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81. Whiteford Agricultural Schools School calendar, upcoming events, academics, guidance, teacher's pages, organizations, lunch menus, sports, links and contacts. http://whiteford.k12.mi.us/ | |
82. Crittenden County Elementary School Provides a lunch menu, honor roll student list, facutly listing, student organizations, and the parent teacher organization. http://www.crittenden.k12.ky.us/cces/default.htm |
83. Portageville School District Contains teacher websites, the online newspaper, descriptions of student organizations, and a listing of staff. http://portageville.k12.mo.us/ | |
84. Washington State Resources For Educating Linguistically Culturally Diverse Stude Information on organizations, legislation, teacher certification, publications, federallyfunded programs, and mailing lists pertaining to state funded bi-lingual education. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/states/washington/ |
85. Ponchatoula High School Tangipahoa Parish School System. Site features campus information, academics, alumni, athletics, calendar, internet library, campus library, news, organizations, teacher's lounge, technology, virtual tour, and links. http://www.tangischools.org/schools/phs/index.htm | |
86. Golden Meadow Middle School School web site for PreK3 campus which includes links for faculty, staff, news, games, teacher corner, library, cafeteria, calendar, special programs, campus information, Partners in Education, handbook, clubs, and organizations. http://gmms.lafourche.k12.la.us/ | |
87. Florien High School -- Florien, LA Secondary campus web page which includes news, teacher resources, sports, clubs and organizations, technology, and student handbook. http://www.sabine.k12.la.us/fhs/ | |
88. R-BCHS Home Page Features academic and district information, along with sports, student and teacher resources, lunch menu, clubs and organizations. Community High School District No. 157. http://www.rbchs.com/ | |
89. English Solutions Offers private ESL instruction to professional individuals or corporations. Curriculum and program design for schools and other organizations, and teacher and tutor training. http://www.EnglishSolutions.us/ | |
90. Dobyns-Bennett High School Public school in city system, grades 912. General news and information, teacher directory, subject pages, pages for athletic teams and student organizations, guidance information, alumni pages, and other topics. http://www.k12k.com/db/ | |
91. Index_new Provides news, information on academics, athletics, and organizations, student, parent, and teacher resources. http://www.finneytown.org | |
92. Redirecting... Campus information, teacher resource, student handbook, student projects, organizations, calendar and library information for the high school campus. http://www.grisd.net/campuses/grhs/ |
93. FHS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) LiaisonSophomore Michele Love, Parent teacher Organization (PTO). Links.Meetings Parent teacher Organization (National PTO Today). http://www.friendswood.isd.tenet.edu/hs/organizations/pto.html | |
94. Elk Grove Education Association - Welcome To EGEA The Association represents approximately 2300 K12 teachers, nurses, counselors, and librarians. Information about the association, members section, links to other education organizations, teacher resources, and contact information. http://www.egteachers.org/ | |
95. Deputy Bob Sheriff Robert J. McCabe and the Norfolk Sheriff's Office offer the indoor program Choices With Deputy Bob free to any school, Parent teacher Association, recreation centers, summer church schools and other civic organizations. Photos, news articles, Deputy Bob's biography, and an explanation of the programs offered. http://www.deputybob.com/ | |
96. Clubs And Organizations: Southern's Future Teacher's Organization Clubs and organizations Southern s Future teacher s Organization.Southern s Future teacher s Organization, Advisors Julie Tolis, http://www.southernct.edu/services/index.php?file=_clubinfo.php&club_id=50 |
97. Dewey Public Schools Board of education, school and faculty information, calendars, clubs and organizations, sports, student and teacher pages, photo album and contacts. http://www.dewey.k12.ok.us | |
98. Home Page For Kellyville Schools School and community information, academics, athletics and organizations, calendar, teacher resources, school board and contact information. Frames pages. http://www.kellyvilleschools.org | |
99. John Stark Regional High School Clubs and organizations, teacher resources, alumnae pages, student resources, and other school information. http://john-stark.k12.nh.us/ | |
100. Hopkinsville High School - Home Of The Tigers Public school in Christian County system, grades 912. Rules and policies, teacher pages, sports and student organizations pages, lunch menus, and other news and information. http://www.christian.k12.ky.us/schools/hhs/index.htm | |
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