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61. Opfer, Steve A journalism and mass communication teacher providing 250 headline links in 10 topical areas, the Internet's Autobiography, and more than 150 links to journalism and mass communication organizations and associations. http://members.cox.net/seopfer |
62. NCATE: National Council For Accreditation Of Teacher Education States. It is a coalition of over 30 organizations representing teachers,teacher educators, policymakers, and the public. NCATE http://www.ncate.org/ | |
63. Education: Teaching: Music: Organizations Education Teaching Music organizations. Canadian Music Educators' Association. College Music Society services for college, conservatory, and university music teachers. Cypress Creek Music teacher's Association - http://www.usaa-academy.com/nerc/edu/musorg.html | |
64. Putting Education Online With Free School Websites From Myschoolonline.com solution for K12 classes, schools, districts, and other educational organizations. teacher-friendly takesthe mystery out of creating a classroom or school http://www.myschoolonline.com/golocal/ | |
65. Michigan PTSA Redirect Page Updated resources for parent/teacher/student organizations, advocacy, resources and links. http://www.michiganpta.org/ |
66. Welcome To Department Of Educational Policy And Administration To prepare caring education professionals for schools and other educational or training organizations, contribute to the teacher education enterprise and the process of education reform in Hong Kong. http://www.ied.edu.hk/epa/ |
67. MontessoriConnections Main Directory Information center for Montessori administrators, teachers, parents and students. Links to schools, teacher training centers, publications, organizations, conferences, educational products and services. http://www.montessoriconnections.com/ |
68. Rethinking Schools Online - Teacher Organization's Resolutions Against The War national voice of more than 240,000 elementary and secondary teachers in every representing25 million members through its 311 member organizations across the http://www.rethinkingschools.org/war/groups/canada02.shtml | |
69. Science And Technology Awareness Network (STANet) Home Page Over 200 organizations promoting science and technology. They provide a searchable database on technology organizations, an email Ask a Scientist link, a provincial bulletin board, and good teacher resources links. http://is.dal.ca/~stanet/ | |
70. Fundraisenow.com Cookie dough, dry mixes, candles, muffins, brownies, fudge, and seasonal brochures. Student/teacher packed and set up at time of delivery for schools and organizations. http://www.fundraisenow.com | |
71. Teacher Education Club At Michigan Technological Univesity Homepage Includes educational links, professional organizations and membership details. http://www.ed.mtu.edu/tec/ | |
72. WAES – Wisconsin Alliance For Excellent Schools A statewide coalition of school districts and teacher, civic, faithbased, and parent organizations working to reform the state's school funding system using an adequacy model. http://www.excellentschools.org | |
73. Department Of Physics And Astronomy - Wayne State University Features current news and announcements and provides information regarding the planetarium, science teacher outreach programs, ongoing research, curriculum, careers, and student organizations. http://www.physics.wayne.edu/ | |
74. Rock County High School Home School information, page the teacher, course schedules and school calendar, staff news, sports pages and school organizations. http://tiger.rchs.esu17.k12.ne.us/ | |
75. The Science Club Nonprofit organization that fuels the joy of science, through school assemblies, parent and teacher workshops, television, video, and print. Also designs programs for museums, agencies, and educational organizations. Includes projects, science fair ideas, and aska-scientist resources. http://scienceclub.org/ | |
76. Pinky's House Of Fun Teachers Page Links to organizations and web sites providing teacher resources. http://pinky.sphosting.com/teachers.html | |
77. Error 404 Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Missouri/Missouri_State_Colleges_and_Universities/Southwest/organizations/Professional http://www.smsu.edu/contrib/smsta/ | |
78. Education Resource Guide Library, supplies, teacher tools, directories, employment, parentteacher conference, organizations, report card, and traditional a cyber playground resources. http://www.edresourceguide.com/ |
79. Welcome To Greenwood Middle School Includes teacher list with class information, organizations and activities, calendar, and links for students, parents and teachers. http://www.somerset.k12.md.us/gms/index.htm | |
80. Page Calendar, teacher pages, clubs and organizations, news, and guidance information. http://www.somerset.k12.md.us/WMS/ | |
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