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Tegu Lizards: more detail | ||||
1. Tegu Care Sheet Information on the care and maintenance of tegu lizards. http://www.bluetegu.com/tegu.html | |
2. Tegus Information On Tegu Lizards Info Tegus - Care Sheets Information About Teg of Diet, Diet-Carnivorous Supplements, Nutrition and Usage - calcium and vitamins, Lighting and......tegus Care Sheets Information about tegu lizards tegus characteristics and sexing, http://www.repticzone.com/caresheets/58.html | |
3. Lizards At Trinidad's Asa Wright Nature Centre Lizards at Trinidad's Asa Wright Nature Centre There's a family of tegu lizards living at Asa Wright, attracted by the food which falls from the bird feeding tables http://www.richard-seaman.com/Reptiles/Trinidad | |
4. Kingsnake.com Classifieds > Lizards 05/03/04. TANZANIAN FALSE tegu lizards! AWESOME! www.firstchoicereptiles.com 05/03/04. INSANE lizards from Tanzania* Rare species http://market.kingsnake.com/index.php?cat=34 |
5. Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Tegu Lizards Easy to access information on tegu lizards kept as pets. of the Argentine Red tegu , the Argentine Black White tegu , the Chacoan tegu, and the Blue Tegu. is not experienced in probing lizards . It is very easy to tear http://www.albinotegu.com/tegu-faq.html | |
6. Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Tegu Lizards The only reliable way to sex a baby tegu is to have it probed as However this shouldnot be attempted by anyone who is not experienced in probing lizards . http://www.bluetegu.com/tegu-faq.html | |
7. Bibliography Of Monitor Lizards (Varanus) 36 (2)269270. Notes on monitor lizards. AHL E International trade in skins of monitor and tegu lizards 1975-1980 http://www.mampam.50megs.com/monitors/references.html | |
8. Creepy Crawly Pets - Slithery - Snakes Snakes, Spiders, Scorpions, Lizards, Turtles, Alligators, Frogs we have them all Lizards, Dabb Lizards, Emerald Lacerta, Fence Lizards, Geckos, Golden Tegu, Haitian Curly Monitors, Sheltopusik, Spiny Lizards, Spinytailed Agamid, tegu lizards . http://www.coloradohistoricaltrails.com/reptiles.html | |
9. Tegus Information On Black And White Argentine Tegu Lizards Info Tegus - Care Sh of Diet, Diet-Carnivorous......tegus Care Sheets Information about Black and white argentine tegu lizardstegus ,characteristics and sexing, http://www.repticzone.com/caresheets/244.html | |
10. Tegu Lizard Red tegu lizards are native to Argentina. Measuring up to 4 feet in length theyare the largest of all the tegus. Adults weigh an average of 20 pounds. http://www.hilozoo.com/animals/AR_tegu.htm | |
11. HERPMED LIZARD WEBSITES Dietary and Nutritional InformationMonitors and other Lizards. Dr Seward's Gila Monster Website. Argentine B W Giant tegu lizards-Care Sheet http://www.xmission.com/~gastown/herpmed/lacerta.htm |
12. JEB -- Summaries: De Souza Et Al. 207 (2): 307 Seasonal metabolic depression, substrate utilisation and changes in scaling patternsduring the first year cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/abstract/207/2/307 | |
13. Tegus From Linkspider UK Recreation Directory Features articles on feeding, diet, captive husbandry, and reproduction. TeguCare Sheet Information on the care and maintenance of tegu lizards. http://linkspider.co.uk/Recreation/Pets/ReptilesandAmphibians/Lizards/Tegus/ | |
14. Cb15 Conservation Biology of tegu lizards in Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia.M. Margarita Mieres, Lee A. Fitzgerald and AL Aquino. Tegu http://wfsc.tamu.edu/reports/AR00/cb15.htm | |
15. Papers Sciences, p. 236237. Coates, EL and GO Ballam. (1987) Upper airway CO 2receptors in tegu lizards localization and ventilatory sensitivity. http://webpub.alleg.edu/employee/l/lcoates/CoatesPage/papers.htm | |
16. FAVORITES FROM Trinadad And Tobago Some additional sightings included Redrumped Agoutis and Golden tegu lizards ona daily basis at Asa Wright, a gorgeous Rainbow Boa that was captured and http://www.birdtreks.com/highlites/ttawnp.html | |
17. HerpSearch.com - USA's Biggest Reptile Search Engine .. http//users.rcn.com/lizard.dnai/civdis.htm . Tegu Lizard Red Tegu Tupinambisrufescens. Family Teiidae. Red tegu lizards are native to Argentina. http://www.herpsearch.com/?q=lizard&s=300 |
18. HerpSearch.com - USA's Biggest Reptile Search Engine http//home.earthlink.net/~timo2/tegus.html . tegus Informationon Black and white argentine tegu lizards info tegus - Care http://www.herpsearch.com/?q=Tegus&s=30 |
19. Pet Lover's Directory: Reptiles And Amphibians/Lizards/Tegus Tegu Care Sheet Information on the care and maintenance of tegu lizards.http//www.bluetegu.com/tegu.html (Added Sat Sep 06 2003 http://www.petloverstalk.com/dir/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Tegus/ | |
20. HighIndex - Recreation: Pets: Reptiles And Amphibians: Lizards: Tegus http//home.earthlink.net/~timo2/tegus.html; Tegu Care Sheet Informationon the care and maintenance of tegu lizards. http//www.bluetegu http://www.highindex.com/Recreation/Pets/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Tegus/ | |
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