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41. Welcome To PTA Central - A Central Resource For Parent Teacher Associations, PTO A central resource for Parent teacher organizations. http://www.ptacentral.org/ | |
42. Parent Teacher Organizations Parent teacher organizations. Table of Contents.  Overview  LaFrance Elementary  Pendleton Elementary  Townville Elementary http://www.anderson4.k12.sc.us/ptos.htm | |
43. United Parents Group/Parent Teacher Organizations PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO). Each of the seven schools in theDistrict has an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). This http://www.cheltenham.org/UPG/upg-pto.htm | |
44. Teacher Organizations teacher organizations (If you know of groups/resources not on this list, pleaseemail us w/their mailing address, phone and website or email address! http://www.texastherapists.com/TeacherOrganizations.html | |
45. Teacher Organizations teacher organizations. The ASCD Web http//www.ascd.org/ ASCD isan international, nonprofit, nonpartisan education association http://members.aye.net/~ellisb/socialstudies/teachers/org.html | |
46. Parent Teacher Organizations - Schools - Davenport Community Schools Many of our schools also have a formal Parent Teacher Association or Organizationworking on school and district issues that impact the quality of education http://www.davenport.k12.ia.us/schools/parentteacherorganizations.asp | |
47. Virtual Business Education Resource Center-Teacher Organizations PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR TEACHERS. NATIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATIONASSOCIATION 1914 Association Drive Reston,VA 22091 Phone (703 http://home.columbus.rr.com/businessed/org-tchr.html | |
48. Teacher Organizations The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquarteredin Arlington, Virginia, is the largest organization in the world committed http://education.atu.edu/teacherorganizations.htm | |
49. Parent Teacher Organizations: Kingston Elementary School PTCO(Parent Teacher Community Organization). Parent Volunteers. Technology Committee.School Advisory Council. Home, Philosophy, Field Trips, PTCO, Partners. http://www.bartow.k12.ga.us/kes/ptco.htm | |
50. Professional Teacher Organizations - Mo Center For Math & Science Teacher Educat Home, teacher organizations. Mathematics Teaching Professional Organization.Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Council http://teach-math-or-science.org/TeacherOrganization.htm | |
51. Parent Teacher Organizations The ParentTeacher Organization at Craigmont is a very active parentgroup. The Craigmont Chieftain, Craigmont s parent newsletter http://www.craigmont.org/parent.html | |
52. PTO Parent teacher organizations (PTO). Our district Each of the districtÂsfive schools has its own Parent Teacher Organization. They all http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/boe/Parent_Orgs/pto.htm | |
53. Eden Prairie Schools Parent Teacher Organizations Parent teacher organizations play an everincreasing role in the everyday successof our schools. This site provides a home for all our schools. http://www.edenpr.org/pto/ | |
54. PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATIONS-STATE COLLEGE CENTRAL Information for parents about parent teacher organizationsin the State College, PA area. http://www.statecollegecentral.com/kids/parents/pto/ |
55. Educational Associations Society for Information Technology and teacher Education (SITE) The Society for association of individual teacher educators, and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all http://www.theteachersguide.com/Educationassociations.html | |
56. Teachers' Organizations Learning Resources Council of the Alberta teachers Association. British ColumbiaCollege of teachers; British Columbia teacherLibrarians Association; http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/~mpress/eduweb/teachers.html | |
57. Michigan Teacher Network--Arts Education Resources for arts educators, with links to organizations, periodicals and information for specific areas of the arts. http://mtn.merit.edu/arts.html | |
58. Teacher Information Network - Organizations A teacher's resource to the web. These educational organizations are but a few of the many such groups on the Internet To return to this teacher Information Network organizations list, merely http://www.teacher.com/orgs.htm | |
59. Perguruan Pencak Silat Manyang - Indonesische Zelfverdediging, Martial Arts, Oos Dutch branch of this Madurese style is headed by master teacher C.D. Kessing. Site provides Information about the history of the style, schedules of its Dutch schools, their locations, and links to Pencak Silat organizations worldwide in Dutch and English language. http://www.manyang.nl | |
60. Professional Organizations teacher/Pathfinder Home Professional Development Professional organizations. Resources http://teacherpathfinder.org/ProfDev/proforganiz.html | |
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