources Louisiana restaurant, auto workers at a tennessee Saturn plant all for children, a relevant resource for parents, and a strong advocate for public education. http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/edunews/index.asp | |
63. Tennessee Literacy Coalition: Parents Learn To Be Tutors resourcesits volunteer spirit-to launch tennessee Reads. Federal Work-Study students, and parents in welfare-to with less than a high school education in these http://www.ael.org/cac/amreads/nashvill.htm | |
64. Divorce Source: Client's Introduction To Tennessee's Parenting Plan Law custody disappeared from most of tennessee s law books. such important issues as education, health care Depending upon the particular parent s perspective, the http://www.divorcesource.com/TN/ARTICLES/mason2.html | |
65. TIPS School and is offered by the tennessee Department of education. who reside in the State of tennessee and meet The trained parent Advisor provides the link between the http://www.wtsd.tn.org/tipshome.htm | |
66. Pregnancy, Parenting And Family Planning Advice And Resources. Parents Each After Children s education PEACE Serving Smoky Mountain tennessee Home education Association 925 View Harbor Road, Knoxville, TN 37922 http://www.americasmoms.com/Channels/Homeschooling/Tennessee.html | |
67. Southeast DBTAC Accessible IT Tennessee directly with members of the tennessee Association on Carol s background and training are in special education. Carol started the first parent Training and http://www.sedbtac.org/ed/se_region/se_regionTemplate.cfm?st=TN |
68. Assessment Reform Network - Homepage MotionPassed by the Ohio education Association *Flyer 503-916-5140 *Sample Letter-parent Asks Child to tennessee State Coordinator-Bobbie Solley , 615-849-3697 http://www.fairtest.org/arn/parents.html | |
69. Regional, North America, United States, Tennessee, Education: School Districts other resources for teachers, parents and students Sevier County Board of education Schools, school Shelby County Schools, tennessee - Operates public schools http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/United_States/Tennessee/Education/ | |
70. Children's Health - West Tennessee Healthcare Academy; Kiwanis Child Care Resource Center; tennessee s Early Intervention System; parent and Community education. Pediatrics Children http://www.wth.net/1386.cfm | |
71. Policies & Governance Federally Funded Programs. Standards Assessment. Teaching in tennessee. Parents Community. education Associations. Selected Publications. Related resources. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/policy/states/tennessee/02_sea.htm | |
72. CABF Resource Center of education TN USA http//www.state.tn.us/education/. mtsu.edu http//www.mtsu.edu/ Comments CABF parent comment Middle tennessee State University has http://www.bpkids.org/resourcesearch/results.asp?STATE_ABBR=TN |
73. Resource Agencies For Parents Evidence Continues to Grow parent Involvement Improves studies on parental involvement in education. Puerto Rico, South Carolina, tennessee, Virginia, Virgin http://www.nssc1.org/directory/4parents.htm | |
74. ERIC/OSEP Directory Of Projects: Tennessee Technical Assistance And Resources Fo capacity of statelevel agencies/systems, regional resource directors, local placement, and support services for all tennessee children and parent education. http://www.cec.sped.org/osep/database/detailView.html?masterID=256 |
75. ZapMeta Directory > Regional > North America > United States > Tennessee > Educa resources for parents of gifted and talented children in tennessee. Topics include giftedness, parenting, education, testing, counseling, and legal issues. http://www.zapmeta.com/search/meta/db.pl?dir=20135 |
76. Parent Leadership Associates : News No parents Are Left Behind, an education Week article University of tennessee, January 2003 PLA is training styles, the importance of parent involvement, and http://www.plassociates.org/news/ | |
77. Welcome To Memphis City Schools education Lottery Scholarships Parents and students who want to know more about the inaugural HOPE Scholarships and the tennessee education Lottery Scholarship http://www.memphis-schools.k12.tn.us/ | |
78. Hamilton County Tennessee, Department Of Education - WWW.HCDE.ORG State education Commissioner Lana Seivers was a special guest at Hunter Middle as she helped 33 students celebrate their reading success. http://www.hcde.org/ | |
79. Current Status Of The Tennessee Homeschooling Law - A To Z Home's Cool tennessee education Code. tennessee homeschooling information Home Learning Source Book The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/extras/TNmemo.htm | |
80. The University Of Tennessee Extension courtreferred parenting, basic parenting, sex education and including food safety education and home Community Programs in tennessee education for Children http://www.utextension.utk.edu/topics/FamilyIssues/default.asp | |
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