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141. Absolute Beginners Astronomy And Telescopes Page astronomy and astrophotography for the beginner http://www.absolutebeginnersastronomy.com/ | |
142. Site Title Exposing the public to amateur astronomy with telescopes on city sidewalks since 1968. Chapters in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Monmouth, Oregon. http://sidewalkastronomers.com |
143. Coulter Optical (R) Odyssey (R) Telescopes And Optics, CCD Imaging Equipment And Low cost Coulter Optical Odyssey (R) telescopes, Optics, CCD camera and 35 mm camera accessories for astronomy, Johnson and KronCousins UBVRI photometric http://www.murni.com/ | |
144. CHICAGOLAND ASTRO-ADS Listing of telescopes and accessories in the Chicago area. http://www.stargazing.net/naa/ads.htm | |
145. Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes Star Testing Astronomical telescopes. telescopes are easy to test. ItÂs true. The hard part for most amateurs has been finding out exactly how to do it . http://www.willbell.com/tm/tm5.htm | |
146. The National Geographic Online Store Features maps, videos, DVDs, books, magazines, globes, and telescopes. http://shop.nationalgeographic.com/ | |
147. The SETI League, Inc.:Major Radio Telescopes Internet Services Department. Major Radio telescopes. Arecibo; Big Ear; Effelsburg; Gallery of Radio telescopes; Haystack; Jodrell Bank; Nançay; http://www.setileague.org/otherweb/othrtele.htm | |
148. Slot Cars And HO From North Coast Features slot cars, models, rockets, games, radio control, telescopes, die cast and other hobby items. http://www.ncphobbies.com | |
149. Bill Keel's Telescope Life List Iridium flare over Kitt Peak. telescopes I ve Used (and what I ve done with them). I admit it I ma telescope junkie. Backyard, mountaintop http://www.astr.ua.edu/keel/telescopes/ | |
150. Telescopes Biography The Committee is delighted to announce an affiliation with Double Agent Records and one of the greatestever British bands, The telescopes, with a compilation http://www.bomp.com/Telescopes.html | |
151. Telescopes At The Ready, It's Astronomy Day | The Register telescopes at the ready, it s Astronomy Day. By Lucy Sherriff. Published Friday 23rd April 2004 1558 GMT. Tomorrow is Astronomy Day http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/04/23/astronomy_day/ | |
152. The Prairie Astronomy Club: Telescope Buyer's Guide Gives a description of each different type of telescope and lists their strengths and weaknesses. Contains many photographs of different telescopes. http://www.prairieastronomyclub.org/buyers.htm | |
153. Mel Bartels Telescopes And Telescope Making Mel Bartels telescopes and telescope making. This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit Here. ZIP. Some of My telescopes. My http://www.efn.org/~mbartels/tm/tm.html | |
154. Welcome To Linn Photo Cameras, digital cameras, and accessories, telescopes and prints from digital files. http://www.linnphoto.com | |
155. Tie.mtwilson.edu/ Iowa Robotic Telescope FacilitiesWelcome to the Iowa Robotic telescopes website. The University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy maintains these pages http://tie.mtwilson.edu/ |
156. Department Of Astronomy And The Steward Observatory Home to some of the world's largest, most innovative, and most productive telescopes. The 4.5meter equivalent aperture multiple mirror telescope broke the mold for large-aperture telescope design, shattering a paradigm that had reigned for many decades. http://www.as.arizona.edu/steward/ | |
157. Test Page For The Apache Web Server On Red Hat Linux Automatic Astronomy New Robotic telescopes See and Thinkadvertisement. Automatic Astronomy New Robotic telescopes See and Think By Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer posted 0609 am ET 04 June 2003. http://egret.sao.arizona.edu/ | |
158. MODAS Optical Design Program - Software Overview Tools and software for most types of amateur telescopes. http://members.kabsi.at/i.krastev/modas.html |
159. CameraWorld.com - Telescopes Networking Ink Cartridges Inkjet Photo Paper LCD Displays Lenses PDA/MP3 Players Lighting Equipment Memory Printers Pro Store Scanners telescopes Tripods Video http://www.cameraworld.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?storeId=101 |
160. Caltech Astronomy : History: 1908-1949 The telescopes at Mt. Wilson and Palomar. http://www.astro.caltech.edu/observatories/palomar/history/ | |
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