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101. The Australian: Editorial: Tax Reform Is What The Nation Needs [May 15, 2004] Editorial tax reform is what the nation needs May 15, 2004 Genuine tax reform would aim to cut the top marginal tax rate to no higher than 30 per cent. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,9563610^7583,00.ht | |
102. PA Local Tax Reform psu.gif (1296 bytes) Local tax reform Education Project. Table of Contents. Brief Overview of the Pennsylvania Local tax reform Website. http://cax.aers.psu.edu/taxreform/ |
103. NCPA - BG #139 - Tax Reform's Third Rail: Mortgage Interest UP / ABOUT NCPA / CONTACT tax reform s Third Rail Mortgage Interest. tax reform s Third Rail Mortgage Interest. In mid1995, the http://www.ncpa.org/bg/bg139.html | |
104. OpinionJournal - Featured Article Latest Featured Article. REVIEW OUTLOOK Reverse tax reform Wesley Clark proposes a Clintonian hikeonly much bigger. Wednesday, January 7, 2004 1201 am EST. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110004516 |
105. Tax Reform And Older Australians tax reform and Older Australians. Summary of COTA s Submission February 1998. tax reform is immensely important for Australia s future. Its aim http://www.cota.org.au/tax.htm | |
106. Philadelphia Forward Its primary focus will be to educate and inform regarding tax reform in Philadelphia. . Make It Happen Make Your Voice Heard To Make tax reform A Reality . http://www.philadelphiaforward.org/ | |
107. Tax Reform Alters ESOP Landscape EMPLOYEE BENEFITS/TAX. CPAs can help clients maximize new plan features. tax reform Alters ESOP Landscape. BY BRYAN GIRARD. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. http://www.aicpa.org/pubs/jofa/jun2002/girard.htm | |
108. Redefining Progress: Programs: Sustainable Economics: Environmental Tax Reform Environmental tax reform A MarketBased Solution. In addition, a portion of the revenues from environmental tax reform can be used to provide http://www.sustainableeconomy.org/ETR.htm | |
109. Nashville City Paper tax reform we need within grasp. Commentary By Bill Hobbs January 31, 2002. True tax improvement is the best way to kill tax reform permanently. http://www.nashvillecitypaper.com/index.cfm?section=10&screen=news&news_id=10039 |
110. Issues 2002: Tax Reform For Economic Growth Issues 2002 tax reform for Economic Growth. by Andrew Olivastro WebMemo 162. to grow. Long Term tax reform. Of course, simplifying http://www.heritage.org/Research/Taxes/wm162.cfm | |
111. Which Tax Reform Plan Is Best For America Which tax reform Plan is Best for America? Why Medicare Expansion Threatens the Bush Tax Cuts and Undermines Fundamental tax reform 7/25/03 http://www.heritage.org/Research/Taxes/BG1055.cfm | |
112. International Tax Reform Meetup International tax reform Meetup. in 20 Days. WHAT. Meetup with local politicallyminded folks to discuss tax reform. WHEN. Monday http://taxreform.meetup.com/ | |
113. Tax Policy Position: Federal Tax Reform Impact Council on Tax Fiscal Policy May 10, 1996 Comments on the Effect of tax reform on State and Local Governments. Submitted by The http://www.jointventure.org/initiatives/tax/comntweb.html | |
114. Americans For Tax Reform - Encyclopedia Article About Americans For Tax Reform. encyclopedia article about Americans for tax reform. Americans for tax reform in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Americans for Tax Reform | |
115. Argument For Extensive Tax Reform ARGUMENT FOR EXTENSIVE tax reform by randau, Jun.1998. (Rev 7/28/98). THE PROBLEM Almost everyone tax reform ALTERNATIVES A comparative http://www.proaxis.com/~randau2/taxes/argument.htm | |
116. Finance & Development September 1998 - Energy Tax Reform In Russia And Other For 1998, Volume 35, Number 3. Energy tax reform in Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries Dale Gray The taxation of oil and http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/1998/09/gray.htm | |
117. Trade War Or Tax Reform?: The WTO Ruling On Tax Breaks For U.S. Exporters Trade War or tax reform? The WTO Ruling on Tax Breaks for US Exporters. POLICY FORUM Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1100 am Featuring Rep. http://www.cato.org/events/020213pf.html | |
118. Tax Reform Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of Books And tax reform. Questia. The World s Largest Online Library. Questia Subscribers Say Primary Content. tax reform. Welcome to Questia, the http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/tax_reform.jsp |
119. SSNC - Ecological Tax Reform Medlem i Svenska Miljönätet. Ecological tax reform. Tax Shift  a Tool to Reduce Unemployment and Improve the Environment. The http://www.snf.se/snf/english/ecological-tax-reform.htm | |
120. ACCF: The Impact Of Tax Reform On US Saving, Investment & Economic Growth The Impact of tax reform on US Saving, Investment, and Economic Growth. We conclude with options for longterm, fundamental tax reform. http://www.accf.org/feb98test.htm | |
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