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Teen Pregnancy: more books (100) |
141. Domestic Violence Statistics Statistical resources on Domestic Violence and its relationship to pregnancy, children, teen relationships, and elder abuse. http://home.cybergrrl.com/dv/stats.html | |
142. AllRefer Health - Adolescent Pregnancy (Pregnancy - Teenage, Teenage Pregnancy) This corresponds to 97 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 1519 in 1996, compared to 117 per 1,000 in 1990. Of those teen mothers, 25% will have a second child http://health.allrefer.com/health/adolescent-pregnancy-info.html | |
143. Birth Control - Diaphragm Describes this birth control method and how it protects against pregnancy and some STIs. Includes a photograph. http://www.pamf.org/teen/sex/birthcontrol/diaphragm.html | |
144. Values, Religion Affect Teen Sex Choices CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/parenting/09/25/teen.pregnancy.ap/index.html |
145. Lutheran Social Services Of Mid-America Adoptions and pregnancy counseling, teen parenting and pregnancy prevention, counseling, credit and housing counseling. http://www.lssmv.org/ | |
146. Survey Finds Teens Do Listen To Parents About Sex CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/parenting/04/25/teen.pregnancy.ap/index.html |
147. CNN.com - Pregnant Teens: Numbers Are Down But Risks Are Up - May 19, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/women/05/18/teen.pregnancy.wmd/index.html | |
148. U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics US Teenage pregnancy Statistics With Comparative Statistics For Women Aged 2024. This report also available in pdf. Notes on Teenage pregnancy Statistics. http://www.agi-usa.org/pubs/teen_stats.html | |
149. Teenage Pregnancy Unit - Home Page The Teenage pregnancy Unit is a crossGovernment Unit located within the Department for Education and Skills which was set up to implement the Social Exclusion http://www.teenagepregnancyunit.gov.uk/ |
150. Teenage Pregnancy And A Healthy Lifestyle, HYG-5296-97 There are many risks involved with teenage pregnancy 1787 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210. Teenage pregnancy and A Healthy Lifestyle. HYG5296-97. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/5000/5296.html | |
151. It's Your (Sex) Life An informational health resource for teens looking for answers about safe sex and protecting themselves from disease and unwanted pregnancy. http://itsyoursexlife.com/ |
153. U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics: Overall Trends, Trends By Race And Ethnicity US Teenage pregnancy Statistics Overall Trends, Trends by Race and Ethnicity and Stateby-State Information. This reportupdated http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/teen_preg_stats.html | |
154. When Children Have Children - AACAP Facts For Families #31 Teenage pregnancy is usually a crisis for the pregnant girl and her family. All pregnant teenagers should have medical care beginning early in their pregnancy. http://www.aacap.org/publications/factsfam/pregnant.htm | |
155. Redirect Page Skip Navigation Links. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/teen.htm | |
156. AddisonTeens.com - Addison County, Vermont A comprehensive informational site for the area teenagers, including recreational activities and help for teens who are challenged with drug, alcohol, or pregnancy situations. http://www.addisonteens.com/ | |
157. Centre Conseils Grossesse / Pregnancy Counselling Centre Offers friendship, assistance and support services to pregnant teens and women as well as to their partners, during pregnancy, foreseen or not. History of the centre, symptoms of pregnancy, and services offered. http://membres.lycos.fr/ccgpcc/ | |
158. Canyon Pregnancy Center Offers pregnancy testing, peer support, and educational programs for teens and new parents. http://www.canyonpregnancycenter.org/ | |
159. The Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Has Moved The Teenage pregnancy Prevention Initiative has moved. Please go to our home page, select grant programs from the main links at http://www.tcwf.org/tpp.html | |
160. Discovery Health Teenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in an adolescent. An adolescent search, teenage pregnancy. By Eva Martin, MD. Teenage pregnancy http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/1966.html |
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