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1. EED - Teacher Certification Qualification information, certificate types, downloadable applications and forms, and a link list of school districts in Alaska. http://www.educ.state.ak.us/TeacherCertification/home.html | |
2. Division Of Teacher Quality Any changes or updates to an individual's certification file require submission of a Request for format) to the Office of teacher certification, Landmark II Office Building, Suite http://www.scteachers.org/ | |
3. Certification Home Page Dist/AZ Report Cards Programs teacher certification Accountability Board of Education Financial Services School Report Cards. Programs. teacher certification. Rsrch/Standards/Acctblty http://www.ade.state.az.us/certification | |
4. Professional Teaching Standards Board About PTSB. Certification. Workshops. Employment. FAQ. Wyoming. teachers and administrators are certified by the Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB). The PTSB sets standards for Wyoming teacher education preparation programs. For more information on teacher certification in Wyoming, please contact the Professional http://www.k12.wy.us/ptsb | |
5. Teacher Certification teacher certification exam resources including CBEST, ExCET, NTE, NYSTCE, and Praxis. http://www.pse-net.com/TSGlibraryEd.htm |
6. 50 State's Certification Requirements the movement from one state to another, the UK College of Education will attemptto collect the teacher certification requirements for the 50 States. http://www.uky.edu/Education/TEP/usacert.html | |
7. The Pilates Center - Teacher Training And Exercise An internationally renowned Pilates teacher certification school offering the most rigorous and comprehensive program available. http://www.thepilatescenter.com/ | |
8. Teacher Certification Services teacher certification Services. The Professional Certification web pages provide information regarding teacher certification. Certification Questions? http://www.isbe.state.il.us/teachers | |
9. Yoga Alliance Home Page International professional organization provides support services and yoga teacher certification. Site includes list of registered schools and teachers in the U.S. and Canada. http://www.yogaalliance.org/ |
10. NYS Certification Exam Information The New York State teacher certification Examination Program is designed to helpinsure that certified teachers have the knowledge and skills that are http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/certexaminfo.htm | |
11. Welcome To Phil's Place - Education And Technology Search Links; Social Studies; Special Education; State Standards;Talented and Gifted; teacher certification; Teacher Education; Teacher http://phil.mav.net/ | |
12. Passing Notes Personal reflections on the National teacher certification program from a current participant. Site features background, reform links, cost of program, and tips on how to successfully pass the final exams. http://members.tripod.com/bcdean1 | |
13. Phil's Place - Teacher Certification Resources Saturday May 22, 2004. teacher certification Resources. Thinking aboutmoving? Check out the Tourism Page. ETS Teaching and Learning web site. http://phil.mav.net/tchrcert.html | |
14. Welcome To Body N Sync Pilates instruction and teacher certification in Long Island, NY using a variety of Pilates styles. http://www.thelongislandcenterforpilates.com | |
15. Educator Certification Available certification areas, steps to certification, testing requirements and contact information. http://www.fldoe.org/edcert/ | |
16. Search Directory Page STATE OF ILLINOIS teacher certification REQUIREMENTS. The State teacher certificationBoard does not accept applications directly from applicants. http://www.academploy.com/cert/certil.htm | |
17. Teacher Certification Services The Professional Certification web pages provide information regarding teacher certification.Illinois State Board of Education. teacher certification Services. http://www.isbe.net/teachers/ | |
18. State Teacher Certification Board (STCB) Homepage State teacher certification Board , schedule of meetings and listof members, agendas and final minutes of meetings all online. http://www.isbe.net/STCB/default.htm | |
19. Body Precision Pilates Studio Pilates studio and teacher certification program in the Philadelphia PA area. http://www.bodyprecision.com/ |
20. Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) Florida teacher certification Examinations (FTCE). SASS Home. http://www.firn.edu/doe/sas/ftcehome.htm | |
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