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41. South Carolina Teaching Certification Program Online teacher certification program for active and retired military service members. http://www.hehd.clemson.edu/ttt | |
42. Bureau Of Certification And Professional Standards , Idaho Department Of Educati Make recommendations to the State Board of Education regarding teacher preparationprograms, teacher certification standards, and professional practices and http://www.sde.state.id.us/certification/ | |
43. Center For Professional Performance Enhancement LLC - Main - The Online Teacher Online test preparation course for the New York State teacher certification Examination (NYSTCE), by certed.com, a service of the Center for Professional Performance Enhancement LLC http://certed.com | |
44. Alternate Route To Teacher Certification Alternate Route to teacher certification. The Alternate Route toteacher certification (ARC I ARC II) is an innovative program http://www.ctdhe.org/ARC/default.htm | |
45. BalanCenter Pilates Home Personalized Pilates sessions and Physicalmind Institute teacher certification in Narberth, PA. http://home.earthlink.net/~bcpilates/ | |
46. Pilates Miami - THE PLACE For Pilates In The Miami / Dade County Area! Pilates training and teacher certification in Miami Florida. http://www.pilatesmiami.com/ | |
47. RIDE- Teacher Preparation, Certification, And Professional Development - Introdu teacher certification and Teacher Quality Highly Qualified TeachersInformation. In order to improve the quality of our schools http://www.ridoe.net/teacher_cert/Default.htm | |
48. School Of Information Sciences - Welcome To The School Of Information Sciences School offers programs that lead to teacher certification, MS, and PhD. http://www.sis.utk.edu/ | |
49. RIDE - Teacher Certification And Teacher Quality teacher certification and Teacher Quality State Certification. For Moreon Life Certification Rhode Island General Law 1611-1 requires http://www.ridoe.net/teacher_cert/certification/Default.htm | |
50. Department Of Education - Teacher Certification The teacher certification office is responsible for the initial certificationof teachers ; approval of all courses and programs ; for changes in teacher http://certification.ednet.ns.ca/ | |
51. Welcome To Body N Sync Pilates teacher certification program in Port Washington NY. http://www.bodynsync.net/ | |
52. Louisiana Department Of Education Division of teacher certification and Higher Education Louisiana Division of teacher certification and Higher Education. Janet Reed Director,teacher certification and Higher Education (225) 342-3563 Staff Contacts. http://www.doe.state.la.us/DOE/asps/home.asp?I=CERTIFICATION |
53. Living Yoga Teacher Training Program, 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification, Austi 200hour, hatha yoga teacher certification program. http://www.livingyogaprogram.com/ | |
54. National Association For Alternative Certification Seeks to expand the options available for teacher certification. Program list, scholarships, conferences, membership information, and organization publications are available online. http://www.alt-teachercert.org/ |
55. United Montessori Association Home Page Montessori teacher certification Program by correspondence. Site includes program details, pictures, contact information. http://www.unitedmontessori.com | |
56. Teacher Certificaton Verification - Search Michigan teacher certification Status. You may search by the followingmethods Last Name or First and Last Name or Certificate Number (ie. http://meis.mde.state.mi.us/teachercert/sr_teaCerts.asp | |
57. Welcome To Power Pilates™ Pilates training and teacher certification in several locations in New York City, NY. http://www.powerpilates.com/ | |
58. School Of Education Undergraduate Advising Information on programs that lead to a Bachelor of Science degree and prepare a student for teacher certification in the state of Connecticut. http://www.education.ccsu.edu/Student_Resources/Academic_Advising/undergrad/Unde | |
59. Certification Page Updated 04/02/04 .wl State of Maine Administrator and teacher certification.Text Only Version HERE ! Quick Find Initial Certification http://www.state.me.us/education/cert/cert.htm | |
60. NCSC - National Charter School Clearinghouse Provides resources on Charter school research topics funding, grant writing, fundraising tips, school accreditation, teacher certification, special needs, grants, charter school resources, school choice, and education reform. http://www.ncsc.info | |
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