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41. Resources Resources for technical writing Students General. MLA Documentation. 10 Ways to ImproveYour technical writing. Deadwood Phrases. Evaluating Webpages. http://www.hsu.edu/faculty/beggsm/tech/links.html | |
42. :::: -This Site Is Under Construction- :::: Translations in the areas of internet, software localization and technical writing. German and English. http://www.caledonia-translations.ca/ | |
43. EServer Technical Communication (and Technical Writing) Library A comprehensive portal to online resources in professional, scientificand technical communication (including technical writing). http://tc.eserver.org/ | |
44. MadDocs Offers technical writing, editing, project management, and translation services (GermanEnglish and English-German). http://gaushaus.tripod.com/ | |
45. Articles And Tutorials About Technical Writing - How To Get Started And Maximize How to get started and maximize your technical writing career. Articleson General Resource. technical writing Articles and Tutorials. http://www.klariti.com/technical-writing/index.shtml | |
46. User Guide Tutorial - How To Write A Successful User Guide. How to get started and maximize your technical writing career. Articleson business technical writing Online User Guides Tutorial. http://www.klariti.com/technical-writing/User-Guides-Tutorial.shtml | |
47. Strategies To Succeed In Writing - School For Champions Free online writing course for technical and fiction writers. School for Championships features free online writing course. Covers screen writing, children's stories, and technical writing. http://www.school-for-champions.com/writing.htm | |
48. "Writing Guidelines For Engineering And Science Students" Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students guidelines to help studentsof engineering and science make their technical writing more efficient for http://fbox.vt.edu/eng/mech/writing/ | |
49. Lantastik Consulting, Inc Offers technical writing services for topics including palm pilots, laptops, windows 2000, windows NT, windows 95, users and technicians. http://home.netcom.com/~pperlo/ | |
50. Techwriters.com - Providing The Sharpest Writers Since 1980 At TechWriters.com, you can learn more about technical writing, take a course,find or post technical writer jobs, and contribute to our online technical http://www.techwriters.com/ | |
51. Quotes About Tech Writing By three methods we may learn technical writing First by education, which is noblest;second by methodology, which is easiest; and third by planting your butt http://www.sysprog.net/quotwrit.html | |
52. Resume, Resume Writing, Resumes - The Writer's Block (goodresume.com) - Best Res Services include resume writing, technical writing/editing, online help creation, and Web design. http://www.goodresume.com | |
53. A Technical Writing Course, Or Online Writing Course, For The Would-be Technical a technical writing course, for the technical writer, offering an onlinewriting course, training people to get a freelance writing job. http://www.inst.org/tech/ | |
54. SAFs Administrative Support Home Page Administrative support, bookkeeping and accounting, r©sum©s, technical writing, and other office services. http://adminsupport4you.homestead.com | |
55. Living Documentation: The Future Of Technical Writing Living Documentation The Future of technical writing. Bremer displays an excellentknowledge of technical writing and his book has much to offer. http://www.poewar.com/articles/living_documentation.htm | |
56. Kirk McElhearn's Home Page Translation and technical writing in French and English. Bilingual site. http://www.mcelhearn.com/ | |
57. Technical Writing FAQ John Hewitt tells people about the ins and outs of technical writing as a career. Thetechnical writing FAQ. By John Hewitt. Uploaded September 21, 2003. http://www.poewar.com/articles/twfaq.htm | |
58. Technical Writing Guidelines for technical writing. by VL Young and KJ Sampson. Third person voiceis preferred for technical writing. Describe the work but leave yourself out. http://www.ent.ohiou.edu/~valy/techwrite.html | |
59. Herald Translation Service Home Page Integrated communications solutions. Chinese translation, software localization, technical writing, editing and authoring. Legal and business translation services. http://www.herald-ts.com/ | |
60. Careers In Technical Writing: Advising English Majors CAREERS IN technical writing ADVISING ENGLISH MAJORS. Rose Norman.ÂTECHNICAL Writers Preparation for technical writing. Gaining the http://www.mla.org/ade/bulletin/N084/084030.htm | |
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