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Tegu Lizards: more detail | ||||||
81. Entrez PubMed A golgi study of the optic tectum of the tegu lizard, Tupinambisnigropunctatus. Butler AB, Ebbesson OE. The dendritic patterns http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstra |
82. Entrez PubMed Abstract, Seasonal changes in blood oxygen transport and acidbase statusin the tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?CMD=search&DB=PubMed&term=LIZARD |
83. Mailing Lists - Reptile, Amphibian, Arachnids (lizard, Snake, Turtle, Tort, Frog geckos_lizards General Lizard Forum. and in the body write subscribeYour Name to monitor/tegu mailing list. Monitor Forum. Discussion http://www.icomm.ca/dragon/mailists.htm | |
84. Black And White Tegu Outside the country of Argentina, this lizard occurs in portions of Uruguayand Brazil. The Argentine black and white tegu is a versatile lizard. http://www.reptileallsorts.com/black-white-tegus.htm | |
85. Lizards TeguRed, Water Monitors, Varanus salvator, White Throat Monitor, MiscellaneousLizards Common Name Latin Name Available Photo/Care *Size Comments http://www.regalreptile.com/lizards.htm | |
86. Saúde Animal - Serviços Saúde Animal Tartarugas Cia; tegu Lizard; tegu Page; Teppo s Turtle Page; TilburgTerrarium Society; Tom Crutchfield s Reptile Enterprises, Inc. http://www.saudeanimal.com.br/linkvet17.htm | |
87. Photos Of Some Reptiles / Reptiles - Reptilia - Argentina 1839) White-and-black tegu Lizard. Ribera Norte, Acassuso, Prov. de Bs. http://www.fotosaves.com.ar/FotosReptiles/FotosReptiles.html | |
88. Erpetologia Amphibians and Reptiles; Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar (Universityof Canberra); tegu Lizard; tegu Page; Tilburg Terrarium Society; http://utenti.lycos.it/veterinario/erpetolo.htm | |
89. Ann B. Butler Butler, Ann B. and Sven OE Ebbesson 1975 A Golgi study of the optic tectumof the tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. J. Morph., 146 215228. http://www.gmu.edu/departments/psychology/homepage/butler.html | |
90. Monitor Lizards http://forum.redtailboas.com/index.php?board=49 |
91. Monitor Lizards http://forum.redtailboas.com/index.php?board=49&ordrmindex=2 |
92. Nature Portfolio - Catalogue Of Photos Of Lizards Nature Portfolio catalogue of photos of lizards - the suborder Lacertilia. FamilyCordylidae - Plated lizards, Cape Girdled Lizard, Cordylus cordylus niger. http://www.natureportfolio.com/reptiles/lizards.php | |
93. WGN Radio AM720 - Pet Central TD, Cyberspace Answer. Q How can I determine what sex my tegu lizard is? Thevet wants $30 for the job. Can do it myself? SS, Sanford, Fla. Answer. http://wgnradio.com/shows/pet/QandA/reptiles.htm | |
94. Alternatives To Iguanas-WYFF-TV Pet Center Bluetongues eat dog food (or manufactured tegu lizard diet), mixed vegetablesand an assortment of treats including fresh fruit and shrimp. http://wyff-tvpet.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&Item_ID=2654&Site_Cat_ID=114 |
95. Journal Of Herpetology 34/4 Abstract. Reproductive and Fat Body Cycles of the tegu Lizard, Tupinambisteguixin, in the Llanos of Venezuela. Emilio A. Herrera http://apt.allenpress.com/aptonline/?request=get-toc&issn=0022-1511&volume=034&i |
96. Draft Report - Importing Live Lizard Tupinambis Merianae (teguixin) Tegus are large teiid lizards and despite a striking superficial resemblance (thoughTegu necks are much shorter), are not close relatives of monitor lizards. http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/trade-use/publicnotices/archive/draft-report/ | |
97. The Info Service Society Sowega Serpentarium Stockholm Herpetological Society Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar Sveriges Herpetologiska Riksförening tegu Lizard tegu Page http://info-s.com/reptile.html | |
98. Peru Reisen & Abenteuer Touren;Dschungel, Tambopata Park, Südamerika, Aras Leck 5. Jungle Runner Lizard. Ameiva ameiva. Lagartija. WML, WTL, SL, CA, CC. 6. TeguLizard. Tupinambis teguixin. Iguana. SL, WTL. 7. Anoles lizards. (Polychrotidaefam). http://www.wasai.com/peru-reisen/animals-of-wasai.htm | |
99. Agama International Tegus This site has moved to a new location. http//www.agamainternational.com. Pleaseclick on the banner above or wait ten seconds to be transferred automatically. http://home.earthlink.net/~timo2/tegus.html | |
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