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21. Special Education Disabilities Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Math Skills Checklist For teaching FAS students. National Organization on fetal alcohol syndrome- Offers strategies for working with FAS children. http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/special_ed/disabilities/fas/ | |
22. Gene Hester Video Library 30 min. A. The National Org. on fetal alcohol syndrome. STUDENTS LIKE ME teaching children with fetal ALCHOL syndrome. 39 min. A, HC. Vida Health Communications. http://www.oasas.state.ny.us/sqa/training/video/womenfasvid.htm | |
23. Fetal Alcohol Exposure And Attention: Moving Beyond ADHD on academic and behavioral functioning, practical teaching methods can term psychopathology and cognitive outcome of children with fetal alcohol syndrome. http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh25-3/199-203.htm | |
24. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / Effects and Resource Booklet; Materials for teaching about FAS who have adopted children with emotional fetal alcohol syndrome Community Resource Center, Pima Council on http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/fetalalco.html | |
25. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Prenatal Substance Exposure-FAQ Where would I find some information about teaching strategies for children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or children with problems due to prenatal http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/faq/fetalalc.html | |
26. Special Child: Disorder Zone Archives - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome more accurately diagnosis FAS, the fetal alcohol syndrome Diagnostic and There have been several teaching recommendations for children with FAS http://www.specialchild.com/archives/dz-011.html | |
27. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Treatments the notion that children with fetal alcohol syndrome have the same learning problems as children with attention guidance on developing new teaching methods and http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_REPORT/erarchive/1997/April/erapril.14/4_14_97FetalAl | |
28. :: Ez2Find :: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome concerns about the educational implication of teaching prenatally alcohol Window To improve the lives of children with fetal alcohol syndrome/Effects (FAS http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Health/Reproductive_Health/P | |
29. Bioethics Notebook Page needs to know how children with fetal alcohol syndrome are educated, how big a problem fetal alcohol syndrome is, what is the cost of teaching students with http://www.accessexcellence.org/21st/TE/BE/STAKE4.HTML | |
30. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome And Effect mother, who was adopting three children with fetal alcohol exposure themselves to find resources to improve their children s lives We need to be teaching 12year http://www.come-over.to/FAS/Citizen/part1_8.htm | |
31. Canku Ota - Mar. 24, 2001 - Teaching About FAS who have come to earth as volunteers to teach us what we We also wanted to reassure those who are raising children with fetal alcohol syndrome or related http://www.turtletrack.org/Issues01/Co03242001/CO_03242001_FAS.htm | |
32. FAS Info role in loving, supporting and teaching the young at higher risk than those diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. These children are not as easily identified http://home.golden.net/~fasat/FAS_Info/fas_info.htm | |
33. Links with Learning Disabilities and children with fetal Malbin FAS and ADHD teaching Students with Helping students with FAS fetal alcohol syndrome/Effects Good http://home.golden.net/~fasat/Resources/Links/links.htm | |
34. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome of children with fetal alcohol syndrome and/or atypical fetal alcohol syndrome. fostering independence; and; teaching children how to make acceptable decisions. http://www.cps.ca/english/statements/II/ii02-01.htm | |
35. Health Information | Health & Safety Resources | Child Health & Safety | Childre for teaching academic skills, such as reading or math. Computers may enhance academic learning and language skills for children with fetal alcohol syndrome. http://www.pediatricweb.com/seattle/article.asp?ArticleID=804&ArticleType=9 |
36. PHU | Chronic | School Health and developmental delay in North American children. www.acbr.com/fas/ (fetal alcohol syndrome Information Support Ministry of Education teaching Students with http://www.porcupinehu.on.ca/school_health.html | |
37. Childcare Resource ... Childcare Beginner Information ... Childcare Information Employer/Employee Ethics fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Field Information Interacting with children Interviews IRS Learning Theories/ teaching Methods Libraries http://www.childcare-resource.com/fas.htm | |
38. CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES AND CHILDREN WITH FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME of preventable birth defects and developmental delays in children. The second text is teaching Students with fetal alcohol syndrome and Possible http://www.gov.sk.ca/shrc/education_equity/yude_speech.htm | |
39. UAF Newsroom: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Innovative educational strategies for teaching children with alcoholrelated have shown that educating children with fetal alcohol syndrome is effective. http://www.uaf.edu/news/story/research/fas.html | |
40. Alcohol mom worked with her, using simpler teaching tools. FAS children do better with art, music and life mission to educate the public about fetal alcohol syndrome. http://www.gannett.com/go/difference/greatfalls/pages/part3/fetal.html | |
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