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81. Welcome To Software Bisque's Web Page High quality astronomy software and high tech parts and telescopes accessories. http://www.bisque.com | |
82. Starmaster Portable Telescopes Starmaster has a New Website! Visit www.starmastertelescopes.com. http://www.icstars.com/starmaster/ | |
83. Beacon Hill Telescopes http://www.beaconhilltelescopes.mcmail.com/ | |
84. Binoculars.com - World's Largest Selection Of Binoculars Offers a selection of optics including binoculars, telescopes, and nightvision. http://www.binoculars.com/ | |
85. 2MASS - Telescopes 2MASS is being carried out by a pair of identical, fully dedicated, 1.3 meter cassegrain equatorial telescopes that are located at Mt. http://pegasus.phast.umass.edu/2mass/pub/telescope.html | |
86. Redshift's Astrophotography Gallery Astrophotography taken with Meade 10inch LX-50 and Short-Tube 80 telescopes. http://www.davidmanifold.com/astrophotos2.htm |
87. APM-TELESCOPES.COM Translate this page DOMAIN APM-telescopes.COM. Provided by INZI.DE / SERVERMASTER.DE. HTTP-FORWARDING. (after 5 sec. / nach 5 Sek.). OnClick http//www.apm-telescopes.de. http://www.apm-telescopes.com/ | |
88. Antique Telescope Society An international organization of colleagues interested in antique astronomical telescopes, books, binoculars, and related materials. http://www.irhino.com/oldscope/ | |
89. Telescopes telescopes. This set of notes by Nick Strobel covers the basics of telescopes and effects of the atmosphere on images. Types of telescopes. Index. http://www.maa.mhn.de/Scholar/telescopes.html | |
90. MAST DSS Comprises a set of allsky photographic surveys in E, V, J, R, and N bands conducted with the Palomar, and UK Schmidt telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute. http://stdatu.stsci.edu/dss/ | |
91. Stellarvue Telescopes And Accessories telescopes, telescopes, telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, astronomy, Astronomy, astronomy equipment, eyepieces, Eyepieces, finders, Finders, buy, sell http://www.stellarvue.com/ |
92. Radio Telescopes Astronomy MegaLinks Radio telescopes. Jodrell Bank, Principal Radio telescopes. Arecibo Radio Telescope, Puerto Rico. The world s largest single radio telescope. http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astrolinks_radio.htm | |
93. BirdScope Information about birding with Tele Vue telescopes, with telescope and accessory selection guides, specifications, reviews, usage notes, and dealer list. http://www.televue.com/birdscope/ | |
94. Stazione Di Loiano Observing at the Asiago telescopes. http://www.bo.astro.it/loiano/LoianoHome.html | |
95. American Supply Large selection of night vision devices. Offering a wide range of night vision, riflescopes, range finders, telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, microscopes, and optical accessories. http://americansupply.net |
96. Sidewalk Astronomers Group uses homemade telescopes set up on street corners in Los Angeles, California. Shares astronomical views with passersby for free. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/6389/ | |
97. Vanns.com: Optics > Telescopes Optics telescopes, Expert Advice 800769-5668. Click Here For Our Customer Service Hours. All Optics telescopes. Meade. DS-2070AT Refurbished, $199.88. http://www.vanns.com/shop/servlet/category/desc/44 | |
98. Canada-wide Astronomy Buy & Sell Contains used telescopes and accessories. http://www.astrobuysell.com/ | |
99. Welcome To The Gallery Of Radio Telescopes Welcome to the Gallery of Radio telescopes. Singledish telescopes. Submillimeter-wave telescopes Mt. Fuji USA. Millimeter-wave telescopes. http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~kotaro/RTs/rts.html | |
100. The Science Company Sells a selection of weather instruments, microscopes, telescopes, GPS and related accessories. http://www.sciencecompany.com | |
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