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41. Black Page Entomology (Project Leader) LA coop. ext. service LSU Agricultural Center Room 202N,Knapp Hall, LSU Baton Rouge, LA 708945100 Ph 504-388-2180 email dpollet http://www.alabamapecangrowers.com/scientistslist.htm | |
42. Coop Distributor Listing Tucson Cooperative Warehouse 1800-350-2667 service area AZ Mountain People s Warehouse800/679-8735, ext. 3554 service Area AL, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT http://www.coopdirectory.org/distributor.htm | |
43. US Fish Wildlife Service Press Releases where the sunflower occurs to develop cooperative management agreements service,446 Neal Street, Cookeville, tennessee 38501; phone 931528-6481, ext. http://southeast.fws.gov/news/2004/r04-027.html |
44. T J Stevens Miscellaneous Pregraduate employment as farm labor in tennessee, and citrus processing,building construction and security in Florida. No. 1, Fla. coop. ext. http://www.tjstevens.com/ | |
45. Information About Saltcedar - Tamarix Ramosissima Range Improvement Task Force, NMSU Ag. Exp. Station, NMSU coop. ext. service. Report30. Duncan, KW, SD Schemnitz, M. Suzuki, Z. Homesley, and M. Cardenas. http://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weed_info/saltcedar.html | |
46. NACAA Other Links Alabama cooperative extension service University of Alaska extension University ofTennessee extension Texas A M Station, Wisconsin UC coop ext, San Joaquin http://www.nacaa.com/OtherLinks.htm |
47. Member Links Falls, Hot Springs, www.magicsprings.com Peel House Foundation, Bentonville, www.peelmansion.orgPlant Disease Clinic, UA coop. ext. service, Lonoke, www http://www.argia.org/Member_links.html | |
48. State Extension Small Grain Specialists, United States Dr. Ed Twidwell Louisiana Cooperative extension service 263 Agricultural extensionservice West tennessee Experiment Station 7973376 Email ralphw@ext.usu.edu. http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/smgrain/smgrainspec.htm | |
49. State Extension Soybean Specialists, United States Ph. 719 346 5571 FAX 719 346 5660 Email rmeyer@coop.ext.colostate.edu Web Crops Soils Resources. ph 732 932 9711 ext. 117 FAX 732 932 9441 Email. tennessee. http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/soybean/soyspec.htm | |
50. National Center For Home Food Preservation | NCHFP Publications of Marketing, University of tennessee Agricultural extension service in Virginia,Virginia Tech Cooperative extension Publication 348963 http//www.ext.vt.edu http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/business/starting_business.html | |
51. EDUCATION Johnson, GV 1991. Site Selection and Soil Fertility. In Alfalfa Integrated Managementin Oklahoma. pp. 1113. Circ. E-826. Okla. State Univ. coop ext. service. http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/soilsciences/Gordon_Johnson/extension.htm | |
52. HIA Contacts tennessee Martha W. Keel University of tennessee extension service Texas Janie HarrisTexas Cooperative extension 2251 TAMU 7973845 E-mail leonah@ext.usu.edu, http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
53. Riparian Working Group: References booklet CDROM, GP, LMD NRMP, Nurseries, Landscape Business, tennessee Valley Authority minutevideo, GP, 410-827-8056 $15/copy/Also available from PA coop. ext. http://www.vdof.org/rfb/rwg/ripbuf.htm | |
54. The University Of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Developed by North Carolina Cooperative extension service. 765) 4946794 or 1-888-ext-INFO(398-4636 Sciences programs in your area of tennessee, please contact http://fcs.tennessee.edu/fnh/fdsafe/fdactivities.htm | |
55. USDA Forest Service Landowner Assistance Program Coordinators Address www.fs.fed.us/spf/coop/loa.htm. 29581 Raleigh, NC 276260581 919-733-2162ext. tennessee Paul Ensminger, Reforestation and Nursery tennessee Division http://www.lta.org/publicpolicy/fl_contacts.htm | |
56. Under The Canopy - February `98 - Cooperative Extension Service The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension service programs are availableto all, without regard to race, color, age, sex, creed, national origin http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/forestry/canopy/canopyfeb98.html | |
57. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA uaa.alaska.edu (Tony Nakazawa, Director) Website http//zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/index.htmlForest Health Protection USDA Forest service 2770 Sherwood http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UA.htm | |
58. Dairy Field Day ext. of Agriculture tennessee Milk Producers Association tennessee Valley Association FarmFamilies USDA/CSREES through the Texas Cooperative extension service. http://wastemgmt.ag.utk.edu/dairy_field_day.htm | |
59. The University Of Tennessee Extension Administrative Office The University of tennessee Agricultural Extension Service2621 Morgan Circle 121 Morgan Hall Knoxville, tennessee 37996 Phone 865974 http://www.utextension.utk.edu/ | |
60. Garden Regional Links, Gardening Tips, Organic Gardening, Flower Gardening, Vege tennessee www.tnstate.edu/cep (tennessee State University Cooperativeextension Program). Vermont http//ctr.uvm.edu/ext. http://www.emilycompost.com/regional_links.htm | |
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