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41. Global Network Of Astronomical Telescopes a nonprofit organization dedicated to being a catalyst and information source for all those interested in research and education using relatively small astronomical telescopes. http://www.gnat.org/~ida/gnat/ | |
42. Howstuffworks "How Telescopes Work" Learn how telescopes work and what to consider if you are thinking about buying one! Search Google, Main Science Physical Science How telescopes Work. http://science.howstuffworks.com/telescope35.htm | |
43. SAO Telescope Data Center Creates, and maintains software to process and archive data from optical telescopes at the Oak Ridge Observatory in Harvard, Massachusetts, Whipple Observatory, and Multiple Mirror Telescope on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is part of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. http://cfa165.harvard.edu/ | |
44. Www2.keck.hawaii.edu3636/ Isaac Newton Group of telescopesThe Isaac Newton Group of telescopes (ING) operates three worldclass telescopes on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The Isaac http://www2.keck.hawaii.edu:3636/ |
45. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Home Page A complex of astronomical telescopes and instruments located approximately 80 km to the east of La Serena at an altitude of 2200 Meters. http://www.ctio.noao.edu/ | |
46. Starmaster Portable Telescopes S A V E !!! From now until June 30, 2004, Starmaster telescopes is offering a $300 Rebate on all 20 telescopes, and a $200 Rebate on all 18 telescopes! http://www.starmastertelescopes.com/ | |
47. Eagle Optics - Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, And Telescopes Mailorder company offering a complete selection of binoculars, spotting scopes, telescopes, tripods, and accessories. Articles about birding and buying optics for birding. http://www.eagleoptics.com/ | |
48. Global Network Of Astronomical Telescopes dedicated to being a catalyst and information source for all those interested in research and education using relatively small astronomical telescopes. http://www.darksky.org/~ida/gnat/ | |
49. Scope City - Worlds Largest And Most Complete Optical Centers Offering telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, microscopes, night vision, and accessories. http://nightvisioncity.com/ | |
50. Woodland Hills Camera & Telescopes - TOLL-FREE 1-888-427-8766 Best Prices and Best Service for over 45 years, Woodland Hills Camera and telescopes features cameras,telescopes,binoculars,night vision,slr cameras,digital http://www.telescopes.net/ | |
51. Venus Transit Sun Telescope Losmandy Mounts Toucam Philips Green Laser Lazer venus transit sun telescopes losmandy mounts sky use, green laser, lazer, telescope information, toucam, philips, telescope making, astronomy services, Tasco http://www.telescopes-astronomy.com.au/ | |
52. The San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers Dedicated to taking your telescope to the sidewalk. Also has telescopes for you to borrow for free. San Francisco, California. http://members.aol.com/raycash/sidewalk.htm | |
53. Telescopes.ru These telescopes feature solid performance and high qualitative optics at an attractive price. So take your choice. TAL telescopes. http://www.telescopes.ru/ | |
54. Astromart - Your Global Astronomy Resource Everything for the astronomer, including telescopes, mounts, eyepieces, filters, telescopemaking tools and other equipment. http://www.astromart.com/ | |
55. Telescopes telescopes. Russian TAL telescopes 100mm, f/10 achromatic refractor TAL100R (TAL-100RM), small telescope for amateur astronomers. Modified Maksutov-Cassegrain http://www.telescopes.ru/product.html?cat=1 |
56. Omni-Optical For All Your Optical Needs Optical science, prisms, illusions, fiber optics, microscope, telescopes, optical science activity kits, magnifiers and binoculars are a few of the items offered. http://www.omni-optical.com | |
57. KECK Mirror At Caltech Astronomy Thank you for visiting the mirror site for KECK telescopes at Caltech Astronomy. We no longer maintain this mirror. Please visit http://www.astro.caltech.edu/mirror/keck/ | |
58. Telescopes In Education (TIE) Provides images taken by the telescope, an Observatory Cam, along with a calendar of current events, and weather information. http://tie.jpl.nasa.gov/tie/index.html |
59. Computer Operated Telescopes Computer Operated telescopes. by Mel Bartels. http://www.bbastrodesigns.com/cot/cot.html | |
60. COMPOSITE TELESCOPES Carbon, Aramid and Sglass/epoxy composite tubes. Descriptive intro to composites. http://www.dreamscopes.com | |
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