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141. VolunteerMatch - Glenwood/Laurin Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Glenwood/Laurin Parentteacher Organization (PTO) is located in Vancouver,Washington. Glenwood/Laurin Parent-teacher Organization (PTO), Back . http://www.volunteermatch.org/orgs/org12016.html | |
142. Untitiled Andrew P. Hill High School Parent teacher Organization. The Parentteacher Organization at Andrew Hill High School. A Parent teacher http://www.andrewhill.org/parent coordenator/page2.htm | |
143. Parent Teacher Organization Ways to Become Involved 1. Parent teacher Organization (PTO) FKShas a very competent Parent teachers Organization. During the http://plato.stlucie.k12.fl.us/fks/parent_teacher_organization1.htm |
144. By-Laws For Kennedy Parent-Teacher Organization ByLaws for Kennedy Parent-teacher Organization. Article I-Name. The name of thisorganization is the Kennedy Parent-teacher Organization of Lawrence, Kansas. http://schools.usd497.org/kennedy/pto/PTO By-Laws rev 2-01.htm | |
145. Parent Teacher Organization VHS. PTO. Parent teacher Organization. Everyone Invited! Meetingswill be held monthly in VHS Cafeteria dues $3.00 Monies raised http://www.vidor.k12.tx.us/vhswebsite/PTO.htm | |
146. Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Parent teacher Organization (PTO). PTO Report for 2003. The ParentteacherOrganization meets one Sunday a month. The organization http://www.bvmc.org/PTO/ | |
147. Awards And Sponsors - Parent Teacher Organization's - Health Education Programs Nutrition Program Grants, Comprehensive Health Education, Tobacco Prevention, Safeand DrugFree Schools, Title One, Parent teacher Organization s and PTA s http://www.foodplay.com/about/aboutawards.html | |
148. DoDEA: Sullivans Elementary The Sullivans School. Parent/teacher Organization. Who are we? Weare a group of Parents and teachers, as well as community members http://www.sullivans-es.pac.odedodea.edu/parent/pto.htm | |
149. California Teachers Association California s 22nd Day of the teacher on Wednesday Celebrates Joy of Teachingand Learning Educators Excel Despite Many Daily Challenges, Budget Cuts. http://www.cta.org/ | |
150. Stevens Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization Stevens Elementary School Parentteacher Organization. Stevens PTAis a self-governing unit linked to the state and national PTA. http://www.wasd.org/cominfo/PTSO/stevens.htm | |
151. Teachersplanet.com - Teachers Supplies Info. This Website Is For Sale! teacher Products Great products, great prices! teacher Supplies Find awide selection of parent teacher supplies www.teachingplanet.com. http://www.teachersplanet.com/subjects/langarts.shtml | |
152. Welcome To The National PTA May 24, 2004. http://www.pta.org/ | |
153. PTO Today PTO Today quot;Founded in the Spring of 1999, PTO Today, Inc. has quickly established itself in the center of the parent group world as a valuable resource for parent group leaders and as a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ptotoday.com/&y=0297FC152EB0A12F |
154. Ed On The Web - Teachers American Association of Physics Teachers AAPT is the professional organizationfor Physics teachers. American Council on the Teaching http://www.helpforschools.com/cgi-bin/directory.pl?Category=Teachers |
155. ISTE - The Leading Organization For Educational Technology Professionals in conjunction with the first ever NetDay Speak Up Day for Teachers. NetDay, a national,education technology nonprofit organization, will share the results http://www.iste.org/ | |
156. CNN.com - Paige Calls NEA 'terrorist Organization' - Feb. 23, 2004 Secretary Rod Paige called the National Education Association a terrorist organizationMonday as he argued that the country s largest teachers union often acts http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/02/23/paige.terrorist.nea/ | |
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