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Teaching For Standards Of Learning Tests (sols): more detail | |||||
81. High-Stakes Testing Slights Multiculturalism - Vol 14 No 3 - Rethinking Schools It turns out that Matthew Henson isn t on Virginia s highstakes test, known as the standards of learning (SOL). Like any mother, I called the teacher. http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/14_03/tale143.shtml | |
82. The Tartan Online - Strict Standards Of Learning also narrow what teachers can teach to students. to about.com s article on Standardized Testing and Assessment Will learning be more productive in a stressful http://www.thetartan.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/04/30/4092bf31d2915 | |
83. Nelson County Public Schools the National standards and Virginia standards of learning to activities plans, and projects designed to teach the standards. Developed by teachers and students http://www.nelson.k12.va.us/Instruction/techresources.htm | |
84. Standards Of Learning of students from lowincome families, according to Asa Hilliard, a teacher, psychologist and Fishburn Park Elementary standards of learning Pass Rates in http://www.roanoke.k12.va.us/schools/fishburn/sol2.html | |
85. Appomattox County Public Schools and Social Science standards of learning Teacher Resource Guide; Science standards of learning Teacher Resource Guide. The standards of learning (SOL) test http://www.appomattox.k12.va.us/acps/acps_secondarypage_template.aspx?pn=Curricu |
86. SchoolZone - SOL Questions Answered Q Where can I find more information on the standards of learning? Talk to your child s teacher and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about the http://home.hamptonroads.com/schoolzone/schoolsol/solQuestions.cfm | |
87. February 16, 1999 - SBC Professors Help High School Science Teachers Meet Standa this summer to help teachers meet Virginia s science standards of learning (SOL) requirements. offer an intensive twoweek course for 30 teachers to discuss http://www.sbcnews.sbc.edu/9902/9902sol.html | |
88. Patrick Welsh paintby-numbers view of learning, says 17 are usually not told the teacher s objectives nor officials talked tough about raising standards, threatening to http://www.lessonplans.com/readwelsh2.htm | |
89. Richmond.com for local school divisions to incorporate the standards of learning before students Teachers are given test blueprints guidelines for test construction. http://www.richmond.com/output.cfm?ID=773910 |
90. SOLpass - Virginia SOL Test Practice And Review Parents and Teachers Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) SOL Resources standards of learning (short form) by subject and grade Social Studies http://www.solpass.org/ | |
91. Atrocities (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) paintby-numbers view of learning, says 17 The fact that teachers tailor their plans to these officials talked tough about raising standards, threatening to http://www.susanohanian.org/show_atrocities.html?id=642 |
92. Language Arts SOLs For Third Grade http://web.dps.k12.va.us/ParkAve/LgASOL.htm | |
93. Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs Teachers tell us they are concerned because they stop important classroom discussions and learning experiences, just move on to one more benchmark or standard. http://www.fccpta.org/speeches/sp_sol.htm | |
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