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1. National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy Audio/Visual. Watch Campaign videos, teen pregnancy PSAs, and clips from your favorite TV shows online. What is the National Day to Prevent teen pregnancy? http://www.teenpregnancy.org/ | |
2. Accidental Teen Pregnancy Resources for teenagers, including online pregnancy test and other help by email or telephone. http://www.etters.net/teen.pregnancy.htm | |
3. Teen1 These photos are divided into three related chapters on teen pregnancy. You may skip around, but I suggest you go in Profile of a teen mother. Programs for teen mothers http://www.intac.com/~jdeck/tahra/Tp1.html | |
4. MedlinePlus: Teenage Pregnancy Screening; Birth Control What You Need to Know (Nemours Foundation); Ten Tips for Parents to Help Their Children Avoid teen pregnancy (National Campaign to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/teenagepregnancy.html | |
5. Allexperts Teen Pregnancy Q&A Volunteers answer anybody's questions about pregnancy, the issues pregnant teens going through, and pregnant teen's options. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=862 |
6. Division Of Reproductive Health Redirect Page Preventing teen pregnancy. CDC supports research to improve the measurement of unintended pregnancy, to prevent unintended and teen pregnancy, and to integrate STD http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/up_adolpreg.htm | |
7. Medical References: Facts You Should Know About Teenage Pregnancy Because of the risks involved in teen pregnancy to both mother and child, the March of Dimes strongly urges teenage girls to delay childbearing. http://www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1159.asp | |
8. Teen Pregnancy: How Is It A Feminist Issue? Statistics and other information about the difficulties and struggles faced by adolescent women who become pregnant or give birth in western countries. Includes general information about support services available in South Australia. http://www.angelfire.com/sc3/teenpregnancy/index.html | |
9. Teen Sex And Pregnancy, 1999 19. teen pregnancy. 22. teen pregnancy Outcomes 41. More than half (56%) of the 905,000 teenage pregnancies in 1996 ended in births (2/3 of which were unplanned). http://www.agi-usa.org/pubs/fb_teen_sex.html | |
10. FS: Teen Pregnancy, Birth And Abortion teen pregnancy, Birth and Abortion. Pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates among teenagers in the United States have declined over the past decade but still remain an endemic public health issue. http://www.siecus.org/pubs/fact/fact0010.html | |
11. Campaign For Our Children, Inc. Campaign For Our Children, Inc. This site provides information and statistics on teen pregnancy and adolescent health. There are special sections for teachers, parents and teens. Teachers will http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.cfoc.org/&y=024C8C30787A74DF& |
12. Get Real About Teen Pregnancy Prevention issues for U.S. teenage pregnancy. http://letsgetreal.org |
13. The Prevention Researcher Online - Volume 11, Issue 2: Positive Youth Developmen A quarterly newsletter about AtRisk Youth. Contains abstracts and references as well as full length articles on At-Risk Youth issues such as teen violence, teen pregnancy prevention, substance abuse, dating violence and eating disorders. http://www.TPRonline.org | |
14. The Pregnancy HelpDesk Information and links on pregnancy, teen pregnancy, childbirth, dads links, and parenting. http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/1483 |
15. Teen Pregnancy - WomensHealthChannel Why is teen pregnancy such an important issue? Overview teen pregnancy rates in the United States have declined steadily in recent years. http://www.womenshealthchannel.com/teenpregnancy/index.shtml | |
16. Intimate Thoughts From Parents, Teens And Others A series of tapes by Elva Kesley, M.A., a counselorturned-writer, dealing with all issues of parenting communication, drug abuse, school violence, sex, relationships, divorce, absent parenting, teen pregnancy, runaways, dropping out of school, working parents, single parents, child abuse and neglect. http://members.aol.com/teentapes |
17. Mary's Shelter - Residential Care For Pregnant Teens Provides a residential home for adolescent teens. State licensed notfor-profit agency serving young pregnant women in need of a residence. http://www.teenshelter.org/ | |
18. Reducing Teenage Pregnancy Easy Access to Contraception Helps Reduce the Incidence and Cost of teen pregnancy Easy and confidential access to family planning services through clinics http://www.plannedparenthood.org/library/TEEN-PREGNANCY/Reducing.html | |
19. Pregnancy & Childbearing Among U.S. Teens millions of American families struggle individually with the emotional and economic challenges that unintended pregnancy can bring, teen pregnancy poses a http://www.plannedparenthood.org/library/TEEN-PREGNANCY/teenpreg_fact.html | |
20. National Strategy To Prevent Teen Pregnancy: 1997-98 Report Despite the recent decline in the teen birth rate, teen pregnancy remains a significant problem in this country. Most teen pregnancies are unintended. http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/teenp/intro.htm | |
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