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41. Resources / Earth Sciences Environment issues related to learning and teaching in the to manage conserve natural resources, improve sustainable agriculture, address problems http://www.btinternet.com/~iberry/html/es.htm | |
42. Science.gov Topic Resources For Kids, Parents And Teachers For User Category All NASA) agriculture in the Classroom Educational resources. Department of agriculture (USDA) America on best practices of mathematics teaching and learning http://www.science.gov/browse/w_133A.htm | |
43. Earth Science Education - Academic Info TREES teaching resources for Education in Earth Science Designed for beginning college United States Department of agriculture (USDA) - Educational resources http://www.academicinfo.net/edteachearth.html | |
44. Agriculture In The USA Today: Teaching Resources For K-6 . Provides general background information about...... agriculture in the USA Today teaching resources for K6 Murphy, Donald J. http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=3818&pc=9 |
45. Enniskillen Campus Department of agriculture and Rural Development. Enniskillen Campus s practical teaching resources include the equestrian yards, engineering workshops http://www.enniskillen.ac.uk/ | |
46. CFAITC: Teacher Resource Guide 2004 agricultural literacy of California s youth. resources that assist in teaching about agriculture are plentiful. The guide provides an all http://www.cfaitc.org/TRG/TRG.php | |
47. Internet For Agriculture, Food & Forestry - Teaching Materials   FOR TEACHERS. This page links to teaching resources which can be downloaded and used for free. They have been written to help staff http://www.vts.rdn.ac.uk/tutorial/agrifor?page=forteachershtml |
48. Agricultural Resources on agriculture and Food Security. Crop Term Glossary. GRIN Germplasm Info about Plants, Animals, Microbes, and Insects. Plant Dictionary teaching resources for http://www.stormloader.com/geocoop/agriculture.htm | |
49. Getting The Dirt On Agriculture Page A good resource for educators, this site provides information on books, Web sites, and other resources useful for teaching agriculturerelated sciences http://www.learnnc.org/index.nsf/0/0865C7CFDE40E53285256D7300445BEF?OpenDocument |
50. Agriculture Resources For K-8 Teachers http://oncampus.richmond.edu/~pstohrhu/teaching/agriculture/ | |
51. Teacher Resources Contains internet resource collections on many areas (such as agriculture, Reforming Arts information and services applicable to teaching science, math http://www.kusd.edu/students/research-links/bookmarks/tchr_res.html | |
52. Oregon Agriculture In The Classroom Foundation can be used as a theme for teaching math, science 3. Reading Comp/Life Science, Natural resources, Who Cares Writing, Ag Diversity in Oregon, agriculture in Oregon. http://aitc.oregonstate.edu/resources/lessons.htm | |
53. NACTA 2004 Conference Members of NACTA are from twoyear and four-year colleges, public and private, and have a common bond of teaching agriculture, natural resources and environment http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/nacta/ | |
54. Health And Safety, Federal Resources For Educational Excellence (FREE) 16. Education resources introduces kids to statistics and demonstrates their importance to agriculture. Includes teaching resources on investigating your http://www.ed.gov/free/s-health.html | |
55. Parents & Teachers | Growing Alberta | Alberta Agriculture, Alberta Food Industy Welcome to the world of agriculture and food  from a learning feeding tips, activities for toddlers to curriculum based teaching resources for elementary http://www.growingalberta.com/parents/ | |
56. Institute Of Agriculture And Natural Resources http://www.ianr.unl.edu/home/teaching.html | |
57. CASFS - Training Manual some of the current obstacles to more sustainable food and agriculture systems. How to Order. teaching Organic Farming Gardening resources for Instructors is http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/casfs/training/manual/ | |
58. University Of Namibia The Faculty aim is to promote sustainable agriculture and natural resources development and management in Namibia, through teaching, research and extension http://www.unam.na/faculties/agriculture/ | |
59. Wiltshire College Museum Of Agriculture And Rural Life - 24 Hour Museum first opened its doors as a County School of agriculture in 1946. Disability Access Events/teaching/resources for people with disabilities Parking for disabled http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/museum_gfx_en/SW000113.html | |
60. The University Of Tennessee Institute Of Agriculture for agriculture and Natural resources (IPANR) provide faculty and students with an opportunity to incorporate a global perspective into their teaching, http://casnr.tennessee.edu/ | |
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