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Teaching For Standards Of Learning Tests (sols): more detail | |||||
41. Virginia SOL Information Educators may download the plans to assist them in teaching specific components of Virginia s standards of learning for particular school subjects http://www.rockingham.k12.va.us/vasol/sol.htm | |
42. Teaching To The SOL Test (washingtonpost.com) Post had a front page story in July about Virginia teachers quitting the Ingerson must get his students ready for Virginia s Standard of learning (SOL) tests http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A7874-2001Aug28 | |
43. Curriculumn And SOLS Specialists follow curriculum objectives outlined by the Virginia standards of learning. Classroom teachers and specialists are responsible for planning and http://lc.loudoun.k12.va.us/schools/roundhill/curriculumn.html | |
44. Teaching And Testing The VA SOL 6-12 Familiar with instructional strategies and resources that will facilitate the teaching of the standards. The Virginia standards of learning. http://members.tripod.com/cynthiasparks/teachtest612.htm | |
45. Number 2 Pencil: One Teacher's Response To The SOLs A Virginia teacher blames the (sols) (standards of learning) exams for his decision to leave the public school system standards of learning were introduced http://www.kimberlyswygert.com/archives/001910.html | |
46. VA SOLs View all of the standards of learning at this also provides a timetable for revisions of these standards. This site provides more resources for teachers to use http://teachereducation.wlu.edu/va_sols.htm | |
47. Untitled Document a very visible, parentled campaign against the state standards of learning (SOL) exams five percent agreed, ÂTeachers spend too much time teaching to the http://www.fairtest.org/examarts/Summer 00/Survey.html | |
48. Standards Of Learning and grammar are not substitutes for learning the rules following grade five and grade eight standards, respectively. The teaching of these skills should be the http://www.knowledge.state.va.us/main/sol/solview.cfm?curriculum_abb=E/W |
49. VA-SOL Mansion Tour in all of VirginiaÂs 134 school districts each year with educational programs designed to teach VirginiaÂs standards of learning ((sols)). http://www.knowledge.state.va.us/main/mansion/man.htm | |
50. VEA : Articles Archives : Detail on the standards of learning including what Some 25 teachers and administrators volunteered to of special education students on these standardized tests. http://www.veaweteach.org/articles_archives_detail.asp?ContentID=343 |
51. ECED 510 Resource File While most teachers value high standards for education, they have had financial resources on the curriculum framework of the standards of learning ((sols)). http://coe.jmu.edu/martindm/ECED 510 Web Resource File/1 main page eced_510.htm | |
52. T/TAC-W&M - Articles - VA SOLs And Students With Disabilities, Pretest Checklist with disabilities in the standards of learning (SOL) Assessment Special and general education teachers know that reading test is a nonstandard condition that http://web.wm.edu/ttac/articles/iep/pretestcheck.html | |
53. SPS | Driver Ginny Whitehead, Rookie Teacher of the Year  Carolyn Stevenson, Reading Teacher of the 2003 Test Scores The Virginia standards of learning ((sols)) are a http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/schools_des.htm | |
54. State And International Assessment of science by administering the standards of learning (SOL) test Now, teachers teach to the standards. They even go as far as teaching the students test taking http://education.cortland.edu/teach/papers/vaassessment.html | |
55. SOLs: The Latest In Testing just two points shy of passing on the geometry standards of learning test as a sophomore. I liked the (sols) because in the beginning, the teachers gave us a http://www.has.vcu.edu/mac/ujw02/sols.htm | |
56. NewsHour Extra: SOL Testing - September 12, 1999 the testThat s how many students feel about the standards of learning (SOL are designed to measure how well teachers are teaching and students are learning. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/july-dec99/sol.html | |
57. Frontline: Testing Our Schools: Testing: In The Classroom | PBS me and for my team, and I think for many teachers, because there have to make sure that these children learn these (sols) standards of learning, that they http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/schools/testing/theme.html | |
58. Food For Thought achievement than 12 years of formal evaluation by trained professional teachers. program in Virginia began with the SOL (standards of learning) tests. http://www.co-opliving.com/coopliving/issues/2003/July/food.htm | |
59. FETConnections - Winter 2000 The Strands indicate what standards of learning ((sols)) and additional This allows the teachers to be sure the students will be prepared for the rigorous http://www.fetc.org/fetcon/1101/badolato.htm | |
60. Spring '99 -- Standards Of Learning: Beyond The Debate In an effort to address this trend, the Curry School of Education is preparing teachers to incorporate the standards of learning, or (sols), into http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/foundation/newsletter/sp99/sol.htm | |
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