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21. Treatise On Zoology --- Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology: Contents Treatise on Zoology Anatomy, taxonomy, biology. Treatise on ZoologyVolume 1 Contents Preface The Crustacea definition, primitive http://www.vsppub.com/books/misce/cbk-TreZooAnaTaxBio.html | |
22. Urban Und Fischer international journal on marine research Aims Scope aquatic environment living resources population dynamics biology, physiology and chemistry of fish and shellfish fish, benthos and plankton ecology, parasitology, taxonomy pertinent to fishery, ecotoxicology, fishery oceanography, fishery technology and aquatic pollution http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/frame_template.htm?/journals/archfish/fisher |
23. Lucidcentral Home Software for creating interactive keys for biology, taxonomy, medicine, and agriculture. http://www.lucidcentral.com/ | |
24. Galaxy Directory : Taxonomy < Biology < Science Galaxy Science biology taxonomy Biodiversity@ (60) Carolus Linnaeus(4) Cladistics@ (6) Collections (7) Databases (1) Evolution http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Science/Biology/Taxonomy/ | |
25. Habitatnews This provides news for upcoming books, events and issues, in biology,ecology, taxonomy, natural history and environmentalism http://habitatnews.nus.edu.sg | |
26. Galaxy Directory : Nomenclature < Taxonomy < Biology < Science Integrated Taxonomic Information System Sponsored by the USDA Natural Resources SystematicsSeminar Biological Nomenclature Links to codes associated with http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Science/Biology/Taxonomy/Nomenclature/ | |
27. The Plesiosaur Site - Home Page This site is intended to give serious and detailed information on the Order Plesiosauria, to provide a forum for discussion and for the presentation of ideas no matter how wild and fanciful on the palaeontology, taxonomy, biomechanics, biology and ecological role of members of the order. http://www.plesiosaur.com/ | |
28. Taxonomy, Biology, And Periodontal Aspects Of Fusobacterium Nucleatum :: Pharma taxonomy, biology, and periodontal aspects of Fusobacterium nucleatum.Posted by pharma on Thursday, April 15, 2004 1242 AM. Microbiology, http://www.pharmainfo.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=2301 |
29. The Zoological Society Of Japan Has approximately 3,000 members to advance research and education in the field of zoological sciences, including taxonomy, systematics, ecology, ethology, cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, developmental biology, and molecular biology. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/zsj/index-e.html | |
30. Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia Good source for information on Cycads. Includes taxonomy, biology, photos, links. http://www.plantapalm.com/vce/vce_index.htm | |
31. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Taxonomy (Biology, General) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon taxonomy, biology, General. taxonomy, biology, General. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/X/X-taxonomy.html | |
32. Welcome To The California Academy Of Sciences Library Subject strengths include systematics and taxonomy, evolutionary biology, biodiversity, biogeography, local and regional natural sciences and natural history. http://www.calacademy.org/research/library/ | |
33. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Division, In Taxonomy (Biology, General) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon division, in taxonomy, biology, General. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/X/X-divis-tax.html | |
34. The Euglenoid Project: Euglena, Euglenida, Euglenophyta, Euglenozoa, Algae, Prot A comprehensive database of the taxonomy, structure, evolution, and general biology of the euglenoid flagellates (Euglenophyta or Euglenida). http://bio.rutgers.edu/euglena/ |
35. Department Of Botany - Miami University - Home Page Information concerning topics such as plant anatomy, ecology, molecular biology, comparative morphology, plant physiology, plant systematics, taxonomy, and plant morphology. http://www.cas.muohio.edu/botany/ | |
36. FISH, A Quick Course On Ichthyology Basic introduction to fish biology, by Odyssey Expeditions Tropical Marine biology Voyages. Covers taxonomy, anatomy, reproduction, schooling behavior, how fish swim, how fish sense, and thermal strategies. http://www.odysseyexpeditions.org/fish.asp | |
37. Gastropoda Overview of biology and taxonomy; species list for Montana. http://www.esg.montana.edu/dlg/aim/mollusca/gastropd.html | |
38. Taxonomy, Biology, And Periodontal Aspects Of Fusobacterium Nucleatum. Copyright notice. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1996 January; 9 (1) 55 71 taxonomy,biology, and periodontal aspects of Fusobacterium nucleatum. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=172882&rendertype=abst |
39. Maryland Sea Grant Book Store - The Eastern Oyster: Crassostrea Virginica Information about the taxonomy and biology of this species from the Maryland Sea Grant. http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/store/Oyster/ | |
40. Taxonomy, Biology, And Clinical Aspects Of Fusarium Species. Copyright notice. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1994 October; 7 (4) 479 504Taxonomy, biology, and clinical aspects of Fusarium species. P http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=358338 |
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