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41. Idahoans For Tax Reform Read the latest Idahoans for tax reform newsletter. Click to hear Idahoans for tax reform NO to RINOs radio ad that ran in the Boise market. http://www.idtaxreform.com/ | |
42. Econtech Provides economic modelling, forecasting, and consulting in the areas of taxation and tax reform. http://www.econtech.com.au/ | |
43. Americans For Tax Reform Go to the home page of this website. www.ATR.org Americans for tax reform Foundation Funds Grover Norquist and the Americans for tax reform (ATR) organization. http://www.mediatransparency.org/recipients/americans_for_tax_reform.htm | |
44. SOCM Save Our Cumberland Mountains A rural Tennessee citizen's organization working for social, environmental, and economic justice through grassroots organizing. Interests include strip mining, economic issues, toxics, timbering, and state tax reform. http://www.socm.org/ | |
45. Americans For Tax Reform Foundation Grant Data Matrix Americans for tax reform Foundation Washington, DC 200361811 Funds Grover Norquist and the Americans for tax reform (ATR) organization. http://www.mediatransparency.org/search_results/info_on_any_recipient.php?recipi |
46. National Issues Tax Reform A nonpartisan site which analizes the many tax reform proposals, and, in overview, concludes that they are worse than the current system, and that people are actually willing to pay higher taxes if they get more benefits. http://nationalissues.com/taxes/index.html |
47. Reform School Taxes The New Jersey Coalition for Property tax reform. 2101 Glenwood Drive. Members Bergen County Partnership for tax reform, Bill and Irene Brown. http://reformschooltaxes.com/ | |
48. Tax Reform Full Details Main elements of Gov. Don Sundquist's 1999 tax reform plan for Tennessee. http://www.oakridger.com/taxreform/plan.html | |
49. The Economic Effects Of Comprehensive Tax Reform Retrieve in PDF. THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF COMPREHENSIVE tax reform. JULY 1997. NOTE. 3. The Effect of tax reform on Rates of Return. http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=36&sequence=0 |
50. EUROPA - Rapid - Erreur Text of a speech by Frits Bolkestein, the European Commissioner in charge of Taxation, in December 2003 arguing that EU tax reform is not harmonisation. http://europa.eu.int/rapid/start/cgi/guestfr.ksh?p_action.gettxt=gt&doc=SPEE |
51. The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons For Tax Reform April 1996. The Reagan Tax Cuts Lessons for tax reform. Nonetheless, this false allegation is often used against current tax reform proposals. http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm | |
52. Tennessee Education Association Redirector Statewide teachers organization engaged in supporting public policies that promote and maintain public education, including state tax reform and increased school funding. http://www.tnea.org/ | |
53. Tax Reform For Families: An Earned Income Child Credit WR B BRIEF 26 tax reform for Families An Earned Income Child Credit by Adam Carasso, Jeffrey Rohaly, and C. Eugene Steuerle July 2003. http://www.brookings.edu/es/research/projects/wrb/publications/pb/pb26.htm | |
54. Ecological Tax Reform Ecological tax reform Robert JP Gale, Ecological Economics http//www.web.apc.org/ecoeco/. What is Ecological tax reform? Ecological http://www.web.net/ecoeco/ecotaxrf.htm | |
55. Tax Reform: Political Leaders' Views John Ashcroft on tax reform. Click here for 10 full quotes by John Ashcroft OR click here for John Ashcroft on other issues. George W. Bush on tax reform. http://www.ontheissues.org/Tax_Reform.htm | |
56. ITEP Press Release On Tennessee Tax Reform Proposals Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy finds that two leading tax reform proposals would provide tax cuts for a majority of Tennesseans while resolving the state's impending budget shortfall. http://www.ctj.org/html/tnpr1199.htm | |
57. Tax Reform: Flat Tax - U.S. Government Info/Resources - Date: 03/13/98 Search. US Gov Info / Resources. tax reform Flat Tax. Dateline 03/13/98. The 97 98 Tax Season has been something else, hasn t it? http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa031398.htm?TMog=62139766411818&Mint= |
58. Toronto Citizens For Tax Reform - Maintained By Craig Read Group whose members believe that high taxation, without transparency in spending and accountability is wrong. Offers an extensive list of links to related topics, how to get involved and contact information. http://www.canaht.com | |
59. Tax Reform: National Retails Sales Tax Act - U.S. Government Info/Resources - Da Search. US Gov Info / Resources. tax reform National Retail Sales Tax Act. Dateline 03/20/98. Last week, we took a look at the Armey http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa032098.htm?pid=2761&cob=home |
60. Tax Reform Debate Index Key ACOSS tax reform documents available on this website include. 2000 Releases 22, 2000. 1999 Releases Business tax reform Govt. Gives to http://www.acoss.org.au/taxreform/ | |
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