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161. MCG Graduate Medical Education General Residency Teaching Sites teaching Sites. Hospital and Clinics. MCG HealthCare is the health system of the Medical College of Georgia, offering the highest http://www.mcg.edu/Resident/sites.htm | |
162. East West Web Site Router teaching Kung Fu, Tai Chi, yoga, kickboxing aerobics, and therapeutic massage. Features class timetables, pictures, personal training, instructor profile and general information. Located in Charleston. http://www.eastwesthealtharts.com/ |
163. CET: Resources: General Information On Teaching Techniques: General Information UMass Handbook for teaching Assistants Some material is particularly suited to teaching Assistants, but also includes general teaching material, such as http://www.usc.edu/programs/cet/resources/techniques/ | |
164. Consulate General Of Japan In Edinburgh - Welcome Consulate general of Japan in Edinburgh, with consular jurisdiction in Scotland and the North East of England. Has information on the history of JapanScotland links, on the Japan Exchange and teaching Program, and a message from the Consul general. http://www.edinburgh.uk.emb-japan.go.jp/ | |
165. KempoJitsu Based in Bradford, teaching Kempo Jujitsu. Lists techniques, fundamentals and general information. http://kempojitsu.homestead.com/index.html | |
166. Chemistry Of How Things Work - ChemCases.com An NSFsupported curriculum development project, ChemCases is a web-based resource of curriculum supplements for teaching the second semester general chemistry course. Each case study features a number of the basic principles covered in a traditional general chemistry curriculum. These concepts are used to address the decisions that influence development of successful consumer, agricultural and pharmaceutical products. http://chemcases.com/ | |
167. Government Of The Balearic Islands - Directorate-general Of Ministry Of, Education And Culture Directorategeneral Of teaching Staff, 25 / May / 2004. Organization Chart. Ministries http://www.caib.es/govern/organigrama/area.en.jsp?coduo=38 |
168. White Wolf Martial Arts Academy An affiliation of different schools and styles all dedicated to teaching excellence. Lists instructor profiles, photographs, tournaments, message board and general information. http://www.angelfire.com/or2/bg/ma.html | |
169. Beyond General Web Searching: Advanced Approaches To Finding Information On The teachingLib/Guides/Internet/BeyondWeb.html. Beyond general World Wide Web Searching UC Berkeley teaching Library Internet Workshops. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/BeyondWeb.html | |
170. :: Welcome To The Official United Martial Arts Home Page :: teaching Karate, cardio kick boxing, Torite Jutsu, Ryu Kyu Kempo, small circle Jujitsu, modern Arnis, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan and self defense. Includes photo gallery, merchandise and general information. Located in Raleigh. http://www.trianglehomehunter.com/umac/ |
171. General Teaching Tools general Tools. This section of the site need to teach the basics. That background consists of Some advise about teaching with cases. http://www.computingcases.org/general_tools/general_tools_intro.html | |
172. Pesach - General Index An educational site, with teaching units, activities, haggadas. Excellent resource for educators. http://www.jajz-ed.org.il/festivls/pesach/index.html | |
173. Searle Center For Teaching Excellence information, or email the Assistant Director to request bibliographies on specific subjects. general BIBLIOGRAPHY ON teaching AND LEARNING. http://teach.northwestern.edu/library.html | |
174. Welcome To AKF Flying Dragons Martial Arts School Web Site Organization teaching Kyuki Do, a combination art of Taekwondo, Hapki Do and Judo. Features history, instructor biographies, class timetable, seminar details and general information. http://www.flying-dragons.com | |
175. Lesson Plans for geography, history, citizenship, economics, cultures and general social studies. Units, Lesson Plans, Activities and Resources for teaching about Native http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
176. Atlas Of Brain Perfusion SPECT: Cover Page 22 brain SPECT teaching cases with color SPECT images and clinical information, explanations, and slide show. Also has a general tutorial section. Free, no registration. BrighamRAD, Harvard Medical School, Boston. http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/education/online/BrainSPECT/BrSPECT.html | |
177. Teaching Tips For Graduate Teaching Assistants In general, see the TA CyberHandbook (Subject teaching Strategies). See also, from the Occasional Pages Series Humor in the Classroom . QUESTIONING. http://ase.tufts.edu/cae/pages/tips.htm | |
178. IMB Academy, Teaching Jeet Kune Do, Kali, Eskrima, Arnis, Muay Thai Boxing, Mach teaching Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Kali, Eskrima, Arnis, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, wresting, weight training and general fitness classes. Includes requirements and curriculum, courses and class schedule. Located in Torrance. http://www.imbacademy.com |
179. OEL: General Chemistry Undergraduates Teaching Experiences (UTE) - College Of Ar is planning for the next term of the UTU (Undergraduates teaching Undergraduates) program to join the current set of group leaders in general Chemistry, each http://www.pitt.edu/~oel/ute/genchem.htm | |
180. How To... And Other Things Channel Nemeton has been designed as a teaching place as well as a general pagan oriented chat room where texts may be downloaded with ease. The Channel founder follows a Druidic, Western Shaman's path his off sider specializes in formal 'High Magic and Witchery. http://www.ravenquest.net/Nemeton.html | |
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