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1. ISD77: Parent Teacher Organizations Parent teacher organizations. Get involved in your schools Parent Teacher Organization it's your chance to http://www.isd77.k12.mn.us/pto/pto.html | |
2. Teacher Information Network Links for teacher organizations, resources, and local and national education agencies. http://www.teacher.com/ | |
3. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:TEACHER ORGANIZATIONS DISCUSSION. SEARCH. INDEX. EMAIL. teacher organizations. Alabama Education Association AFSA locals and state organizations work closely with their states labor councils and other http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/o6868i.htm | |
4. Teacher Organizations teacher organizations and Industry Related Links. American Federationof Teachers The AFT represents one million teachers, school http://www.teacherwebsite.com/organizations/organization.htm | |
5. Teacher Organizations Continued TeachNet TeachNet.org is the World Wide Web site for IMPACT IIThe Teachers Network,a national nonprofit organization that supports classroom teachers in the http://www.teacherwebsite.com/organizations/organization3.htm | |
6. Teacher Organizations Development. Enter your email address for FREE weekly teaching tips! Home Teacher Resources Professional Organizations Teacher Unions. http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/pro_organizations/ | |
7. |Camp Hill Home And School Main Page Standardized Testing. Parent/teacher organizations. Art Goes to School District maintains three parent/teacher associations The Camp Hill Elementary Parent/Teacher Organization, the http://www.camphillsd.k12.pa.us/camphillsd/cwp/view.asp?a=1202&Q=430937& |
8. NCATE: Constituent Members NCATEÂs constituent coalition represents over 3 million individuals committed tohighquality teaching. Teacher Education Organizations. teacher organizations. http://www.ncate.org/ncate/conslist.htm | |
9. PTO's PARENT teacher organizations (PTO's) ORGANIZATION http://www.dearborncounty.org/datafiles/pto.html |
10. Rethinking Schools Online - Teacher Organization's Resolutions Against The War Teacher Organization s Resolutions Against the War. Spring 2003. teacher organizationsfrom around the world have taken a stand against the war in Iraq. http://www.rethinkingschools.org/war/groups/toc.shtml | |
11. Professional Teacher Organizations Workforce Education Career, Technical and Adult Education. Professionalteacher organizations. Keep The Professional Wheels Turning Join Today! http://www.myfloridaeducation.com/programs/te_pto.htm | |
12. Cambridge Public School District - Teacher Organizations teacher organizations. District Calendar. Professional Organizations for Teachers.Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) www.ascd.org. http://www.cpsd.us/cpsdir/TRC_teacherorgs.cfm | |
13. Tier.Net - Teacher Organizations Start Restaurants Explore. Top Education Learning TeacherOrganizations. Top Education Learning teacher organizations. http://www.tier.net/www.tier.net/explore/education/teachers/teachers.html |
14. Parent Teacher Organization St. Louis PTO. The St. Louis School Parent Teacher Organization is affiliated withthe Federation of Catholic Parent teacher organizations of Northern Virginia. http://www.stlouisschool.org/pto.htm | |
15. Parent Teacher Organizations Home. Parent teacher organizations. Get Involved! Your Participationis Needed and Valued. Leptondale Elementary School PTO Mary Seitz http://wallkillcsd.k12.ny.us/pto.html | |
16. Audubon Nature Institute Education teacher organizations and Links. teacher organizations and Links Agreat way to network with your peers in Science Education! LA. http://www.auduboninstitute.org/education/resources_links.htm | |
17. Pto Parentteacher organizations. Students in the Mount Laurel Schools are fortunateto have a tremendous base of parental support and involvement. http://www.mountlaurel.k12.nj.us/ptop.htm | |
18. New Hampshire (NH) Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO, PTSO, PTA) At DirectoryNH. New Hampshire s (NH) most complete online guide to parent / teacher organizations.Email this page to a Friend! Bookmark this page! General. http://www.directorynh.com/NHAssociations-Organizations/NHParents.html | |
19. OCS - Org's - Parent Teacher Organizations Oconee County Schools Parent teacher organizations. Name, H/P, City, County.CFES Parent Teacher Organization, N/A, Watkinsville, GA, Oconee. http://www.oconee.k12.ga.us/OCS/org2.html | |
20. OCS - OCPS Parent Teacher Organization OCPS Parent Teacher Organization. Contact Information. Oconee County Schools Parent teacher organizations. Oconee County School System Sheryl Toci http://www.oconee.k12.ga.us/OCS/o403997.html | |
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