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81. The National Center On Addiction And Substance Abuse Publication Title teen Tipplers America s Underage Drinking Epidemic PublishedDate February 2002 Author The National Center on addiction and Substance http://www.casacolumbia.org/pdshopprov/shop/item.asp?itemid=36 |
82. CNN.com - Programs Introduced To Reduce Teen Marijuana Addiction - September 7, Programs introduced to reduce teen marijuana addiction. From ChristyFeig CNN Medical Senior Producer. WASHINGTON (CNN) The Substance http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/children/09/07/marijuana.treatment/ | |
83. DukeMedNews Teen Brain Changes Increase Cigarette Addiction teen brain changes increase cigarette addiction. Back to List, date 9/16/2003.relevant links http//www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994163. http://news.mc.duke.edu/news/article.php?id=7042 |
84. NICOTINE ADDICTION SHOWS UP EARLY IN TEEN SMOKERS Release Date Sept. 22, 2003. NICOTINE addiction SHOWS UP EARLY IN TEENSMOKERS. By Becky Ham, Science Writer Health Behavior News Service. http://www.hbns.org/news/nicotine09-22-03.cfm | |
85. NAADAC: Index - Teen Treatment Guide Notes Value Of Addiction Counselors 116. teen Treatment Guide Notes Value of addiction Counselors. Firsteverguide to alcohol and drug treatment programs for teens. Alexandria http://www.naadac.org/pressroom/index.php?PressReleaseID=16 |
86. Preventing Tobacco Use And Addiction Among Young People Offers advice to parents on helping teens understand and resist protobacco forces. http://parentingteens.about.com/library/weekly/aa032801a.htm?once=true& |
87. Drug Rehab Treatment, Drug Rehabilitation For Teens Articles on substance abuse and treatment for teens and young adults. Recognize addiction and denial. Choose a treatment facility. How treatment works. What to expect. Twelve Step programs. http://www.drugrehabtreatment.com/ | |
88. CNN.com - US - Report: Teens Can Get Hooked On Cigarettes After 2 Weeks Of Puffi CNN report on a study that found that young people who experiment with cigarettes can become chemically dependent on tobacco faster than people think. http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/09/11/kids.tobacco.addiction/ | |
89. Hope1 Information about this group which is hosted by youth and facilitated by adults, a place that teens dealing with addiction are not alone. http://ChampionofHope.homestead.com/Hope1.html | |
90. Teen Challenge International - We Offer FaithBased Live-In Outreach Drug Recovery Prevention Programs Search Our Site Inside the United States Select US State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://teenchallenge.com/&y=02F9DCBFE0B3AEA |
91. Rosecrance Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Substance Abuse Treatment Centers. Specialize in helping teens overcome drug addiction http://www.rosecrance.org/ | |
92. CNN.com - US - Report: Teens Can Get Hooked On Cigarettes After 2 Weeks Of Puffi CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/09/11/kids.tobacco.addiction/index.html | |
93. Smoking: Truth Or Dare Focus is on the consequences of smoking here and now, not maybe later. Here and now, smoking robs teens of their looks, nicotine addiction takes over their lives, and empties their wallets. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0776581.html | |
94. The Tobacco Facts And Resources Page Designed by teens for teens, provides facts on what's in a cigarette, smoking rates by youth, nicotine addiction, illegal sales of tobacco to youth, tobacco advertising aimed at youth, and what the tobacco industry really says. http://www.ymn.org/tobacco/facts.shtml | |
95. NIDA For Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse Learn more about NIDA for Teens. Can onetime drug use lead to addiction?Dr. NIDA answers this and other frequently asked questions. Read on! http://www.teens.drugabuse.gov/ | |
96. Just Eliminate Lies We're Iowa teens fighting the tobacco industry's corrupt efforts to manipulate us into using their addictive, deadly product. Counteradvertising, graphic images of tobacco disease, TV ads, information on tobacco addiction and quitting. http://www.jeliowa.org | |
97. Alcohol And Other Drug Information For Teens ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG INFORMATION FOR TEENS. DEADLY always. They destroy braincells and worse! We re not talking just addiction here but coma, even death! http://www.child.net/drugalc.htm | |
98. Brain Development Makes Teens Vulnerable To Addiction News Summaries. Brain Development Makes Teens Vulnerable to addiction 6/20/2003. http://www.jointogether.org/sa/news/summaries/reader/0,1854,564227,00.html | |
99. Understanding Addiction - Drinking - Drugs - Alcohol - Sobriety - Sober - Abstin understanding addiction addiction - addicts - teens - drinking -drugs - alcohol - sobriety - sober - abstinence - New Years. You http://teenadvice.about.com/library/weekly/aa011501a.htm | |
100. Help, W/ Kids/teens W/ Drinking And Drug Addiction. www.tobaccofreekids.org Home page for the nation s largest non government initiativeaimed at protecting children from tobacco addiction. A teens story of http://www.ni-cor.com/antidrugtwo.html | |
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